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Towards Effective Next POI Prediction: Spatial and Semantic Augmentation with Remote Sensing Data






Published 4/9/2024 by Nan Jiang, Haitao Yuan, Jianing Si, Minxiao Chen, Shangguang Wang
Towards Effective Next POI Prediction: Spatial and Semantic Augmentation with Remote Sensing Data


The next point-of-interest (POI) prediction is a significant task in location-based services, yet its complexity arises from the consolidation of spatial and semantic intent. This fusion is subject to the influences of historical preferences, prevailing location, and environmental factors, thereby posing significant challenges. In addition, the uneven POI distribution further complicates the next POI prediction procedure. To address these challenges, we enrich input features and propose an effective deep-learning method within a two-step prediction framework. Our method first incorporates remote sensing data, capturing pivotal environmental context to enhance input features regarding both location and semantics. Subsequently, we employ a region quad-tree structure to integrate urban remote sensing, road network, and POI distribution spaces, aiming to devise a more coherent graph representation method for urban spatial. Leveraging this method, we construct the QR-P graph for the user's historical trajectories to encapsulate historical travel knowledge, thereby augmenting input features with comprehensive spatial and semantic insights. We devise distinct embedding modules to encode these features and employ an attention mechanism to fuse diverse encodings. In the two-step prediction procedure, we initially identify potential spatial zones by predicting user-preferred tiles, followed by pinpointing specific POIs of a designated type within the projected tiles. Empirical findings from four real-world location-based social network datasets underscore the remarkable superiority of our proposed approach over competitive baseline methods.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to predicting a user's next point of interest (POI) by incorporating spatial and semantic information from remote sensing data.
  • The researchers develop a deep learning model that leverages satellite imagery and other geospatial data to enhance the prediction of where a user is likely to visit next.
  • The proposed model is evaluated on a large-scale real-world dataset, demonstrating significant improvements over existing methods for next POI prediction.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on the problem of predicting where a person might go next, based on their previous movements and the surrounding environment. This is a challenging task, as people's decisions about where to go are influenced by a variety of factors, including the physical layout of the area, the types of businesses and amenities available, and personal preferences.

To address this challenge, the researchers developed a new deep learning model that incorporates information from satellite imagery and other remote sensing data. By analyzing the spatial and semantic features of the environment around a user's current location, the model can make more informed predictions about where the user is likely to visit next.

For example, if a user is currently at a restaurant, the model might look at the surrounding area and notice that there is a movie theater nearby. Based on this, the model might predict that the user is more likely to visit the movie theater next, rather than a grocery store that is further away. The inclusion of remote sensing data allows the model to capture these kinds of contextual cues that can be important for predicting human behavior.

The researchers tested their model on a large dataset of real-world user movements and found that it outperformed existing methods for next POI prediction. This suggests that the incorporation of spatial and semantic information from remote sensing data can be a valuable addition to models that aim to understand and predict human movement patterns.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a deep learning-based approach to the problem of next point-of-interest (POI) prediction, which aims to predict the location a user is likely to visit next based on their previous movements and the surrounding environment.

The key innovation of the proposed model is the incorporation of spatial and semantic information from remote sensing data, such as satellite imagery and land use/land cover maps. The researchers argue that these additional data sources can provide valuable contextual cues that can improve the accuracy of next POI prediction.

The model architecture consists of several main components:

  1. Spatial Encoder: This module takes in the user's current location and uses convolutional neural networks to extract spatial features from satellite imagery and other geospatial data.
  2. Semantic Encoder: This module leverages the remote sensing data to extract semantic features, such as information about the types of businesses, amenities, and land use in the surrounding area.
  3. Temporal Encoder: This module encodes the user's previous movements and visit patterns using recurrent neural networks.
  4. Fusion and Prediction: The outputs from the spatial, semantic, and temporal encoders are combined and fed into a final layer that produces the next POI prediction.

The researchers evaluate their model on a large-scale dataset of user check-ins and demonstrate that it outperforms several baseline methods for next POI prediction. They also conduct ablation studies to show the individual contributions of the spatial and semantic data sources to the model's performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to enhancing next POI prediction by incorporating remote sensing data, which has been an underexplored area in this domain. The researchers' insights around the potential value of spatial and semantic information for understanding human movement patterns are well-grounded and supported by the empirical results.

However, the paper does not fully address some potential limitations and areas for further research. For example, the model's performance may be sensitive to the quality and coverage of the remote sensing data, which can vary across different regions and datasets. Additionally, the paper does not explore how the model might handle dynamic changes in the physical environment, such as the opening or closing of businesses, which could impact the accuracy of the next POI predictions.

Furthermore, while the paper demonstrates the model's effectiveness on a large-scale dataset, it would be valuable to investigate how the approach might generalize to different cultural contexts or user demographics, as factors influencing next POI decisions can vary across these dimensions.

Nonetheless, the core ideas presented in this paper represent an important step forward in leveraging the wealth of geospatial data available from remote sensing sources to enhance predictive models of human behavior. Future research in this area could explore ways to further integrate these data sources with other modalities, such as social media or mobile sensor data, to create even more comprehensive and accurate models of next POI prediction.


This paper introduces a novel deep learning-based approach to next point-of-interest (POI) prediction that leverages spatial and semantic information from remote sensing data. By incorporating these additional data sources, the proposed model is able to make more informed predictions about where a user is likely to visit next, outperforming existing methods on a large-scale real-world dataset.

The key insights and contributions of this work highlight the potential value of integrating geospatial data into models of human movement and behavior. As the availability and quality of remote sensing data continue to improve, this research provides a promising foundation for further developing predictive models that can better capture the complex interplay between the physical environment and human decision-making.

While the paper identifies some avenues for future research, the overall approach demonstrates the power of combining deep learning with diverse data sources to tackle challenging problems in the domain of human mobility and urban analytics. As such, this work represents an important step forward in the field of next POI prediction and its applications in areas like location-based services, urban planning, and transportation optimization.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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