Towards Aligned Layout Generation via Diffusion Model with Aesthetic Constraints






Published 5/17/2024 by Jian Chen, Ruiyi Zhang, Yufan Zhou, Rajiv Jain, Zhiqiang Xu, Ryan Rossi, Changyou Chen



Controllable layout generation refers to the process of creating a plausible visual arrangement of elements within a graphic design (e.g., document and web designs) with constraints representing design intentions. Although recent diffusion-based models have achieved state-of-the-art FID scores, they tend to exhibit more pronounced misalignment compared to earlier transformer-based models. In this work, we propose the $textbf{LA}$yout $textbf{C}$onstraint diffusion mod$textbf{E}$l (LACE), a unified model to handle a broad range of layout generation tasks, such as arranging elements with specified attributes and refining or completing a coarse layout design. The model is based on continuous diffusion models. Compared with existing methods that use discrete diffusion models, continuous state-space design can enable the incorporation of differentiable aesthetic constraint functions in training. For conditional generation, we introduce conditions via masked input. Extensive experiment results show that LACE produces high-quality layouts and outperforms existing state-of-the-art baselines.

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  • Presents a new model called LACE (Layout Constraint Diffusion Model) for generating high-quality, controllable layouts for graphic designs like documents and web pages
  • LACE can handle a variety of layout generation tasks, including arranging elements with specified attributes and refining or completing coarse layouts
  • Uses continuous diffusion models, which can incorporate differentiable aesthetic constraints during training, unlike previous discrete diffusion models

Plain English Explanation

Graphic designers often need to create visually appealing layouts for documents, websites, and other designs. This can be a challenging task, as there are many elements to consider, like the placement, size, and alignment of different objects. Recent advances in AI have led to the development of diffusion-based models that can generate plausible layouts, but these models sometimes struggle to fully capture the designer's intended constraints.

The researchers propose a new model called LACE that aims to address this issue. LACE is a "continuous diffusion model," which means it can work with smooth, continuous values rather than discrete ones. This allows the model to incorporate specific design constraints, like ensuring elements are aligned or meet certain size requirements, directly into the training process. Previous models have used discrete diffusion, which makes it harder to incorporate these kinds of constraints.

LACE can be used for a variety of layout generation tasks, such as arranging elements with certain attributes or refining an existing, rough layout design. The researchers show that LACE outperforms other state-of-the-art layout generation models, producing high-quality, constrained layouts.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in LACE is the use of continuous diffusion models, which enable the incorporation of differentiable aesthetic constraint functions during training. Previous methods have relied on discrete diffusion models, which makes it more challenging to directly optimize for design-relevant constraints.

LACE takes a coarse layout as input and progressively refines it to produce a final, high-quality design. The model uses masked input to incorporate conditional information, such as the desired attributes of layout elements. This allows LACE to generate layouts that satisfy specific design requirements.

The researchers extensively evaluate LACE on a range of layout generation tasks and compare it to state-of-the-art baselines. The results show that LACE outperforms existing methods, producing layouts that better match the given constraints and aesthetic qualities.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for generating high-quality, controllable layouts using continuous diffusion models. By incorporating differentiable aesthetic constraints directly into the training process, LACE is able to produce layouts that better align with designer intent compared to previous discrete diffusion-based methods.

However, the paper does not delve into the specific types of aesthetic constraints used or how they were chosen. Further research could explore a wider range of constraints and how they impact the generated layouts.

Additionally, the paper focuses on evaluating LACE's performance on layout generation tasks, but does not discuss the potential limitations or failure modes of the model. Investigating edge cases or identifying scenarios where LACE may struggle could help understand the model's strengths and weaknesses.

Overall, the LACE model represents an interesting advance in the field of layout generation and provides a solid foundation for further research and development in this area.


The LACE model presents a novel approach to generating high-quality, controllable layouts using continuous diffusion models. By incorporating differentiable aesthetic constraints directly into the training process, LACE is able to produce layouts that better match designer intent compared to previous discrete diffusion-based methods.

The researchers demonstrate LACE's strong performance on a range of layout generation tasks, suggesting that the model could be a valuable tool for graphic designers and other professionals who need to create visually appealing and constrained layouts. While the paper raises a few areas for further exploration, the LACE model represents an important step forward in the field of layout generation and generative design.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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