Trustless Audits without Revealing Data or Models






Published 4/9/2024 by Suppakit Waiwitlikhit, Ion Stoica, Yi Sun, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Daniel Kang
Trustless Audits without Revealing Data or Models


There is an increasing conflict between business incentives to hide models and data as trade secrets, and the societal need for algorithmic transparency. For example, a rightsholder wishing to know whether their copyrighted works have been used during training must convince the model provider to allow a third party to audit the model and data. Finding a mutually agreeable third party is difficult, and the associated costs often make this approach impractical. In this work, we show that it is possible to simultaneously allow model providers to keep their model weights (but not architecture) and data secret while allowing other parties to trustlessly audit model and data properties. We do this by designing a protocol called ZkAudit in which model providers publish cryptographic commitments of datasets and model weights, alongside a zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) certifying that published commitments are derived from training the model. Model providers can then respond to audit requests by privately computing any function F of the dataset (or model) and releasing the output of F alongside another ZKP certifying the correct execution of F. To enable ZkAudit, we develop new methods of computing ZKPs for SGD on modern neural nets for simple recommender systems and image classification models capable of high accuracies on ImageNet. Empirically, we show it is possible to provide trustless audits of DNNs, including copyright, censorship, and counterfactual audits with little to no loss in accuracy.

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  • This paper presents a new approach called ZkAudit that allows for private audits of machine learning models without revealing the underlying data or model parameters.
  • ZkAudit leverages the power of zero-knowledge proofs (ZK-SNARKs) to enable trustless audits, where the auditor can verify the correctness of the model without gaining access to sensitive information.
  • The proposed system aims to address the growing need for transparency and accountability in AI systems while preserving the privacy of the data and model owners.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique called ZkAudit that allows for auditing machine learning models without revealing the sensitive data or model details used to train them. This is an important problem because as AI systems become more widely deployed, there is an increasing need for transparency and accountability to ensure they are behaving ethically and without discrimination. However, the companies and organizations developing these AI models often want to protect their intellectual property and the privacy of their customers' data.

ZkAudit solves this problem by using a cryptographic technique called zero-knowledge proofs (ZK-SNARKs). With ZK-SNARKs, the auditor can verify that the model is behaving correctly without ever seeing the underlying data or model parameters. This is done by having the model owner generate a special kind of "proof" that attests to the correctness of the model, without revealing any of the sensitive information.

The key innovation of ZkAudit is that it enables these trustless audits, where the auditor can be confident in the results without having to fully trust the model owner. This helps build confidence in the safety and fairness of AI systems while respecting the privacy concerns of the companies developing them.

Technical Explanation

The paper first provides background on zero-knowledge proofs (ZK-SNARKs) and how they can be used to enable private computation. ZK-SNARKs allow one party (the prover) to convince another party (the verifier) that a given statement is true, without revealing any additional information beyond the validity of the statement.

The authors then describe the ZkAudit system in detail. ZkAudit allows a model owner to generate a ZK-SNARK proof that attests to the correctness of their machine learning model, without revealing the model parameters or training data. The auditor can then verify this proof to ensure the model is behaving as expected, without gaining access to the sensitive information.

The key technical components of ZkAudit include:

  1. Model Encoding: The model owner encodes their machine learning model as a set of arithmetic circuits that can be efficiently verified using ZK-SNARKs.
  2. Proof Generation: The model owner generates a ZK-SNARK proof that demonstrates the correctness of their model, without revealing any private information.
  3. Proof Verification: The auditor can verify the ZK-SNARK proof to confirm the model is operating correctly, without learning anything about the model or training data.

The authors evaluate the performance and feasibility of ZkAudit through a series of experiments, demonstrating its ability to enable trustless audits of machine learning models.

Critical Analysis

The ZkAudit approach presents an innovative solution to the important problem of auditing AI systems while preserving privacy. By leveraging the power of zero-knowledge proofs, the system enables a high degree of transparency and accountability without compromising the confidentiality of sensitive data or model details.

One potential limitation of the approach is the computational overhead required to generate and verify the ZK-SNARK proofs. The authors acknowledge that this overhead may be a barrier to adoption, particularly for larger and more complex models. However, they argue that as ZK-SNARK technology continues to improve, the practicality of this approach will increase.

Another area for further research is the potential for adversarial attacks against the ZkAudit system. While the authors discuss the security properties of their approach, it would be valuable to explore potential vulnerabilities and ways to mitigate them.

Overall, the ZkAudit system represents an important step forward in the ongoing effort to balance the need for transparency in AI systems with the need to protect sensitive information. As the field of machine learning continues to evolve, approaches like ZkAudit will be crucial for building public trust and ensuring the responsible development of AI technology.


The paper presents a novel approach called ZkAudit that enables private audits of machine learning models without revealing the underlying data or model parameters. By leveraging zero-knowledge proofs, ZkAudit allows auditors to verify the correctness of a model without gaining access to sensitive information, addressing a critical need for transparency and accountability in the AI industry.

The technical details and experimental evaluation demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, paving the way for more trustworthy and responsible development of AI systems. While there are still some challenges to overcome, such as the computational overhead of the ZK-SNARK proofs, the ZkAudit system represents an important step forward in the ongoing effort to balance privacy and transparency in the age of AI.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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