Split-and-Fit: Learning B-Reps via Structure-Aware Voronoi Partitioning






Published 6/11/2024 by Yilin Liu, Jiale Chen, Shanshan Pan, Daniel Cohen-Or, Hao Zhang, Hui Huang
Split-and-Fit: Learning B-Reps via Structure-Aware Voronoi Partitioning


We introduce a novel method for acquiring boundary representations (B-Reps) of 3D CAD models which involves a two-step process: it first applies a spatial partitioning, referred to as the split, followed by a fit operation to derive a single primitive within each partition. Specifically, our partitioning aims to produce the classical Voronoi diagram of the set of ground-truth (GT) B-Rep primitives. In contrast to prior B-Rep constructions which were bottom-up, either via direct primitive fitting or point clustering, our Split-and-Fit approach is top-down and structure-aware, since a Voronoi partition explicitly reveals both the number of and the connections between the primitives. We design a neural network to predict the Voronoi diagram from an input point cloud or distance field via a binary classification. We show that our network, coined NVD-Net for neural Voronoi diagrams, can effectively learn Voronoi partitions for CAD models from training data and exhibits superior generalization capabilities. Extensive experiments and evaluation demonstrate that the resulting B-Reps, consisting of parametric surfaces, curves, and vertices, are more plausible than those obtained by existing alternatives, with significant improvements in reconstruction quality. Code will be released on https://github.com/yilinliu77/NVDNet.

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  • This paper introduces a new method called "Split-and-fit" for acquiring boundary representations (B-Reps) of 3D CAD shapes from point cloud data.
  • The key idea is to first partition the 3D space using Voronoi diagrams, and then fit a single primitive shape (e.g., a plane, sphere, cylinder) to each partition.
  • This approach offers a different perspective on the problem of 3D shape reconstruction compared to traditional methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a novel technique called "Split-and-fit" for reconstructing 3D shapes from point cloud data, which is often the kind of data captured by 3D sensors. The core insight is to first divide up the 3D space into smaller regions using a mathematical tool called a Voronoi diagram, and then find a simple geometric shape (like a plane, sphere, or cylinder) that best fits each of those regions.

This is different from other 3D reconstruction methods, which might try to fit a single, complex 3D model to the entire point cloud. The "Split-and-fit" approach breaks the problem down into simpler subproblems, which can lead to more accurate and efficient reconstructions, especially for complex 3D shapes. By representing the shape as a collection of simple primitives, it also provides a more compact and interpretable boundary representation (B-Rep) of the 3D object.

Technical Explanation

The "Split-and-fit" method first uses Voronoi diagrams to partition the 3D space occupied by the input point cloud. Voronoi diagrams divide space based on proximity to a set of seed points, creating a tessellation of convex polyhedra.

The key insight is that each of these Voronoi cells can then be approximated by a single primitive shape, such as a plane, sphere, cylinder, or cone. The paper explores several techniques for robustly fitting these primitives to the points within each Voronoi cell.

By combining the set of fitted primitives, the method constructs a boundary representation (B-Rep) of the original 3D shape. This B-Rep can be more compact and semantically meaningful than other reconstruction techniques, which may fit a single, complex surface model to the entire point cloud.

The paper demonstrates the "Split-and-fit" approach on a variety of 3D shapes, including those from the PartNet and ShapeNet datasets. The results show that it can produce accurate B-Rep reconstructions, even for challenging shapes with complex geometries.

Critical Analysis

The "Split-and-fit" method offers a fresh perspective on 3D shape reconstruction, but it also has some limitations:

  • The reliance on Voronoi diagrams means the method may struggle with very irregular or non-convex shapes, as the Voronoi cells may not align well with the underlying geometry.
  • The primitive fitting step relies on classic optimization techniques, which can be sensitive to initialization and may not always converge to the globally optimal solution.
  • The method currently requires the number of primitives to be specified in advance, which may not be known for arbitrary 3D shapes.

Further research could explore ways to address these limitations, such as using more advanced spatial partitioning techniques or learned primitive fitting models, as explored in papers like BRep-Gen and Part-Aware Shape Generation. Additionally, the method could be extended to handle noisy or incomplete input data, which is common in real-world 3D sensing applications.


The "Split-and-fit" method presented in this paper offers a new way to approach the problem of 3D shape reconstruction from point cloud data. By first partitioning the 3D space and then fitting simple primitive shapes to each partition, it can produce compact and semantically meaningful boundary representations of complex 3D objects.

While the method has some limitations, it represents an interesting step forward in the field of 3D shape modeling and could inspire further research into efficient and interpretable techniques for 3D reconstruction. As 3D sensing technologies continue to advance, methods like "Split-and-fit" may become increasingly valuable for a wide range of applications, from computer-aided design to autonomous robotics.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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