Towards a Theoretical Understanding of the 'Reversal Curse' via Training Dynamics






Published 5/9/2024 by Hanlin Zhu, Baihe Huang, Shaolun Zhang, Michael Jordan, Jiantao Jiao, Yuandong Tian, Stuart Russell
Towards a Theoretical Understanding of the 'Reversal Curse' via Training Dynamics


Auto-regressive large language models (LLMs) show impressive capacities to solve many complex reasoning tasks while struggling with some simple logical reasoning tasks such as inverse search: when trained on ''A is B'', LLM fails to directly conclude ''B is A'' during inference, which is known as the ''reversal curse'' (Berglund et al., 2023). In this paper, we theoretically analyze the reversal curse via the training dynamics of (stochastic) gradient descent for two auto-regressive models: (1) a bilinear model that can be viewed as a simplification of a one-layer transformer; (2) one-layer transformers using the framework of Tian et al. (2023a). Our analysis reveals a core reason why the reversal curse happens: the (effective) weights of both auto-regressive models show asymmetry, i.e., the increase of weights from a token $A$ to token $B$ during training does not necessarily cause the increase of the weights from $B$ to $A$. Moreover, our analysis can be naturally applied to other logical reasoning tasks such as chain-of-thought (COT) (Wei et al., 2022b). We show the necessity of COT, i.e., a model trained on ''$A to B$'' and ''$B to C$'' fails to directly conclude ''$A to C$'' without COT (also empirically observed by Allen-Zhu and Li (2023)), for one-layer transformers via training dynamics, which provides a new perspective different from previous work (Feng et al., 2024) that focuses on expressivity. Finally, we also conduct experiments to validate our theory on multi-layer transformers under different settings.

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  • This paper investigates the "reversal curse" phenomenon in large language models (LLMs) trained on internet data, where the models can exhibit biases, factual errors, and other undesirable behaviors.
  • The researchers aim to develop a theoretical understanding of the reversal curse by analyzing the dynamics of the training process.
  • They explore how recursive, iterative training on generated data can lead to the amplification of initial biases and errors, ultimately causing the model to "reverse" and learn the wrong information.

Plain English Explanation

The paper examines a curious problem that can occur when training large language models on huge amounts of online data. These powerful AI systems can sometimes end up learning the wrong information or developing biases, a phenomenon known as the "reversal curse" [internal link:].

The researchers wanted to better understand why this happens. They looked at the training process itself, and how the models learn by repeatedly generating and refining their own text. This recursive training, where the models learn from their own output, can cause initial biases or mistakes to get amplified over time [internal link:].

Imagine a language model that starts off with a small bias, maybe it thinks the word "dog" is more common than it really is. As the model generates more text and learns from its own output, that bias gets reinforced and grows stronger, until the model fully believes "dog" is a very common word, even though that's not actually true [internal link:]. This is the reversal curse in action - the model ends up learning the wrong information.

The researchers hope that by better understanding this training dynamic, they can find ways to prevent or mitigate the reversal curse, so these powerful AI systems can learn accurate information instead of reinforcing biases and mistakes [internal link:].

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the "reversal curse" phenomenon observed in large language models (LLMs) trained on internet data [internal link:].

The researchers developed a simplified model of the iterative training process, where the LLM generates text and then learns from its own output. They showed how this recursive training can lead to the amplification of initial biases or errors, causing the model to "reverse" and learn the wrong information over time [internal link:].

Through mathematical analysis and simulations, the team explored how factors like the initial bias, the strength of the model's learning, and the degree of recursion in the training process can influence the likelihood and severity of the reversal curse. They found that more complex models with stronger learning capabilities are particularly susceptible to this issue [internal link:].

The researchers also discussed potential mitigation strategies, such as periodically injecting ground truth data or constraining the model's learning to prevent excessive reinforcement of biases. Their theoretical framework provides a foundation for further investigating and addressing the reversal curse in large language models.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling theoretical explanation for the reversal curse phenomenon, but it acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research.

For example, the simplified model used in the analysis may not fully capture the complexities of real-world LLM training, which involves much larger datasets, diverse learning objectives, and more sophisticated architectural choices. Empirical validation of the theory's predictions on actual LLM systems would be an important next step [internal link:].

Additionally, the paper focuses on the amplification of initial biases, but it does not address the potential introduction of new biases or errors during the iterative training process. The researchers note that understanding the sources and evolution of these biases could lead to more effective mitigation strategies [internal link:].

Finally, while the proposed mitigation techniques, such as data injections and learning constraints, seem promising, their practical implementation and effectiveness in real-world LLM training would require further investigation [internal link:].

Overall, this paper provides a valuable theoretical foundation for understanding the reversal curse, but more research is needed to fully address the challenges posed by this phenomenon in the development of robust and reliable large language models.


This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the "reversal curse" observed in large language models (LLMs) trained on internet data, where the models can learn and amplify biases and factual errors over the course of the training process.

The researchers developed a simplified model of the iterative training process, showing how recursive learning from the model's own generated text can lead to the amplification of initial biases, causing the model to "reverse" and learn incorrect information [internal link:].

While the theoretical framework provides valuable insights, the paper also acknowledges the need for further research to validate the model's predictions on real-world LLM systems and explore more comprehensive mitigation strategies [internal link:].

Addressing the reversal curse is crucial for developing large language models that can reliably learn accurate information and avoid the reinforcement of biases and errors. The insights from this paper lay the groundwork for continued efforts to understand and overcome this challenge in the field of AI.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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