Verifiable evaluations of machine learning models using zkSNARKs






Published 5/24/2024 by Tobin South, Alexander Camuto, Shrey Jain, Shayla Nguyen, Robert Mahari, Christian Paquin, Jason Morton, Alex 'Sandy' Pentland



In a world of increasing closed-source commercial machine learning models, model evaluations from developers must be taken at face value. These benchmark results-whether over task accuracy, bias evaluations, or safety checks-are traditionally impossible to verify by a model end-user without the costly or impossible process of re-performing the benchmark on black-box model outputs. This work presents a method of verifiable model evaluation using model inference through zkSNARKs. The resulting zero-knowledge computational proofs of model outputs over datasets can be packaged into verifiable evaluation attestations showing that models with fixed private weights achieve stated performance or fairness metrics over public inputs. We present a flexible proving system that enables verifiable attestations to be performed on any standard neural network model with varying compute requirements. For the first time, we demonstrate this across a sample of real-world models and highlight key challenges and design solutions. This presents a new transparency paradigm in the verifiable evaluation of private models.

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  • In a world where commercial machine learning models are often closed-source, developers' benchmark results are difficult to verify for end-users.
  • This research presents a method for verifiable model evaluation using zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zkSNARKs).
  • The proposed system generates zero-knowledge proofs of model outputs over public datasets, which can be packaged into verifiable evaluation attestations.
  • This allows users to verify model performance and fairness metrics without accessing the private model weights or the datasets used.

Plain English Explanation

In the world of machine learning, many commercial models are "black boxes" - their inner workings are kept secret by the companies that develop them. This makes it hard for regular users to verify the claims these companies make about their models' accuracy, fairness, and other important metrics.

This research offers a solution to this problem. The researchers have developed a way to create "proofs" that a model is performing as claimed, without revealing the model's private details. These proofs are generated using a technique called zkSNARKs, which allows for verifiable computations without revealing the private information.

The key idea is that the model developer can generate a "proof" that their model achieves certain performance or fairness metrics on public datasets. This proof can then be shared with users, who can verify it without needing access to the model or the training data. This presents a new way for users to trust the claims made about machine learning models, even when the models themselves are proprietary.

Technical Explanation

The core of this research is a flexible proving system that can generate verifiable attestations for the outputs of standard neural network models. The system uses zkSNARKs to create these proofs, which allow the model's performance to be verified without revealing the private model weights or the datasets used for evaluation.

The researchers demonstrate this system across a range of real-world models, highlighting the key challenges and design solutions. For example, they address the varying compute requirements of different models by making the proving system flexible and scalable.

The resulting verifiable evaluation attestations can be used to establish trust in the claimed performance or fairness metrics of machine learning models, even when the models themselves are closed-source. This represents a significant advancement in the transparency and verifiability of commercial AI systems.

Critical Analysis

The research presents a promising approach to verifying the claims made about commercial machine learning models. By leveraging zkSNARKs, the system allows for verifiable evaluations without revealing sensitive information about the models or the data used.

However, the paper does acknowledge some limitations and areas for further research. For example, the current system relies on the model developer to generate the proofs, which introduces a potential trust issue. Future work could explore ways to make the proof generation more decentralized or collaborative, such as the approaches explored in this paper.

Additionally, the computational requirements of the proving system may still be a barrier for some use cases, particularly for large or complex models. Further optimizations or alternative proving techniques, like those discussed in this paper, could help address this challenge.

Overall, this research represents an important step towards increasing transparency and trust in commercial AI systems. By enabling verifiable evaluations of model performance and fairness, it has the potential to empower users and hold developers more accountable for their claims.


This research presents a novel method for verifying the claims made about commercial machine learning models, even when the models themselves are closed-source. By leveraging zkSNARKs to generate verifiable proofs of model outputs, the system allows users to validate performance and fairness metrics without accessing the private model details or training data.

This work has significant implications for the AI industry, as it offers a path towards greater transparency and accountability. By enabling users to independently verify the claims made about AI systems, it has the potential to build trust, promote responsible development practices, and empower end-users to make more informed decisions about the AI technologies they use.

While the research has some limitations that require further exploration, it represents an important step forward in the quest for trustworthy and verifiable AI.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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