TC-Bench: Benchmarking Temporal Compositionality in Text-to-Video and Image-to-Video Generation






Published 6/14/2024 by Weixi Feng, Jiachen Li, Michael Saxon, Tsu-jui Fu, Wenhu Chen, William Yang Wang
TC-Bench: Benchmarking Temporal Compositionality in Text-to-Video and Image-to-Video Generation


Video generation has many unique challenges beyond those of image generation. The temporal dimension introduces extensive possible variations across frames, over which consistency and continuity may be violated. In this study, we move beyond evaluating simple actions and argue that generated videos should incorporate the emergence of new concepts and their relation transitions like in real-world videos as time progresses. To assess the Temporal Compositionality of video generation models, we propose TC-Bench, a benchmark of meticulously crafted text prompts, corresponding ground truth videos, and robust evaluation metrics. The prompts articulate the initial and final states of scenes, effectively reducing ambiguities for frame development and simplifying the assessment of transition completion. In addition, by collecting aligned real-world videos corresponding to the prompts, we expand TC-Bench's applicability from text-conditional models to image-conditional ones that can perform generative frame interpolation. We also develop new metrics to measure the completeness of component transitions in generated videos, which demonstrate significantly higher correlations with human judgments than existing metrics. Our comprehensive experimental results reveal that most video generators achieve less than 20% of the compositional changes, highlighting enormous space for future improvement. Our analysis indicates that current video generation models struggle to interpret descriptions of compositional changes and synthesize various components across different time steps.

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• This paper introduces TC-Bench, a benchmark for evaluating the temporal compositionality of text-to-video and image-to-video generation models. • Temporal compositionality refers to a model's ability to generate videos that seamlessly combine and transition between different visual elements over time based on the input text or image. • TC-Bench includes a diverse dataset of video clips and associated text/image prompts that test various aspects of temporal compositionality.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new benchmark called TC-Bench to evaluate how well AI models can generate videos that smoothly combine and transition between different visual elements over time based on text or image inputs. Temporal compositionality is an important capability for text-to-video and image-to-video generation models, as it allows them to create videos where the visuals logically flow and unfold over time in response to the input prompt.

VideoTetris: Towards Compositional Text-to-Video Generation and Leveraging Temporal Contextualization for Video Action Recognition have explored related ideas around compositional video generation. TC-Bench aims to provide a standardized way to test and compare models on this key capability.

The benchmark includes a dataset of video clips with associated text or image prompts that capture different aspects of temporal compositionality, such as transitioning between actions, maintaining object continuity, and depicting causal relationships. By evaluating models on this diverse set of test cases, researchers can gain insight into the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to text-to-video and image-to-video generation.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces TC-Bench, a benchmark for evaluating the temporal compositionality of text-to-video and image-to-video generation models. Temporal compositionality refers to a model's ability to generate videos that seamlessly combine and transition between different visual elements over time based on the input text or image.

TC-Bench includes a diverse dataset of video clips and associated text/image prompts designed to test various aspects of temporal compositionality, including:

  • Transitioning between actions or states
  • Maintaining object and character continuity over time
  • Depicting causal relationships and logical progressions
  • Incorporating fine-grained temporal details

The benchmark is intended to complement existing video generation evaluation metrics, which often focus on static image quality or overall video realism, by providing a more targeted assessment of a model's ability to handle the temporal dimension.

The paper also discusses several baseline experiments using state-of-the-art text-to-video and image-to-video generation models, highlighting their performance on the TC-Bench dataset. These results demonstrate the utility of the benchmark in identifying areas for improvement in temporal compositionality.

SWAP-Attention: Spatiotemporal Diffusions for Text-to-Video Generation and Understanding and Mitigating Compositional Issues in Text-to-Image Generation have explored related challenges in compositional image and video generation that inform the design of TC-Bench.

Critical Analysis

The TC-Bench benchmark addresses an important and underexplored aspect of video generation - the ability to create videos that seamlessly combine and transition between different visual elements over time. This is a crucial capability for practical applications of text-to-video and image-to-video generation, where the generated videos need to be coherent, logical, and temporally consistent.

One potential limitation of the benchmark is the reliance on human-annotated video clips and prompts, which may not fully capture the range of possible temporal compositionality challenges. There could be value in exploring procedurally generated test cases or incorporating more diverse and open-ended prompts.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the specific architectural or training approaches that may be most effective for addressing the temporal compositionality issues highlighted by TC-Bench. Further research into the underlying factors that enable strong temporal compositionality, and how they can be incorporated into video generation models, would be a valuable next step.

VideoPhys: Evaluating Physical Commonsense in Video Generation explores another important dimension of video generation that could be combined with the temporal compositionality focus of TC-Bench to provide a more holistic evaluation framework.


The TC-Bench benchmark proposed in this paper is a valuable contribution to the field of text-to-video and image-to-video generation. By focusing on the crucial aspect of temporal compositionality, it provides a more targeted and meaningful way to evaluate the capabilities of these models. The diverse test cases and baseline results presented in the paper demonstrate the utility of TC-Bench and highlight areas for further research and improvement.

As text-to-video and image-to-video generation models continue to advance, the ability to seamlessly combine and transition between visual elements over time will become increasingly important. TC-Bench offers a standardized way to measure and track progress in this key area, potentially leading to the development of more coherent, logical, and temporally consistent video generation systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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