FocusLearn: Fully-Interpretable, High-Performance Modular Neural Networks for Time Series






Published 5/6/2024 by Qiqi Su, Christos Kloukinas, Artur d'Avila Garcez
FocusLearn: Fully-Interpretable, High-Performance Modular Neural Networks for Time Series


Multivariate time series have many applications, from healthcare and meteorology to life science. Although deep learning models have shown excellent predictive performance for time series, they have been criticised for being black-boxes or non-interpretable. This paper proposes a novel modular neural network model for multivariate time series prediction that is interpretable by construction. A recurrent neural network learns the temporal dependencies in the data while an attention-based feature selection component selects the most relevant features and suppresses redundant features used in the learning of the temporal dependencies. A modular deep network is trained from the selected features independently to show the users how features influence outcomes, making the model interpretable. Experimental results show that this approach can outperform state-of-the-art interpretable Neural Additive Models (NAM) and variations thereof in both regression and classification of time series tasks, achieving a predictive performance that is comparable to the top non-interpretable methods for time series, LSTM and XGBoost.

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  • Proposes a modular neural network approach for time series forecasting
  • Aims to improve interpretability and feature selection using attention mechanisms
  • Evaluates the model on several benchmark datasets and compares it to other state-of-the-art methods

Plain English Explanation

This research paper introduces a new way to forecast time series data using a modular neural network. Traditional neural networks can be complex 'black boxes' that are difficult to understand. The researchers wanted to create a model that could not only make accurate predictions, but also explain how it arrived at those predictions.

Their approach uses an 'attention' mechanism, which helps the model focus on the most relevant features in the data when making a forecast. This makes the model more interpretable - you can see which parts of the input data the model is paying attention to and using to make its predictions.

The researchers tested their modular neural network on several standard time series forecasting datasets. They found that it performed well compared to other state-of-the-art methods, and importantly, provided more insight into how it was making its predictions. This could be very useful in applications where you need to understand and explain the forecasting process, such as in business or policy decisions.

Overall, this research represents an interesting step towards building more 'interpretable' and transparent machine learning models for time series analysis.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a 'modular neural network' architecture for multivariate time series forecasting. The key innovations are the use of an attention mechanism to improve interpretability, and the ability to select the most relevant input features.

The model consists of several modules:

  1. An input module that encodes the time series data
  2. An attention module that identifies the most important features
  3. A forecasting module that produces the final predictions

The attention module uses self-attention to learn which input features are most relevant for the forecasting task. This allows the model to focus on the most important aspects of the data when making predictions.

The researchers evaluated their modular neural network on several benchmark time series forecasting datasets, including traffic, energy, and financial time series. They compared the performance to other state-of-the-art methods, including deep neural networks and tree-based models.

The results show that the modular neural network achieved competitive forecasting accuracy, while also providing insights into which input features were most important for the predictions. This interpretability could be valuable in applications where understanding the forecasting process is crucial.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a strong case for the benefits of using attention mechanisms to improve the interpretability of neural networks for time series forecasting. The modular architecture and feature selection capabilities are interesting innovations that could have broader applications.

However, the paper does not fully explore the limitations of the approach. For example, the attention mechanism may not work as well on very high-dimensional or noisy time series data. Additionally, the computational complexity of the modular architecture could be a concern, especially for real-time forecasting applications.

The authors also do not discuss the potential biases or fairness issues that could arise from using such an interpretable model. If the attention mechanism is highlighting certain features as more important, there is a risk of reinforcing existing societal biases.

Further research is needed to understand the broader applicability and generalizability of this modular neural network approach. Comparisons to other interpretable models, such as hierarchical neural additive models or graph neural networks, could provide additional insights.


This paper presents a promising approach for improving the interpretability and feature selection capabilities of neural networks for time series forecasting. The modular architecture and attention mechanism allow the model to not only make accurate predictions, but also provide insights into the key drivers of those predictions.

While further research is needed to fully understand the limitations and broader applicability of this approach, it represents an important step towards building more transparent and explainable machine learning models for time series analysis. As AI systems become more widely deployed in decision-making contexts, the ability to understand and justify their outputs will become increasingly crucial.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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