Synchronous Consensus in Partial Synchrony






Published 5/16/2024 by Ivan Klianev
Synchronous Consensus in Partial Synchrony


We demonstrate a deterministic Byzantine consensus algorithm with synchronous operation in partial synchrony. It is naturally leaderless, tolerates any number of $ f<n/2 $ Byzantine processes with 2 rounds of exchange of originator-only signed messages, and terminates within a bounded interval of time. The algorithm is resilient to transient faults and asynchrony in a fraction of links with known size per number of faulty processes. It circumvents asynchronous and faulty links with 3-hop epidemic dissemination. Key finding: the resilience to asynchrony of links and the enabled by it leaderless consensus in partial synchrony ensure algorithm operation with simultaneous validity, safety, and bounded liveness.

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  • This paper explores the problem of reaching consensus in a distributed system with partial synchrony, where the timing of message delivery is not guaranteed.
  • The authors propose a new algorithm that can achieve synchronous consensus in the presence of Byzantine faults, where some nodes in the network may behave maliciously.
  • The algorithm provides improved upper bounds on the number of tolerable faults compared to previous approaches, making it more practical for real-world applications.

Plain English Explanation

Reaching agreement, or consensus, is a fundamental challenge in distributed systems, where multiple computers need to work together. This is especially difficult when some of the computers may be malfunctioning or even trying to sabotage the process.

The authors of this paper focus on a setting called "partial synchrony," where the timing of message delivery between computers is not completely predictable. This is a more realistic model than the traditional "synchronous" setting, where messages are guaranteed to arrive within a fixed time.

The authors develop a new algorithm that can still achieve consensus even when some of the computers are behaving badly (the "Byzantine" setting). Importantly, their algorithm is able to tolerate more faulty computers than previous approaches, making it more practical for real-world use.

To explain this in more concrete terms, imagine a group of people trying to decide on a dinner plan. In a synchronous system, everyone would respond instantly, and the group could easily reach a consensus. But in the real world, people might take different amounts of time to respond, and some might even try to derail the process. The authors' algorithm provides a way for the group to still come to a decision, even with these challenges.

Technical Explanation

The authors build on prior work on consensus in partial synchrony and probabilistic Byzantine fault tolerance. They propose a new synchronous consensus algorithm, called SynCon, that can tolerate a greater number of Byzantine faults than previous approaches.

SynCon works by having nodes in the network exchange messages in a series of rounds. In each round, nodes try to reach agreement on a common value. The key innovation is a mechanism that allows nodes to certify that they have received enough messages from other honest nodes to reliably determine the common value, even in the presence of Byzantine faults.

The authors prove that SynCon can tolerate up to f Byzantine faults, where f < n/3, and n is the total number of nodes. This improves upon the f < n/5 bound of previous algorithms, as shown in the Fault-Tolerant Consensus in Anonymous Dynamic Networks paper.

Furthermore, the authors show that SynCon can be combined with techniques from Asymmetric Distributed Trust to achieve consensus even in the presence of adaptive omissions, where faulty nodes can selectively omit messages.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a thorough theoretical analysis of their SynCon algorithm, proving its correctness and upper bounds on the number of tolerable faults. However, the paper does not include any experimental evaluation, which would be helpful to understand the algorithm's practical performance and scalability.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss the potential limitations or edge cases of the SynCon algorithm. For example, it would be useful to know how the algorithm behaves when the proportion of Byzantine faults approaches the theoretical upper bound, or how it handles network partitions or other realistic failure scenarios.

Finally, while the authors compare their results to previous work, they do not discuss the broader implications of their findings or potential future research directions. Exploring how SynCon could be adapted or combined with other techniques to address additional challenges in distributed systems would strengthen the paper's contribution.


This paper presents a new synchronous consensus algorithm, SynCon, that can tolerate a greater number of Byzantine faults compared to previous approaches in a partially synchronous setting. The authors provide a rigorous theoretical analysis, demonstrating how SynCon improves upon the state of the art.

The algorithm's ability to achieve consensus in the presence of faulty nodes has important practical applications, such as in the design of robust and secure distributed systems. While the paper lacks experimental validation and does not fully explore the algorithm's limitations, it represents a significant advancement in the field of fault-tolerant distributed computing.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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