Uncertainty-guided annotation enhances segmentation with the human-in-the-loop






Published 4/12/2024 by Nadieh Khalili, Joey Spronck, Francesco Ciompi, Jeroen van der Laak, Geert Litjens
Uncertainty-guided annotation enhances segmentation with the human-in-the-loop


Deep learning algorithms, often critiqued for their 'black box' nature, traditionally fall short in providing the necessary transparency for trusted clinical use. This challenge is particularly evident when such models are deployed in local hospitals, encountering out-of-domain distributions due to varying imaging techniques and patient-specific pathologies. Yet, this limitation offers a unique avenue for continual learning. The Uncertainty-Guided Annotation (UGA) framework introduces a human-in-the-loop approach, enabling AI to convey its uncertainties to clinicians, effectively acting as an automated quality control mechanism. UGA eases this interaction by quantifying uncertainty at the pixel level, thereby revealing the model's limitations and opening the door for clinician-guided corrections. We evaluated UGA on the Camelyon dataset for lymph node metastasis segmentation which revealed that UGA improved the Dice coefficient (DC), from 0.66 to 0.76 by adding 5 patches, and further to 0.84 with 10 patches. To foster broader application and community contribution, we have made our code accessible at

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach to enhance image segmentation with human-in-the-loop annotation.
  • The method leverages uncertainty estimates to guide the human annotator to focus on areas of the image that are most challenging for the model.
  • The authors demonstrate improvements in segmentation performance compared to traditional random sampling approaches.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a way to improve the accuracy of image segmentation models by incorporating human feedback in a more targeted and efficient manner. Segmentation is the task of dividing an image into meaningful regions, like separating a person from the background. Building highly accurate segmentation models typically requires a large amount of labeled training data, which is time-consuming and expensive to produce.

The key idea behind this work is to use the model's own uncertainty estimates to guide the human annotator to focus on the most challenging parts of the image. For example, if the model is very uncertain about whether a certain region belongs to the person or the background, the system will prompt the human to provide annotation for that specific area. By targeting the hardest-to-segment regions, the human feedback can be leveraged more effectively to improve the model.

The authors demonstrate that this uncertainty-guided approach outperforms traditional random sampling, where the human is asked to annotate random parts of the image. The intuition is that by focusing the human's attention on the most informative areas, the model can learn more from each annotation and achieve better overall performance with less human effort.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a framework for uncertainty-guided interactive segmentation, where a deep learning model and a human annotator work together in a loop to iteratively improve the segmentation results.

The key components are:

  1. Uncertainty Estimation: The segmentation model is trained to output not just a predicted segmentation mask, but also an associated uncertainty map. This uncertainty estimate reflects the model's confidence in its predictions for each pixel.

  2. Uncertainty-Guided Sampling: During interactive annotation, the model identifies the most uncertain regions of the image and presents them to the human annotator. The annotator then provides ground-truth labels for these challenging areas.

  3. Model Fine-tuning: After each round of human annotation, the segmentation model is fine-tuned on the new labeled data, focusing on the previously uncertain regions. This allows the model to learn from the human feedback in a targeted manner.

The authors evaluate their approach on several benchmark segmentation datasets and show that it consistently outperforms random sampling strategies. The uncertainty-guided method is able to achieve higher segmentation accuracy with fewer human annotations, demonstrating the benefits of this human-in-the-loop framework.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the advantages of uncertainty-guided annotation over traditional random sampling. By focusing the human annotator's attention on the most challenging regions, the model can learn more efficiently and achieve better performance with less annotation effort.

However, the authors do not address some potential limitations of their approach. For example, the uncertainty estimates may not always be reliable, especially early in the training process when the model is still learning. There could also be cases where the most uncertain regions are not the most informative for improving the model.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the scalability of the approach to large-scale datasets or more complex segmentation tasks. The human-in-the-loop process may become impractical or prohibitively expensive if the number of challenging regions is very high.

Further research could investigate ways to combine the uncertainty-guided approach with other techniques, such as domain adaptation or self-supervised learning, to further enhance the efficiency and performance of the interactive segmentation system.


This paper presents a novel approach to leverage the strengths of both deep learning models and human annotators for image segmentation tasks. By guiding the human feedback towards the most uncertain regions of the image, the authors demonstrate that the segmentation model can learn more effectively and achieve better performance with less annotation effort.

The uncertainty-guided framework represents an important step towards more efficient and user-friendly interactive machine learning systems. As the field of AI continues to advance, incorporating intuitive human-in-the-loop mechanisms like the one described in this paper will be crucial for building practical and robust real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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