Tight Bounds for Online Convex Optimization with Adversarial Constraints

Read original: arXiv:2405.09296 - Published 5/16/2024 by Abhishek Sinha, Rahul Vaze
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  • The research paper discusses tight bounds for online convex optimization with adversarial constraints.
  • It explores the problem of making decisions in a sequential, online setting where the constraints can change in an adversarial manner.
  • The paper aims to provide tight regret bounds, which measure the performance of an online algorithm compared to the best fixed decision in hindsight.

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world decision-making scenarios, we need to make choices sequentially without knowing the full information upfront. For example, an online retailer may need to decide which products to stock and promote each day, without knowing the exact demands and constraints they will face in the future.

The paper focuses on a specific type of sequential decision-making problem called online convex optimization with adversarial constraints. In this setting, the decision-maker must choose a point in a convex set at each time step, and the constraints on this set can change in an adversarial (i.e., worst-case) manner over time.

The key challenge is to develop algorithms that can perform well, even in the face of these unpredictable, ever-changing constraints. The performance of an algorithm is typically measured using a concept called "regret," which compares the algorithm's cumulative cost to the cost of the best fixed decision that could have been made in hindsight.

The main contribution of this paper is to provide tight upper and lower bounds on the regret that can be achieved by any algorithm in this setting. These bounds help us understand the fundamental limits of what is possible and guide the development of more effective online optimization algorithms.

Technical Explanation

The paper considers the online convex optimization with adversarial constraints problem. At each time step t, the decision-maker must choose a point x_t in a convex set K_t, where the sets K_t can change in an adversarial manner over time.

The authors establish tight bounds on the regret that can be achieved by any algorithm in this setting. Specifically, they show that the optimal regret is Θ(√(T*D)), where T is the number of time steps, and D is the maximum diameter of the constraint sets K_t.

To prove these bounds, the authors develop new techniques for analyzing the cumulative cost of online algorithms and establishing lower bounds on the best possible performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and rigorous analysis of the online convex optimization with adversarial constraints problem. The tight bounds established in the paper are an important contribution, as they help us understand the fundamental limitations of what can be achieved in this setting.

However, the paper does not address the online non-convex optimization problem, where the objective functions may not be convex. Extending these techniques to the non-convex setting could be an interesting direction for future research.

Additionally, the paper assumes that the adversary has full knowledge of the algorithm being used. Relaxing this assumption and considering the case of partial or limited information available to the adversary could also be a fruitful area for further investigation.


This paper makes significant progress in understanding the fundamental limits of online convex optimization with adversarial constraints. The tight regret bounds established in the work provide a valuable theoretical benchmark for the design and analysis of online optimization algorithms. These insights can have important implications for a wide range of applications, from online resource allocation to adaptive control systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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