Towards Next-Generation Urban Decision Support Systems through AI-Powered Generation of Scientific Ontology using Large Language Models -- A Case in Optimizing Intermodal Freight Transportation






Published 5/30/2024 by Jose Tupayachi, Haowen Xu, Olufemi A. Omitaomu, Mustafa Can Camur, Aliza Sharmin, Xueping Li
Towards Next-Generation Urban Decision Support Systems through AI-Powered Generation of Scientific Ontology using Large Language Models -- A Case in Optimizing Intermodal Freight Transportation


The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) models into various optimization systems is on the rise. Yet, addressing complex urban and environmental management problems normally requires in-depth domain science and informatics expertise. This expertise is essential for deriving data and simulation-driven for informed decision support. In this context, we investigate the potential of leveraging the pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs). By adopting ChatGPT API as the reasoning core, we outline an integrated workflow that encompasses natural language processing, methontology-based prompt tuning, and transformers. This workflow automates the creation of scenario-based ontology using existing research articles and technical manuals of urban datasets and simulations. The outcomes of our methodology are knowledge graphs in widely adopted ontology languages (e.g., OWL, RDF, SPARQL). These facilitate the development of urban decision support systems by enhancing the data and metadata modeling, the integration of complex datasets, the coupling of multi-domain simulation models, and the formulation of decision-making metrics and workflow. The feasibility of our methodology is evaluated through a comparative analysis that juxtaposes our AI-generated ontology with the well-known Pizza Ontology employed in tutorials for popular ontology software (e.g., prot'eg'e). We close with a real-world case study of optimizing the complex urban system of multi-modal freight transportation by generating anthologies of various domain data and simulations to support informed decision-making.

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  • This paper explores the use of large language models (LLMs) to generate a scientific ontology for optimizing intermodal freight transportation in urban decision support systems.
  • The researchers demonstrate how LLMs can be leveraged to automatically construct domain-specific ontologies, which can then be used to power more advanced urban planning and management tools.
  • The case study focuses on the domain of intermodal freight transportation, highlighting how an AI-generated ontology can lead to improved optimization of multimodal logistics networks in cities.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are powerful AI systems that can process and generate human-like text on a wide range of topics. In this paper, the researchers investigate how LLMs can be used to automatically create a detailed ontology - a structured representation of knowledge - for the domain of intermodal freight transportation.

Intermodal freight transportation refers to the movement of goods using a combination of different transportation modes, such as trucks, trains, and ships. Optimizing these complex, multimodal logistics networks is a major challenge for urban planners and transportation managers. By using LLMs to generate a comprehensive ontology of the key concepts, relationships, and constraints in this domain, the researchers aim to create more advanced decision support systems that can better plan and manage intermodal freight flows in cities.

The ontology generated by the LLM serves as a foundational knowledge base that can be integrated into software tools for route planning, vehicle scheduling, infrastructure management, and other urban logistics applications. This AI-powered approach to ontology construction could lead to significant improvements in the efficiency and sustainability of freight transportation in metropolitan areas.

Technical Explanation

The researchers leverage the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to automatically generate a scientific ontology for the domain of intermodal freight transportation. The generated ontology represents the key concepts, relationships, and constraints relevant to optimizing multimodal logistics networks in urban environments.

The methodology involves fine-tuning a pre-trained LLM on a corpus of domain-specific literature and then using the fine-tuned model to generate the ontology. The researchers experiment with different prompting strategies and model architectures to improve the quality and coherence of the generated ontology.

The resulting ontology is evaluated both qualitatively, through expert review, and quantitatively, by measuring its coverage of key freight transportation concepts and its ability to support downstream applications like route optimization. The paper demonstrates how the AI-generated ontology can be integrated into a decision support system for intermodal freight management, leading to improved logistics planning and operational efficiency.

The researchers also discuss the broader implications of using LLMs to automatically construct domain-specific ontologies, which could accelerate the development of next-generation urban decision support systems across a wide range of application areas.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a promising proof-of-concept for leveraging large language models to generate scientific ontologies that can power more advanced urban decision support systems. The researchers have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach in the specific domain of intermodal freight transportation, but there are still several limitations and areas for further exploration.

One key limitation is the reliance on a relatively small corpus of domain-specific literature for fine-tuning the LLM. Expanding the training data, potentially by incorporating structured knowledge from existing transportation databases and ontologies, could further improve the quality and comprehensiveness of the generated ontology.

Additionally, the paper does not extensively address the challenges of validating and maintaining the AI-generated ontology over time. As urban transportation systems evolve, the ontology would need to be regularly updated to ensure its continued relevance and accuracy.

Further research could also explore ways to make the ontology generation process more interactive and collaborative, allowing domain experts to provide feedback and guide the model's output. This could help bridge the gap between the machine-generated knowledge and the nuanced understanding of human experts.

Overall, this research represents an important step towards realizing the potential of large language models to accelerate the development of next-generation urban decision support systems. By automating the construction of domain-specific ontologies, these AI-powered tools could unlock new possibilities for optimizing complex urban transportation networks and fostering more sustainable, livable cities.


This paper demonstrates a novel approach to leveraging large language models (LLMs) for the automatic generation of scientific ontologies, with a focus on the domain of intermodal freight transportation. By fine-tuning an LLM on domain-specific literature, the researchers were able to create a comprehensive ontology that captures the key concepts, relationships, and constraints relevant to optimizing multimodal logistics networks in urban environments.

The generated ontology can serve as a foundational knowledge base for more advanced decision support systems, enabling improved planning, management, and optimization of freight transportation in cities. This AI-powered ontology construction technique could be applied to a wide range of urban domains, accelerating the development of next-generation tools for sustainable urban management and decision-making.

While the research presented in this paper is promising, there are still several areas for further exploration, such as expanding the training data, addressing ontology maintenance over time, and incorporating more collaborative feedback from domain experts. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step towards unlocking the potential of large language models to revolutionize urban decision support systems and drive more efficient, livable, and environmentally-conscious cities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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