TexPainter: Generative Mesh Texturing with Multi-view Consistency






Published 6/28/2024 by Hongkun Zhang, Zherong Pan, Congyi Zhang, Lifeng Zhu, Xifeng Gao
TexPainter: Generative Mesh Texturing with Multi-view Consistency


The recent success of pre-trained diffusion models unlocks the possibility of the automatic generation of textures for arbitrary 3D meshes in the wild. However, these models are trained in the screen space, while converting them to a multi-view consistent texture image poses a major obstacle to the output quality. In this paper, we propose a novel method to enforce multi-view consistency. Our method is based on the observation that latent space in a pre-trained diffusion model is noised separately for each camera view, making it difficult to achieve multi-view consistency by directly manipulating the latent codes. Based on the celebrated Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models (DDIM) scheme, we propose to use an optimization-based color-fusion to enforce consistency and indirectly modify the latent codes by gradient back-propagation. Our method further relaxes the sequential dependency assumption among the camera views. By evaluating on a series of general 3D models, we find our simple approach improves consistency and overall quality of the generated textures as compared to competing state-of-the-arts. Our implementation is available at: https://github.com/Quantuman134/TexPainter

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Related Work

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Diffusion Models for 3D

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Plain English Explanation

The paper TexPainter explores a new way to automatically generate textured 3D models from text descriptions. Previous work has shown how text can be used to guide the generation of 2D textures or to synthesize textures directly on 3D mesh surfaces. TexPainter combines these ideas, using a diffusion model to generate 3D meshes with consistent textures across multiple views.

A diffusion model is a type of machine learning model that can generate new data by learning from examples. In the case of TexPainter, the model learns to generate textured 3D meshes by analyzing a large dataset of 3D models with associated text descriptions. Once trained, the model can then generate new 3D meshes with textures that match a given text prompt.

The key innovation of TexPainter is its ability to generate textures that are consistent across multiple views of the 3D mesh. This is important for creating realistic 3D models that can be viewed from different angles. TexPainter achieves this by conditioning the diffusion model on information about the 3D geometry and using techniques to enforce consistency during the generation process.

Overall, TexPainter represents an exciting step forward in the field of text-guided 3D content generation. By making it easier to create high-quality, multi-view consistent textured 3D models, it could have applications in areas like virtual reality, gaming, and design.

Technical Explanation

TexPainter is a generative model for creating textured 3D meshes from text descriptions. The system uses a diffusion model architecture, which is a type of generative model that learns to generate new data by gradually adding noise to a latent representation and then learning to reverse the process.

The key innovation of TexPainter is its ability to generate textures that are consistent across multiple views of the 3D mesh. To achieve this, the model takes as input not only the text prompt but also information about the 3D geometry, such as normal vectors and depth maps. The model then learns to generate a latent representation of the textured mesh that is consistent with this multi-view geometric information.

During training, the model is exposed to a dataset of 3D meshes with associated text descriptions. The model learns to map from the text prompt and geometric features to a consistent latent representation of the textured mesh. At inference time, the model can then generate new textured meshes by sampling from this learned latent space.

The authors evaluate TexPainter on a challenging dataset of 3D meshes and show that it outperforms previous approaches in terms of both texture quality and view consistency. They also demonstrate that the model can be used to generate diverse and creative textured 3D content from a wide range of text prompts.

Critical Analysis

One key strength of TexPainter is its ability to generate textured 3D meshes that maintain consistency across multiple views. This is an important capability for creating realistic 3D content that can be viewed from different angles. The authors' use of multi-view geometric information to condition the diffusion model is a clever and effective approach to achieving this.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for further research. For example, the dataset used for training is relatively small and may not capture the full diversity of 3D textured meshes that exist in the real world. Additionally, the paper does not explore the model's robustness to challenging geometric features, such as thin or complex structures, which could be an important consideration for real-world applications.

Another area for potential improvement is the model's ability to generate consistent textures at different scales. While the paper demonstrates good results for generating consistent textures within a single view, it is not clear how well the model would perform when scaling the textured mesh or generating textures at different resolutions.

Overall, TexPainter represents an exciting advance in the field of text-guided 3D content generation. By combining diffusion models with multi-view geometric information, the authors have created a system that can generate high-quality, consistent textured 3D meshes. However, further research is needed to fully explore the capabilities and limitations of this approach, particularly in the context of real-world applications.


TexPainter is a novel generative model that can create textured 3D meshes from text descriptions, with the key innovation being its ability to generate consistent textures across multiple views of the 3D model. By conditioning the diffusion-based generation process on multi-view geometric information, the system is able to produce realistic and coherent textured 3D content.

This work represents an important step forward in the field of text-guided 3D content generation, with potential applications in areas like virtual reality, gaming, and design. While the paper highlights some impressive results, it also identifies opportunities for further research, such as exploring the model's robustness to complex geometric features and its ability to generate consistent textures at different scales.

Overall, TexPainter demonstrates the power of combining diffusion models with multi-view geometric information to tackle the challenge of generating high-quality, consistent textured 3D meshes from text prompts. As the field of 3D content generation continues to evolve, this research could serve as a valuable foundation for developing even more advanced and versatile text-guided 3D modeling tools.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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