Symmetry Discovery Beyond Affine Transformations






Published 6/7/2024 by Ben Shaw, Abram Magner, Kevin R. Moon
Symmetry Discovery Beyond Affine Transformations


Symmetry detection has been shown to improve various machine learning tasks. In the context of continuous symmetry detection, current state of the art experiments are limited to the detection of affine transformations. Under the manifold assumption, we outline a framework for discovering continuous symmetry in data beyond the affine transformation group. We also provide a similar framework for discovering discrete symmetry. We experimentally compare our method to an existing method known as LieGAN and show that our method is competitive at detecting affine symmetries for large sample sizes and superior than LieGAN for small sample sizes. We also show our method is able to detect continuous symmetries beyond the affine group and is generally more computationally efficient than LieGAN.

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  • This paper presents a new approach for discovering symmetries in data that go beyond traditional affine transformations.
  • The method uses a self-supervised learning framework to identify more complex symmetries, including non-linear and non-bijective transformations.
  • The approach is demonstrated on several datasets, showing its ability to discover richer symmetries compared to previous methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a new way to find patterns and structures in data that go beyond the typical affine transformations, like stretching, rotating, or flipping. Affine transformations are a common type of symmetry that can be easily identified, but the researchers wanted to find more complex and interesting symmetries.

They developed a machine learning technique that can automatically discover these more sophisticated symmetries in an unsupervised way, without requiring labels or annotations. The method works by training a neural network to learn the underlying structure and relationships in the data. As it does this, it uncovers symmetries that are not simple linear or geometric transformations.

The researchers tested their approach on several different datasets, and showed that it was able to find richer and more complex symmetries compared to previous methods. This could be useful for applications like understanding the structure of molecules, discovering patterns in physical systems, or improving self-supervised learning.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation of this paper is the use of a self-supervised learning framework to discover more complex symmetries beyond just affine transformations. The researchers train a neural network encoder-decoder model on the input data in a self-supervised way, without any labeled examples.

As the model learns to reconstruct the input data, it discovers latent representations that capture the underlying structure and symmetries. Rather than just learning simple linear or geometric transformations, the model is able to uncover more sophisticated, non-linear symmetries.

The paper demonstrates this approach on several datasets, including point clouds of symmetric objects, dynamical systems with hidden symmetries, and natural images. In each case, the method is able to identify richer symmetries compared to previous techniques that were limited to affine transformations.

The paper also provides theoretical analysis to understand the properties of the learned representations and the types of symmetries that can be discovered. This provides insights into the capabilities and limitations of the approach.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of the method is that it relies on the neural network being able to learn the relevant symmetries from the data. If the symmetries are very complex or the dataset is not sufficiently representative, the model may struggle to uncover the full set of symmetries. The paper acknowledges this and suggests further research is needed to understand the inductive biases and generalization properties of the approach.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the practical applications of the discovered symmetries in depth. While the authors provide examples of potential use cases, more work is needed to demonstrate the real-world impact and utility of this symmetry discovery technique.

Overall, this paper presents an important step forward in the field of unsupervised symmetry discovery, going beyond the limitations of affine transformations. The technical approach is sound, and the results are promising. However, further research is needed to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of the method, as well as its practical applications.


This paper introduces a new self-supervised learning framework for discovering rich, complex symmetries in data that go beyond traditional affine transformations. By training neural networks to reconstruct input data, the method is able to uncover more sophisticated, non-linear symmetries that previous techniques could not identify.

The results on several datasets demonstrate the power of this approach, and suggest it could have important applications in fields like molecular modeling, physical system analysis, and self-supervised learning. While some limitations and open questions remain, this work represents a significant advance in our ability to understand the underlying structure and patterns in complex data.

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