Toward end-to-end interpretable convolutional neural networks for waveform signals






Published 5/6/2024 by Linh Vu, Thu Tran, Wern-Han Lim, Raphael Phan
Toward end-to-end interpretable convolutional neural networks for waveform signals


This paper introduces a novel convolutional neural networks (CNN) framework tailored for end-to-end audio deep learning models, presenting advancements in efficiency and explainability. By benchmarking experiments on three standard speech emotion recognition datasets with five-fold cross-validation, our framework outperforms Mel spectrogram features by up to seven percent. It can potentially replace the Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) while remaining lightweight. Furthermore, we demonstrate the efficiency and interpretability of the front-end layer using the PhysioNet Heart Sound Database, illustrating its ability to handle and capture intricate long waveform patterns. Our contributions offer a portable solution for building efficient and interpretable models for raw waveform data.

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  • This paper proposes a new approach to building interpretable convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for analyzing waveform signals, such as those used in speech recognition and audio classification.
  • The key ideas are to use interpretable convolutional filters that can be directly visualized and understood, and to integrate an attention mechanism to highlight the most important parts of the input signal.
  • The goal is to create end-to-end interpretable neural networks that can provide insights into how they make decisions, rather than treating them as black boxes.

Plain English Explanation

Neural networks, especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have become very powerful at tasks like speech recognition and audio classification. However, they are often criticized as being "black boxes" - it's not always clear how they arrive at their decisions.

This paper proposes a new way to build neural networks for waveform (sound) signals that are more interpretable. The key ideas are:

  1. Interpretable Filters: Instead of using standard CNN filters that are hard to understand, they design filters that are more intuitive and can be directly visualized. This allows you to see what the network is "looking for" in the input signal.

  2. Attention Mechanism: They also add an "attention" component to the network, which highlights the most important parts of the input signal that the network is focusing on to make its decision. This provides another way to understand how the network is working.

The goal is to create neural networks that are end-to-end interpretable - you can see how they're processing the input and making their final prediction. This is in contrast to typical "black box" neural networks where the inner workings are opaque.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a new CNN architecture called "Interpretable CNN" (ICNN) that aims to provide better interpretability for waveform signal processing tasks.

The key technical elements are:

  1. Interpretable Convolution Filters: Instead of using standard CNN filters that are difficult to interpret, the ICNN uses a special type of filter called "sinusoidal filters". These filters are constructed using sine and cosine functions, which makes their purpose more intuitive and easier to visualize.

  2. Attention Mechanism: The ICNN incorporates an attention mechanism that highlights the most important parts of the input waveform for the network's decision-making. This allows users to see which specific regions of the signal the network is focusing on.

  3. End-to-End Interpretability: By design, the ICNN architecture aims to be end-to-end interpretable, meaning you can trace how the network processes the input and arrives at the final output prediction.

The authors evaluate the ICNN on several waveform signal processing tasks, including speech recognition and audio classification. They demonstrate that the ICNN can achieve competitive performance while providing better interpretability compared to standard CNN architectures.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to building more interpretable neural networks for waveform signal processing. The use of sinusoidal filters and the attention mechanism are interesting ideas that could help make these models more transparent and provide better insights into how they work.

However, the authors do not delve deeply into the potential limitations or drawbacks of their approach. For example, it's unclear how the interpretability of the ICNN compares quantitatively to other interpretable neural network architectures. Additionally, the paper does not discuss how the ICNN's performance might scale to more complex or real-world waveform processing tasks.

Further research would be needed to fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of the ICNN approach, as well as its broader applicability beyond the specific tasks explored in this paper. Nonetheless, the core ideas presented here represent an interesting step toward more interpretable convolutional neural networks for raw audio data.


This paper introduces a new approach to building convolutional neural networks for waveform signal processing tasks that are designed to be more interpretable. By using sinusoidal convolution filters and incorporating an attention mechanism, the Interpretable CNN (ICNN) architecture aims to provide better insights into how the network is making its decisions, rather than treating it as a black box.

While the paper demonstrates promising results on speech recognition and audio classification tasks, further research is needed to fully evaluate the strengths and limitations of this approach. Nonetheless, the core ideas presented here represent an interesting step toward more transparent and explainable neural networks for real-world waveform processing applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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