Towards diffusion models for large-scale sea-ice modelling






Published 6/27/2024 by Tobias Sebastian Finn, Charlotte Durand, Alban Farchi, Marc Bocquet, Julien Brajard
Towards diffusion models for large-scale sea-ice modelling


We make the first steps towards diffusion models for unconditional generation of multivariate and Arctic-wide sea-ice states. While targeting to reduce the computational costs by diffusion in latent space, latent diffusion models also offer the possibility to integrate physical knowledge into the generation process. We tailor latent diffusion models to sea-ice physics with a censored Gaussian distribution in data space to generate data that follows the physical bounds of the modelled variables. Our latent diffusion models reach similar scores as the diffusion model trained in data space, but they smooth the generated fields as caused by the latent mapping. While enforcing physical bounds cannot reduce the smoothing, it improves the representation of the marginal ice zone. Therefore, for large-scale Earth system modelling, latent diffusion models can have many advantages compared to diffusion in data space if the significant barrier of smoothing can be resolved.

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  • This paper explores the potential of using diffusion models, a type of generative AI model, for large-scale sea-ice simulations in Earth system modeling.
  • Diffusion models have shown promising results in various domains, including image generation and text generation, and the researchers aim to extend their use to the complex problem of sea-ice modeling.
  • The paper investigates the feasibility of incorporating diffusion models into physics-informed modeling approaches for improved downscaling and bias correction in Earth system models.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this paper are looking at using a type of AI model called a diffusion model to help with simulating sea ice, which is an important part of understanding the Earth's climate system. Diffusion models have been successful in other areas like generating images and text, and the researchers think they could also be useful for modeling complex systems like sea ice.

The key idea is to combine diffusion models with physical models of the Earth's climate to get more accurate and detailed simulations of sea ice. This could help improve things like downscaling, which is the process of taking large-scale climate data and making more detailed local-scale projections.

The researchers want to explore how diffusion models could be integrated into these physical climate models to produce better probabilistic emulations of sea ice and other important Earth system processes. This could lead to more reliable climate change projections and a better understanding of how the Earth's complex systems work.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates the potential of using diffusion models, a class of generative AI models, for large-scale sea-ice simulations in Earth system modeling. Diffusion models have shown impressive results in other domains, such as image generation and text generation, and the researchers aim to leverage their capabilities for the complex problem of sea-ice modeling.

The key focus is on incorporating diffusion models into physics-informed modeling approaches to improve downscaling and bias correction in Earth system models. By combining the strengths of diffusion models and physical climate models, the researchers hope to achieve more accurate and detailed simulations of sea-ice dynamics, which are crucial for understanding the Earth's climate system.

The researchers explore how diffusion models can be used to generate probabilistic emulations of sea-ice processes, providing a more comprehensive representation of the uncertainty and variability inherent in these complex systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to incorporating diffusion models into Earth system modeling, but it also acknowledges several challenges and areas for further research.

One potential limitation is the need for extensive training data to effectively capture the intricate dynamics of sea-ice formation and evolution. The researchers note that the availability and quality of observational data may pose a challenge in some regions, which could affect the performance of the diffusion models.

Additionally, the integration of diffusion models with physical climate models raises questions about the interpretability and explainability of the resulting simulations. Ensuring that the hybrid approach maintains the physical integrity and meaningful insights of the original climate models will be an important consideration.

The researchers also highlight the computational demands of running diffusion models at the scale required for Earth system modeling. Addressing the scalability and efficiency of these models will be crucial for their practical implementation in operational climate forecasting and projections.

Further research is needed to explore the robustness of the proposed approach, its performance relative to existing sea-ice modeling techniques, and its potential to improve the overall reliability and accuracy of climate projections.


This paper presents a promising exploration of using diffusion models, a type of generative AI, to enhance large-scale sea-ice simulations in Earth system modeling. By integrating diffusion models with physical climate models, the researchers aim to improve the accuracy and detail of sea-ice projections, which are critical for understanding and responding to the impacts of climate change.

The potential benefits of this approach include more reliable downscaling and bias correction, better representation of uncertainty and variability in sea-ice dynamics, and ultimately, more robust climate change projections. However, the researchers acknowledge several challenges, such as the need for extensive training data and the computational demands of running diffusion models at scale.

Further research and development in this area could lead to significant advancements in our understanding and modeling of the Earth's complex climate system, with important implications for policy, adaptation, and mitigation efforts.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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