Uniform Convergence of Adversarially Robust Classifiers






Published 6/24/2024 by Rachel Morris, Ryan Murray
Uniform Convergence of Adversarially Robust Classifiers


In recent years there has been significant interest in the effect of different types of adversarial perturbations in data classification problems. Many of these models incorporate the adversarial power, which is an important parameter with an associated trade-off between accuracy and robustness. This work considers a general framework for adversarially-perturbed classification problems, in a large data or population-level limit. In such a regime, we demonstrate that as adversarial strength goes to zero that optimal classifiers converge to the Bayes classifier in the Hausdorff distance. This significantly strengthens previous results, which generally focus on $L^1$-type convergence. The main argument relies upon direct geometric comparisons and is inspired by techniques from geometric measure theory.

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  • This paper explores the uniform convergence of adversarially robust classifiers, which are machine learning models trained to be resilient against adversarial attacks.
  • The researchers investigate the relationship between the adversarial robustness and the uniform convergence of classifiers, providing theoretical and empirical insights.
  • The findings have implications for understanding the generalization properties of adversarially robust models and the tradeoffs involved in achieving robust classification.

Plain English Explanation

Machine learning models are often vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where small, carefully crafted changes to the input can cause the model to make incorrect predictions. Adversarially robust classifiers are a type of model that is designed to be more resilient to these types of attacks.

In this paper, the researchers explore the concept of "uniform convergence" in the context of adversarially robust classifiers. Uniform convergence refers to how well a model's performance on the training data matches its performance on new, unseen data. The researchers investigate the relationship between a model's adversarial robustness and its ability to uniformly converge, providing both theoretical and experimental insights.

The findings suggest that there can be a tradeoff between achieving high adversarial robustness and ensuring that a model's performance generalizes well to new data. In other words, making a model more robust to adversarial attacks may come at the cost of its ability to perform consistently across different datasets.

This research is important because it helps us better understand the properties and limitations of adversarially robust classifiers. By exploring the uniqueness and consistency of these models, we can gain insights into how they might behave in real-world applications and where further improvements may be needed.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by establishing the theoretical setup for their analysis. The researchers consider a binary classification task, where the goal is to learn a classifier that can accurately predict the class of a given input. They assume that the training data is drawn from an underlying distribution, and they are interested in understanding how well the learned classifier will perform on new, unseen data from the same distribution.

The key focus of the paper is on the relationship between the adversarial robustness of a classifier and its ability to uniformly converge. Adversarial robustness refers to the classifier's resilience to small, adversarial perturbations of the input, which can cause the model to make incorrect predictions. Uniform convergence, on the other hand, is a measure of how well the model's performance on the training data matches its performance on the test data.

The researchers provide theoretical results that characterize the tradeoff between adversarial robustness and uniform convergence. They show that as a classifier becomes more robust to adversarial attacks, its ability to uniformly converge can be compromised. This suggests that there may be inherent limitations in achieving both high adversarial robustness and strong generalization performance.

To validate these theoretical insights, the researchers conduct experiments on several standard image classification datasets, including CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. They train various neural network models using different adversarial training techniques and evaluate their adversarial robustness and uniform convergence.

The experimental results align with the theoretical findings, demonstrating that as the models become more robust to adversarial attacks, their uniform convergence can suffer. This tradeoff suggests that practitioners and researchers need to carefully consider the desired properties of their models when designing and training adversarially robust classifiers.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable contribution to the understanding of adversarially robust classifiers by linking their robustness to the fundamental property of uniform convergence. The theoretical and empirical analyses offer insights into the inherent tradeoffs involved in achieving both high adversarial robustness and strong generalization performance.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and avenues for further research. For instance, the theoretical results rely on certain assumptions, such as the availability of a robust Bayes optimal classifier, which may not always hold in practice. Additionally, the experimental evaluations are limited to a few specific datasets and model architectures, and it would be interesting to see how the findings generalize to a broader range of scenarios.

Another potential area for further exploration is the role of data distribution and its impact on the observed tradeoffs. The paper focuses on the uniform convergence of classifiers, but it may be valuable to investigate the impact of non-uniform or heterogeneous data distributions on the relationship between adversarial robustness and generalization.

Overall, this paper provides a solid foundation for understanding the fundamental properties of adversarially robust classifiers and highlights the importance of carefully considering the tradeoffs involved in their design and training. As the field of machine learning continues to grapple with the challenges of adversarial attacks, research like this can help guide the development of more reliable and trustworthy models.


This paper explores the relationship between the adversarial robustness and uniform convergence of classifiers, offering both theoretical and empirical insights. The findings suggest that as classifiers become more robust to adversarial attacks, their ability to uniformly converge can be compromised, indicating a tradeoff between these two desirable properties.

These results have important implications for the development and deployment of adversarially robust machine learning models. Practitioners and researchers must carefully consider the specific requirements and constraints of their applications when designing and training these models, balancing the need for adversarial robustness with the need for strong generalization performance.

The insights provided in this paper contribute to a deeper understanding of the fundamental properties of adversarially robust classifiers and can help guide future research and development in this critical area of machine learning.

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