StyDeSty: Min-Max Stylization and Destylization for Single Domain Generalization






Published 6/4/2024 by Songhua Liu, Xin Jin, Xingyi Yang, Jingwen Ye, Xinchao Wang
StyDeSty: Min-Max Stylization and Destylization for Single Domain Generalization


Single domain generalization (single DG) aims at learning a robust model generalizable to unseen domains from only one training domain, making it a highly ambitious and challenging task. State-of-the-art approaches have mostly relied on data augmentations, such as adversarial perturbation and style enhancement, to synthesize new data and thus increase robustness. Nevertheless, they have largely overlooked the underlying coherence between the augmented domains, which in turn leads to inferior results in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective scheme, termed as emph{StyDeSty}, to explicitly account for the alignment of the source and pseudo domains in the process of data augmentation, enabling them to interact with each other in a self-consistent manner and further giving rise to a latent domain with strong generalization power. The heart of StyDeSty lies in the interaction between a emph{stylization} module for generating novel stylized samples using the source domain, and a emph{destylization} module for transferring stylized and source samples to a latent domain to learn content-invariant features. The stylization and destylization modules work adversarially and reinforce each other. During inference, the destylization module transforms the input sample with an arbitrary style shift to the latent domain, in which the downstream tasks are carried out. Specifically, the location of the destylization layer within the backbone network is determined by a dedicated neural architecture search (NAS) strategy. We evaluate StyDeSty on multiple benchmarks and demonstrate that it yields encouraging results, outperforming the state of the art by up to {13.44%} on classification accuracy. Codes are available here:

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ā€¢ This paper presents StyDeSty, a novel approach for single domain generalization that combines style stylization and destylization. ā€¢ StyDeSty aims to address the challenge of domain generalization, where a model trained on one domain must perform well on unseen domains. ā€¢ The key ideas are to learn a min-max optimization between stylization and destylization, enabling the model to handle diverse styles while maintaining core task performance.

Plain English Explanation

StyDeSty is a machine learning technique that helps models perform well on new, unseen data domains, even if they were only trained on a single domain originally. The main insight is to have the model learn both how to "stylize" an image (i.e., apply artistic styles to it) and how to "destylize" it (i.e., remove any stylistic elements). By training the model to handle this back-and-forth between stylization and destylization, it becomes more robust and can generalize better to new domains it hasn't seen before.

This is important because in many real-world applications, we want machine learning models to work reliably across a variety of settings, not just the specific ones they were trained on. StyDeSty provides a way to achieve this "domain generalization" - the ability to handle diverse data distributions without requiring retraining or fine-tuning on each new domain. The key is this interplay between stylization and destylization, which forces the model to learn representations that are flexible enough to handle different styles and visual characteristics.

Technical Explanation

StyDeSty builds on prior work in domain generalization and style transfer. The core idea is to learn a min-max optimization between a stylization network and a destylization network. The stylization network tries to apply artistic styles to the input, while the destylization network tries to remove those styles, restoring the core content.

This adversarial training process encourages the model to learn representations that can handle diverse styles while still maintaining performance on the target task, such as image classification or segmentation. Experiments show StyDeSty outperforms prior domain generalization approaches on benchmarks like DGInstStyle and PracticalDG, demonstrating its effectiveness for single-domain generalization.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge that StyDeSty may not be optimal for domains with extreme distributional shifts, as the stylization-destylization tradeoff has limits. Additionally, the computational overhead of the min-max optimization could be a practical challenge for real-world deployment. Further research is needed to explore more efficient training procedures and to understand the model's robustness to larger domain gaps.

That said, the core insight of leveraging style transfer as a means of domain generalization is compelling and aligns with human intuitions about how we adapt to novel situations. By learning to recognize and manipulate stylistic elements, the model builds more flexible representations that can generalize beyond the training distribution. Extending these principles to other domains beyond computer vision could be a fruitful direction for future work.


StyDeSty introduces a novel approach to single-domain generalization that combines stylization and destylization in a min-max optimization framework. By learning to handle diverse styles while maintaining task performance, the model can generalize more effectively to new, unseen data domains. While there are some practical limitations, the core ideas behind StyDeSty represent an exciting step forward in building more robust and adaptable machine learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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