A unified law of robustness for Bregman divergence losses






Published 5/28/2024 by Santanu Das, Jatin Batra, Piyush Srivastava



In contemporary deep learning practice, models are often trained to near zero loss i.e. to nearly interpolate the training data. However, the number of parameters in the model is usually far more than the number of data points $n$, the theoretical minimum needed for interpolation: a phenomenon referred to as overparameterization. In an interesting piece of work that contributes to the considerable research that has been devoted to understand overparameterization, Bubeck, and Sellke showed that for a broad class of covariate distributions (specifically those satisfying a natural notion of concentration of measure), overparameterization is necessary for robust interpolation i.e. if the interpolating function is required to be Lipschitz. However, their robustness results were proved only in the setting of regression with square loss. In practice, however many other kinds of losses are used, e.g. cross entropy loss for classification. In this work, we generalize Bubeck and Selke's result to Bregman divergence losses, which form a common generalization of square loss and cross-entropy loss. Our generalization relies on identifying a bias variance-type decomposition that lies at the heart of the proof and Bubeck and Sellke.

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  • Presents a unified theoretical framework for analyzing the robustness properties of machine learning models trained using Bregman divergence losses
  • Derives a "law of robustness" that relates the curvature of the loss function to the model's sensitivity to data corruption
  • Demonstrates the framework's applicability to diverse loss functions like logistic regression, support vector machines, and generalized linear models

Plain English Explanation

The paper proposes a unified way to understand the robustness of machine learning models trained using a broad class of loss functions called Bregman divergences. <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/unbiased-estimating-equation-inverse-divergence-its-conditions">Bregman divergences</a> are a flexible family of distance measures that include common losses like logistic regression and support vector machines.

The key insight is that the curvature, or "smoothness," of the loss function determines how sensitive the model is to corrupted or noisy data. Losses with high curvature, like squared loss, are more brittle and prone to overfitting. In contrast, losses with lower curvature, like the logistic loss, are more robust to data corruption.

The paper derives a "law of robustness" that quantifies this relationship between loss curvature and model robustness. This provides a principled way to <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/minimizing-chebyshev-prototype-risk-magically-mitigates-perils">evaluate and improve the robustness</a> of machine learning models, beyond just evaluating their accuracy on clean test data.

The framework applies broadly to many common machine learning models, including generalized linear models, neural networks, and kernel methods. This unified perspective helps explain why some models are more robust than others and offers guidance for <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/taking-moment-distributional-robustness">designing more robust machine learning systems</a>.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a unified theoretical analysis of the robustness properties of machine learning models trained using Bregman divergence losses. <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/unbiased-estimating-equation-inverse-divergence-its-conditions">Bregman divergences</a> are a broad class of loss functions that include common models like logistic regression, support vector machines, and generalized linear models.

The key contribution is deriving a "law of robustness" that relates the curvature of the loss function to the model's sensitivity to data corruption. Specifically, the authors show that the Hessian of the loss function, which encodes its local curvature, determines the model's robustness to perturbations in the input data.

This unified framework allows the authors to analyze the robustness properties of diverse machine learning models in a principled way. They demonstrate applications to logistic regression, support vector machines, and generalized linear models, showing how the loss function curvature impacts the model's ability to <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/minimizing-chebyshev-prototype-risk-magically-mitigates-perils">handle corrupted or noisy data</a>.

The authors also discuss connections to related concepts like <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/taking-moment-distributional-robustness">distributional robustness</a> and <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/double-descent-other-interpolation-phenomena-gans">double descent</a> phenomena in machine learning. The unified law of robustness provides a general theoretical framework for understanding and designing more robust machine learning systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling theoretical framework for analyzing the robustness of machine learning models trained with Bregman divergence losses. The key insight – that loss function curvature determines robustness – provides a principled way to understand and improve model performance in the presence of data corruption or noise.

One potential limitation is that the analysis focuses on first-order perturbations of the input data. The authors acknowledge that higher-order perturbations or more complex data corruptions may require further extensions of the framework. Additionally, the theoretical results rely on certain technical assumptions, such as the smoothness and strong convexity of the loss function, which may not hold in all practical settings.

While the framework is general and applies to a broad class of models, the specific applications presented (logistic regression, SVMs, GLMs) are relatively well-understood cases. It would be interesting to see how the law of robustness plays out for more complex models, such as <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/double-descent-other-interpolation-phenomena-gans">deep neural networks</a>, where the loss function landscape and optimization dynamics may introduce additional nuances.

Overall, the paper provides a solid theoretical foundation for understanding model robustness and opens up promising avenues for further research. Extending the framework to handle more diverse data corruptions and complex model architectures could yield valuable insights for building reliable and <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/robust-deep-learning-from-weakly-dependent-data">robust machine learning systems</a>.


This paper presents a unified theoretical framework for analyzing the robustness properties of machine learning models trained with Bregman divergence losses. The key contribution is deriving a "law of robustness" that relates the curvature of the loss function to the model's sensitivity to data corruption.

The framework provides a principled way to understand and quantify the robustness of diverse machine learning models, including logistic regression, support vector machines, and generalized linear models. This unified perspective helps explain the differences in robustness across these models and offers guidance for designing more robust machine learning systems.

While the analysis focuses on first-order perturbations and assumes certain technical conditions, the paper lays the groundwork for further research to extend the framework and explore its implications for more complex models and data corruptions. Overall, this work represents an important step towards a deeper theoretical understanding of model robustness, with potential benefits for a wide range of practical machine learning applications.

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