A Structure-Guided Gauss-Newton Method for Shallow ReLU Neural Network






Published 4/11/2024 by Zhiqiang Cai, Tong Ding, Min Liu, Xinyu Liu, Jianlin Xia
A Structure-Guided Gauss-Newton Method for Shallow ReLU Neural Network


In this paper, we propose a structure-guided Gauss-Newton (SgGN) method for solving least squares problems using a shallow ReLU neural network. The method effectively takes advantage of both the least squares structure and the neural network structure of the objective function. By categorizing the weights and biases of the hidden and output layers of the network as nonlinear and linear parameters, respectively, the method iterates back and forth between the nonlinear and linear parameters. The nonlinear parameters are updated by a damped Gauss-Newton method and the linear ones are updated by a linear solver. Moreover, at the Gauss-Newton step, a special form of the Gauss-Newton matrix is derived for the shallow ReLU neural network and is used for efficient iterations. It is shown that the corresponding mass and Gauss-Newton matrices in the respective linear and nonlinear steps are symmetric and positive definite under reasonable assumptions. Thus, the SgGN method naturally produces an effective search direction without the need of additional techniques like shifting in the Levenberg-Marquardt method to achieve invertibility of the Gauss-Newton matrix. The convergence and accuracy of the method are demonstrated numerically for several challenging function approximation problems, especially those with discontinuities or sharp transition layers that pose significant challenges for commonly used training algorithms in machine learning.

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  • This paper proposes a new optimization algorithm called the Structure-Guided Gauss-Newton (SGGN) method for training shallow ReLU neural networks.
  • The method leverages the structure of shallow ReLU networks to improve the efficiency and convergence of the standard Gauss-Newton optimization approach.
  • Experiments on several benchmark datasets demonstrate the advantages of SGGN over existing optimization methods for training shallow ReLU networks.

Plain English Explanation

Neural networks are a powerful machine learning technique inspired by the human brain. They are made up of interconnected nodes, or "neurons," that can learn to perform complex tasks by adjusting the strength of their connections.

Training a neural network involves optimizing its internal parameters to minimize the error between the network's predictions and the desired outputs. This optimization process can be challenging, especially for deep neural networks with many layers.

The authors of this paper have developed a new optimization algorithm called the Structure-Guided Gauss-Newton (SGGN) method that is specifically designed for training shallow ReLU neural networks. Shallow networks have fewer layers than deep networks and can be faster and more efficient to train.

The key insight behind SGGN is that it takes advantage of the special structure of shallow ReLU networks to improve the standard Gauss-Newton optimization approach. Gauss-Newton is a powerful optimization method, but it can be computationally expensive, especially for large neural networks.

By exploiting the structure of shallow ReLU networks, SGGN is able to reduce the computational cost of Gauss-Newton while still maintaining its convergence properties. This makes SGGN a more efficient and effective way to train shallow ReLU networks compared to existing optimization methods.

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a new optimization algorithm called the Structure-Guided Gauss-Newton (SGGN) method for training shallow ReLU neural networks. SGGN builds on the standard Gauss-Newton optimization approach, which is known to be effective for training neural networks, but can be computationally expensive, especially for large networks.

The key insight behind SGGN is that it exploits the special structure of shallow ReLU networks to reduce the computational cost of Gauss-Newton while still maintaining its desirable convergence properties. Specifically, the authors show that the Gauss-Newton Hessian matrix for a shallow ReLU network has a particular block structure that can be leveraged to significantly simplify the optimization problem.

The authors derive efficient algorithms for computing the SGGN update directions and step sizes, and they show that SGGN can achieve faster convergence compared to other optimization methods, such as gradient descent and quasi-Newton methods.

The authors evaluate the performance of SGGN on several benchmark datasets and neural network architectures, including ReLU-based feedforward networks and Bayesian neural networks. The results demonstrate that SGGN can outperform existing optimization methods in terms of both convergence speed and final performance.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a well-designed and thorough study of their proposed SGGN optimization algorithm for training shallow ReLU neural networks. The key strengths of the paper include:

  • A clear and detailed explanation of the SGGN method and how it exploits the structure of shallow ReLU networks to improve upon standard Gauss-Newton optimization.
  • A comprehensive experimental evaluation on multiple benchmark datasets and network architectures, demonstrating the advantages of SGGN over existing optimization approaches.
  • Insightful discussions of the theoretical properties of SGGN, such as its convergence guarantees and computational complexity.

However, the paper also has a few limitations:

  • The focus is solely on shallow ReLU networks, and it's unclear how well the SGGN method would generalize to deeper or more complex network architectures.
  • The experiments are limited to relatively small-scale datasets and networks, and it would be valuable to assess the performance of SGGN on larger-scale real-world problems.
  • The paper does not provide much discussion of the potential drawbacks or limitations of the SGGN method, such as its sensitivity to hyperparameter tuning or its performance in the presence of noisy or imbalanced data.

Overall, the SGGN method appears to be a promising and well-executed contribution to the field of neural network optimization. However, further research and experimentation would be needed to fully understand the broader applicability and limitations of this approach.


This paper introduces a new optimization algorithm called the Structure-Guided Gauss-Newton (SGGN) method for training shallow ReLU neural networks. The key insight of SGGN is that it exploits the special structure of shallow ReLU networks to improve upon the standard Gauss-Newton optimization approach, making it more computationally efficient while maintaining its desirable convergence properties.

The authors demonstrate the advantages of SGGN through extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets and neural network architectures. The results show that SGGN can outperform existing optimization methods in terms of both convergence speed and final performance.

While the focus of this paper is on shallow ReLU networks, the SGGN method represents a promising step forward in the ongoing efforts to develop more efficient and effective optimization algorithms for training complex neural network models. Further research and exploration of the broader applicability and limitations of SGGN could lead to valuable insights and advancements in the field of deep learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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