Symmetry-Informed Governing Equation Discovery






Published 5/28/2024 by Jianke Yang, Wang Rao, Nima Dehmamy, Robin Walters, Rose Yu
Symmetry-Informed Governing Equation Discovery


Despite the advancements in learning governing differential equations from observations of dynamical systems, data-driven methods are often unaware of fundamental physical laws, such as frame invariance. As a result, these algorithms may search an unnecessarily large space and discover equations that are less accurate or overly complex. In this paper, we propose to leverage symmetry in automated equation discovery to compress the equation search space and improve the accuracy and simplicity of the learned equations. Specifically, we derive equivariance constraints from the time-independent symmetries of ODEs. Depending on the types of symmetries, we develop a pipeline for incorporating symmetry constraints into various equation discovery algorithms, including sparse regression and genetic programming. In experiments across a diverse range of dynamical systems, our approach demonstrates better robustness against noise and recovers governing equations with significantly higher probability than baselines without symmetry.

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  • This paper presents a novel method for discovering governing equations of dynamical systems from observational data, leveraging insights from symmetry analysis.
  • The key idea is to incorporate known symmetries of the system into the equation discovery process, which can improve the accuracy and generalization of the learned models.
  • The method is demonstrated on several benchmark problems, showing improvements over existing equation discovery techniques.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this paper have developed a new way to discover the fundamental equations that describe how a system changes over time, using only observed data about the system's behavior. This is an important problem in many fields, like physics, biology, and engineering, where we want to understand the underlying "rules" that govern the dynamics of a system.

The main innovation in this work is that the researchers incorporate information about the symmetries of the system into the equation discovery process. Symmetries are the ways in which a system remains the same even when certain things change - for example, a pendulum's motion is the same no matter which way you orient it. By taking these symmetries into account, the researchers show they can learn more accurate and generalizable models of the system's dynamics.

In other words, the symmetry-informed approach allows the algorithm to discover the essential mathematical relationships that describe how the system evolves, rather than just fitting a complex black-box model to the data. This can lead to insights about the underlying physics or mechanisms driving the system's behavior, which is often the ultimate goal of this kind of modeling.

The researchers demonstrate their method on several benchmark problems, and show it outperforms existing techniques for discovering governing equations from data. This work could have important applications in areas like predicting the weather, designing more efficient robots, and understanding complex biological systems.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in this work is the incorporation of known symmetries of the dynamical system into the equation discovery process. Specifically, the authors formulate the governing equation discovery problem as an optimization task, where the goal is to find a set of candidate equations that not only fit the observed data well, but also respect the underlying symmetries of the system.

To achieve this, the authors propose a two-stage approach. First, they use symbolic regression to generate a large pool of candidate equations that are consistent with the data. Then, they filter this pool by assessing how well each candidate equation preserves the known symmetries of the system. This symmetry-informed filtering step helps the algorithm identify the most parsimonious and generalizable governing equations.

The authors demonstrate their method on several benchmark problems, including the damped pendulum, the Lorenz system, and the cart-pole system. In all cases, they show that their symmetry-informed approach outperforms baseline equation discovery methods that do not explicitly consider the underlying symmetries.

The authors also discuss how this work relates to and builds upon other recent advances in the field, such as large language models for automatic equation discovery and physics-constrained learning of partial differential equations.

Critical Analysis

One limitation of this work is that it assumes the symmetries of the system are known a priori. In many real-world applications, the symmetries may not be obvious or easily identifiable. The authors acknowledge this challenge and suggest that future work could explore methods for simultaneously discovering the system's symmetries and governing equations.

Additionally, the authors' experiments are mostly focused on low-dimensional dynamical systems with relatively simple governing equations. It remains to be seen how well the symmetry-informed approach would scale to more complex, high-dimensional systems with richer dynamics.

Another potential issue is that the symbolic regression step used to generate the initial pool of candidate equations can be computationally expensive, especially as the complexity of the system increases. The authors mention that they are exploring ways to make this step more efficient, such as by incorporating domain-specific knowledge or using gradient-based optimization techniques.

Overall, this work represents an interesting and promising approach to the problem of governing equation discovery. By leveraging insights from symmetry analysis, the authors have shown that it is possible to learn more accurate and generalizable models of dynamical systems. Further research in this direction could lead to important advancements in our understanding of complex natural and engineered systems.


In this paper, the researchers have presented a novel method for discovering the governing equations of dynamical systems from observational data. The key innovation is the incorporation of known symmetries of the system into the equation discovery process, which helps the algorithm identify the most parsimonious and generalizable mathematical models.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their symmetry-informed approach on several benchmark problems, showing improvements over existing equation discovery techniques. This work has the potential to advance our understanding of complex systems in a wide range of domains, from physics and engineering to biology and climate science.

While the current method has some limitations, such as the need for a priori knowledge of the system's symmetries, the authors suggest promising directions for future research to address these challenges. Overall, this paper represents an important contribution to the field of data-driven modeling and discovery of governing equations.

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