Tied-Lora: Enhancing parameter efficiency of LoRA with weight tying






Published 4/16/2024 by Adithya Renduchintala, Tugrul Konuk, Oleksii Kuchaiev



We introduce Tied-LoRA, a novel paradigm leveraging weight tying and selective training to enhance the parameter efficiency of Low-rank Adaptation (LoRA). Our exploration encompasses different plausible combinations of parameter training and freezing, coupled with weight tying, aimed at identifying the optimal trade-off between performance and the count of trainable parameters. Across $5$ diverse tasks and two foundational language models with different parameter counts, our experiments provide comprehensive insights into the inherent trade-offs between efficiency and performance. Our findings reveal a specific Tied-LoRA configuration that distinguishes itself by showcasing comparable performance to LoRA across multiple tasks while utilizing only a fraction of the parameters employed by the standard LoRA method, particularly at elevated ranks. This underscores the efficacy of Tied-LoRA in achieving impressive results with significantly reduced model complexity.

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  • The paper introduces a novel technique called Tied-LoRA, which builds upon the existing Low-rank Adaptation (LoRA) method to improve parameter efficiency.
  • Tied-LoRA combines weight tying and selective training to achieve comparable performance to LoRA while using significantly fewer trainable parameters, particularly at higher ranks.
  • Experiments are conducted across 5 diverse tasks and 2 different language models to provide comprehensive insights into the trade-offs between efficiency and performance.

Plain English Explanation

Tied-LoRA is a new technique that builds on an existing method called LoRA. The goal is to make language models more efficient by reducing the number of trainable parameters required to achieve good performance.

Tied-LoRA does this by "tying" the weights of certain parts of the model together, rather than training them independently. This helps to reduce the total number of parameters that need to be trained. The researchers also explore different ways of freezing and training different parts of the model, to find the best balance between performance and efficiency.

The researchers test Tied-LoRA on a variety of language tasks and models, to see how it performs compared to the standard LoRA method. Their results show that Tied-LoRA can achieve similar performance to LoRA, but with significantly fewer trainable parameters, particularly when using higher-rank configurations.

This is an important finding, as it means that Tied-LoRA could be a more efficient way to fine-tune language models for specific tasks, without sacrificing too much performance. This could be particularly useful in scenarios where computational resources are limited, such as on mobile devices or in edge computing applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel technique called Tied-LoRA, which builds upon the Low-rank Adaptation (LoRA) method to enhance parameter efficiency. Tied-LoRA combines weight tying and selective training to identify the optimal trade-off between performance and the count of trainable parameters.

The researchers explore different plausible combinations of parameter training and freezing, coupled with weight tying, across 5 diverse tasks and two foundational language models with different parameter counts. This comprehensive set of experiments provides valuable insights into the inherent trade-offs between efficiency and performance.

The key finding is a specific Tied-LoRA configuration that showcases comparable performance to LoRA across multiple tasks, while utilizing only a fraction of the parameters employed by the standard LoRA method, particularly at elevated ranks. This underscores the efficacy of Tied-LoRA in achieving impressive results with significantly reduced model complexity, which could be particularly beneficial in scenarios with limited computational resources, as mentioned in the LoRA, A-LoRA, Comparison, InfloRA, and MT-LoRA papers.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of Tied-LoRA across a diverse set of tasks and language models, which strengthens the validity of the findings. However, the researchers do not explicitly address potential limitations or areas for further research.

One potential concern is the generalizability of the results, as the experiments are conducted on a limited number of tasks and language models. It would be valuable to explore the performance of Tied-LoRA on a wider range of tasks and models to better understand its broader applicability.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the specific mechanisms underlying the performance differences between Tied-LoRA and standard LoRA. A more detailed analysis of the factors contributing to the improved parameter efficiency could provide valuable insights and guide future research in this area.

Overall, the Tied-LoRA technique shows promise as a more efficient alternative to LoRA, but further investigation is needed to fully understand its capabilities and limitations.


The paper introduces a novel technique called Tied-LoRA, which builds upon the Low-rank Adaptation (LoRA) method to enhance parameter efficiency. Tied-LoRA combines weight tying and selective training to achieve comparable performance to LoRA while using significantly fewer trainable parameters, particularly at higher ranks.

The comprehensive experiments conducted across diverse tasks and language models provide valuable insights into the trade-offs between efficiency and performance. Tied-LoRA's ability to achieve impressive results with reduced model complexity could be particularly beneficial in scenarios with limited computational resources, as discussed in the LoRA, A-LoRA, Comparison, InfloRA, and MT-LoRA papers.

While the paper presents promising results, further research is needed to fully explore the capabilities and limitations of the Tied-LoRA technique, as well as its broader applicability across a wider range of tasks and models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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