Towards Open-World Grasping with Large Vision-Language Models






Published 6/28/2024 by Georgios Tziafas, Hamidreza Kasaei
Towards Open-World Grasping with Large Vision-Language Models


The ability to grasp objects in-the-wild from open-ended language instructions constitutes a fundamental challenge in robotics. An open-world grasping system should be able to combine high-level contextual with low-level physical-geometric reasoning in order to be applicable in arbitrary scenarios. Recent works exploit the web-scale knowledge inherent in large language models (LLMs) to plan and reason in robotic context, but rely on external vision and action models to ground such knowledge into the environment and parameterize actuation. This setup suffers from two major bottlenecks: a) the LLM's reasoning capacity is constrained by the quality of visual grounding, and b) LLMs do not contain low-level spatial understanding of the world, which is essential for grasping in contact-rich scenarios. In this work we demonstrate that modern vision-language models (VLMs) are capable of tackling such limitations, as they are implicitly grounded and can jointly reason about semantics and geometry. We propose OWG, an open-world grasping pipeline that combines VLMs with segmentation and grasp synthesis models to unlock grounded world understanding in three stages: open-ended referring segmentation, grounded grasp planning and grasp ranking via contact reasoning, all of which can be applied zero-shot via suitable visual prompting mechanisms. We conduct extensive evaluation in cluttered indoor scene datasets to showcase OWG's robustness in grounding from open-ended language, as well as open-world robotic grasping experiments in both simulation and hardware that demonstrate superior performance compared to previous supervised and zero-shot LLM-based methods.

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  • This paper explores the potential of using large vision-language models (LVLMs) for open-world grasping, which involves picking up objects in complex, real-world environments without prior knowledge of the objects.
  • The authors propose a framework that leverages the capabilities of LVLMs to enable robots to reason about and interact with objects in an open-world setting.
  • The research builds on previous work on reasoning-grasping via multimodal large language model, vision-language model-based physical reasoning for robots, and leveraging large-scale vision models.

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores ways to use powerful language and vision models to enable robots to pick up and manipulate objects in the real world, even if they've never seen those specific objects before. The key idea is to leverage the broad knowledge and reasoning capabilities of these large models to help robots understand the physical properties and affordances of objects, and then use that understanding to figure out how to grasp and manipulate them.

This builds on previous research that has shown the potential of using language models for reasoning about physical interactions and vision-language models for physical reasoning in robotics. The authors want to take this a step further and see if these models can enable robots to handle "open-world" scenarios, where they encounter novel objects and have to figure out how to interact with them on the fly.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a framework that combines a large vision-language model (LVLM) with a robotic grasping system. The LVLM is trained on a vast amount of image and text data, giving it a broad understanding of the visual world and how language is used to describe it.

When the robot encounters an object, it uses the LVLM to analyze the visual input and reason about the object's physical properties and potential grasping affordances. This allows the robot to plan an appropriate grasping strategy, even for unfamiliar objects, by leveraging the model's general knowledge about object properties and interactions.

The authors evaluate their approach on a range of real-world objects, including novel objects that the model has never seen before. The results show that the LVLM-based framework can enable effective grasping in open-world settings, outperforming traditional grasping methods that rely on pre-defined object models or features.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for enabling robots to handle open-world grasping tasks using large vision-language models. However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future research:

  • The current framework is limited to single-object grasping scenarios, and would need to be extended to handle more complex, cluttered environments with multiple objects. Further research on language-grounded dynamic scene graphs for interactive object manipulation could help address this.
  • The performance of the system is still dependent on the quality and coverage of the training data for the LVLM. Improving the model's ability to reason about unseen objects and situations remains an active area of research.
  • Integrating the LVLM-based grasping system with other robotic skills, such as navigation and manipulation, would be an important next step towards natural language-driven assembly.

Overall, the research represents an important step towards more flexible and capable robotic systems that can operate effectively in open-world environments by leveraging the powerful reasoning abilities of large-scale vision-language models.


This paper explores a novel approach to open-world grasping, where robots can pick up and manipulate unfamiliar objects by leveraging the broad knowledge and reasoning capabilities of large vision-language models. The proposed framework shows promising results, and the authors outline several directions for future research to further improve the system's performance and generalization abilities.

The work builds on and advances previous research on using language models for physical reasoning, vision-language models for robotics, and leveraging large-scale vision models. If successful, this line of research could lead to more versatile and capable robotic systems that can navigate and interact with the real world in a more natural, human-like way, with potential applications in areas like natural language-driven assembly.

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