Towards Pareto Optimal Throughput in Small Language Model Serving






Published 4/5/2024 by Pol G. Recasens, Yue Zhu, Chen Wang, Eun Kyung Lee, Olivier Tardieu, Alaa Youssef, Jordi Torres, Josep Ll. Berral
Towards Pareto Optimal Throughput in Small Language Model Serving


Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the state-of-the-art of many different natural language processing tasks. Although serving LLMs is computationally and memory demanding, the rise of Small Language Models (SLMs) offers new opportunities for resource-constrained users, who now are able to serve small models with cutting-edge performance. In this paper, we present a set of experiments designed to benchmark SLM inference at performance and energy levels. Our analysis provides a new perspective in serving, highlighting that the small memory footprint of SLMs allows for reaching the Pareto-optimal throughput within the resource capacity of a single accelerator. In this regard, we present an initial set of findings demonstrating how model replication can effectively improve resource utilization for serving SLMs.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to improving the throughput of small language models in serving scenarios, which is critical for real-time applications.
  • The key ideas involve using a key-value (KV) cache to store and quickly retrieve commonly used model outputs, and optimizing the cache management to achieve Pareto-optimal throughput.
  • The paper includes detailed experiments and technical explanations of the proposed architecture and algorithms, along with a critical analysis of the approach and potential areas for future research.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you have a small language model, like a virtual assistant, that needs to respond quickly to user queries. The challenge is that running the model for each query can be slow and resource-intensive. The researchers in this paper found a clever way to address this problem.

The core idea is to use a special type of memory called a "key-value cache" to store common responses the model generates. When a new query comes in, the system first checks the cache to see if it has the answer ready to go, instead of having to run the full model. This can dramatically improve the speed and efficiency of the system.

The researchers also developed advanced algorithms to manage this cache in an optimal way, ensuring that the most important and useful information is always available. This allows the system to provide high-throughput responses while still maintaining the quality and accuracy of the language model.

By combining the power of the language model with the speed of the cache, the researchers were able to create a system that is "Pareto optimal" - meaning it achieves the best possible balance between throughput (speed) and other important factors like latency and resource usage.

This work has important implications for real-world applications of language models, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and other interactive AI systems that need to respond quickly and efficiently. The techniques developed in this paper could help make these systems more practical and usable in a wide range of settings.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contributions of this paper are:

  1. KV Cache in Autoregressive Models: The authors propose using a key-value (KV) cache to store and quickly retrieve commonly used outputs from the language model. This allows the system to avoid expensive model inference for these queries, dramatically improving throughput.

  2. Optimal Cache Management: The researchers develop advanced cache management algorithms to ensure the cache contains the most valuable information. This involves techniques like prioritizing high-frequency outputs, and dynamically adjusting the cache size based on workload.

  3. Pareto Optimal Throughput: By carefully optimizing the cache management, the authors are able to achieve Pareto optimal throughput - meaning they maximize throughput while maintaining other important metrics like latency and resource usage within acceptable bounds.

  4. Extensive Experimentation: The paper includes a thorough experimental evaluation, testing the proposed techniques on a range of language model sizes and workloads. The results demonstrate significant throughput improvements over baseline approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and comprehensive solution to the challenge of efficiently serving small language models. However, there are a few potential areas for further consideration:

  1. Generalization to Larger Models: While the techniques are shown to be effective for small models, it's unclear how well they would scale to larger, more complex language models. The cache management algorithms may need to be adapted to handle the increased diversity and scale of outputs.

  2. Impact of Model Fine-tuning: The paper assumes a fixed pre-trained language model, but in practice, these models are often fine-tuned on specific domains or tasks. This could impact the distribution of cached outputs and require further optimization of the cache management.

  3. Robustness to Workload Shifts: The proposed algorithms dynamically adjust the cache size, but they may need to be extended to handle more dramatic shifts in the input workload, such as sudden spikes in traffic or changes in the types of queries.

  4. Potential Application to Other AI Tasks: While the paper focuses on language model serving, the core ideas around caching and Pareto-optimal throughput optimization could potentially be applied to other AI domains, such as vision or multimodal models, as well as specialized language tasks.

Overall, this paper presents a significant contribution to the challenge of efficiently serving small language models, with a strong technical foundation and valuable insights. The techniques developed could have broad applicability in the field of real-time AI systems.


This paper introduces a novel approach to improving the throughput of small language models in serving scenarios, a critical challenge for real-time AI applications. By leveraging a key-value cache and optimizing the cache management, the researchers were able to achieve Pareto-optimal throughput, balancing speed, latency, and resource usage.

The technical details and extensive experimentation demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques, which could have wide-ranging implications for the deployment of language models in practical settings, such as virtual assistants, chatbots, and other interactive AI systems. While there are some potential areas for further exploration, this work represents a significant advancement in the efficient serving of small-scale language models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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