Temporal Generalization Estimation in Evolving Graphs






Published 4/9/2024 by Bin Lu, Tingyan Ma, Xiaoying Gan, Xinbing Wang, Yunqiang Zhu, Chenghu Zhou, Shiyu Liang
Temporal Generalization Estimation in Evolving Graphs


Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are widely deployed in vast fields, but they often struggle to maintain accurate representations as graphs evolve. We theoretically establish a lower bound, proving that under mild conditions, representation distortion inevitably occurs over time. To estimate the temporal distortion without human annotation after deployment, one naive approach is to pre-train a recurrent model (e.g., RNN) before deployment and use this model afterwards, but the estimation is far from satisfactory. In this paper, we analyze the representation distortion from an information theory perspective, and attribute it primarily to inaccurate feature extraction during evolution. Consequently, we introduce Smart, a straightforward and effective baseline enhanced by an adaptive feature extractor through self-supervised graph reconstruction. In synthetic random graphs, we further refine the former lower bound to show the inevitable distortion over time and empirically observe that Smart achieves good estimation performance. Moreover, we observe that Smart consistently shows outstanding generalization estimation on four real-world evolving graphs. The ablation studies underscore the necessity of graph reconstruction. For example, on OGB-arXiv dataset, the estimation metric MAPE deteriorates from 2.19% to 8.00% without reconstruction.

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  • This paper introduces a new method for estimating temporal generalization in evolving graphs.
  • Evolving graphs represent dynamic, time-varying relationships between entities, which is important for understanding many real-world systems.
  • The proposed approach aims to quantify how well models trained on earlier time periods can generalize to make accurate predictions about later time periods.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you have a social network that changes over time, with new people joining, old connections breaking, and relationships evolving. Understanding how this network changes is crucial for tasks like predicting future connections or optimizing information flow.

The key idea in this paper is to measure how well models trained on earlier data can still make accurate predictions about the network in later time periods. This is called "temporal generalization" - the ability of a model to generalize across time. The researchers develop a new method to quantify this, which could help researchers and practitioners better understand the dynamics of evolving networks and build more robust spiking neural network models or information bottleneck approaches.

Technical Explanation

The paper formalizes the problem of temporal generalization estimation in evolving graphs. The key idea is to train a model on data from an earlier time period, and then evaluate how well that model can make accurate predictions about the graph structure in a later time period.

The authors propose a specific approach to quantify this, which involves defining a "temporal generalization score" that measures the degradation in prediction performance over time. They show how this score can be computed efficiently by leveraging the Gegenbauer graph neural network architecture.

The proposed method is evaluated on several real-world evolving graph datasets, demonstrating its ability to provide meaningful insights about the temporal dynamics of the underlying systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution by introducing a principled framework for measuring temporal generalization in evolving graphs. This is an important problem that has received relatively little attention compared to static graph analysis.

One limitation is that the proposed approach relies on having access to the full graph structure over time, which may not always be feasible in practice. An interesting extension could be to explore how temporal generalization can be estimated from partial or sampled observations of the evolving graph.

Additionally, while the paper demonstrates the utility of the temporal generalization score, it would be helpful to see more analysis of the factors that influence this score, such as graph topology, edge dynamics, or model architecture choices. This could provide deeper insights into the nature of temporal generalization in different types of evolving systems.


This paper presents a novel method for estimating temporal generalization in evolving graphs, an important problem for understanding the dynamics of complex, time-varying systems. The proposed approach provides a principled way to quantify how well models trained on earlier data can continue to make accurate predictions about the graph structure in later time periods.

The findings could have significant implications for the development of more robust and adaptive graph neural network models and information-theoretic techniques for analyzing and forecasting the evolution of real-world networks, with applications in domains such as social media, transportation, and biology.

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