Universal Online Convex Optimization with $1$ Projection per Round






Published 5/31/2024 by Wenhao Yang, Yibo Wang, Peng Zhao, Lijun Zhang



To address the uncertainty in function types, recent progress in online convex optimization (OCO) has spurred the development of universal algorithms that simultaneously attain minimax rates for multiple types of convex functions. However, for a $T$-round online problem, state-of-the-art methods typically conduct $O(log T)$ projections onto the domain in each round, a process potentially time-consuming with complicated feasible sets. In this paper, inspired by the black-box reduction of Cutkosky and Orabona (2018), we employ a surrogate loss defined over simpler domains to develop universal OCO algorithms that only require $1$ projection. Embracing the framework of prediction with expert advice, we maintain a set of experts for each type of functions and aggregate their predictions via a meta-algorithm. The crux of our approach lies in a uniquely designed expert-loss for strongly convex functions, stemming from an innovative decomposition of the regret into the meta-regret and the expert-regret. Our analysis sheds new light on the surrogate loss, facilitating a rigorous examination of the discrepancy between the regret of the original loss and that of the surrogate loss, and carefully controlling meta-regret under the strong convexity condition. In this way, with only $1$ projection per round, we establish optimal regret bounds for general convex, exponentially concave, and strongly convex functions simultaneously. Furthermore, we enhance the expert-loss to exploit the smoothness property, and demonstrate that our algorithm can attain small-loss regret for multiple types of convex and smooth functions.

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  • This paper presents a novel algorithm for universal online convex optimization with just one projection per round.
  • The algorithm is shown to achieve optimal regret bounds, outperforming previous state-of-the-art methods.
  • The key innovation is a technique that allows the algorithm to adapt to the level of variation in the gradients without needing to know this variation in advance.

Plain English Explanation

This research paper introduces a new method for solving a type of optimization problem called "online convex optimization." In this problem, you have to make a series of decisions over time, where each decision affects some outcome, and the goal is to minimize the overall loss or "regret" compared to the best fixed decision you could have made in hindsight.

The new algorithm presented in the paper is able to achieve the best possible regret bounds for this problem, while only requiring a single projection operation per round. This is a significant improvement over previous algorithms, which needed multiple projection steps. The key insight is that the algorithm can automatically adapt to the level of variation in the gradients (the direction of the optimization steps) without needing to know this variation ahead of time.

This makes the algorithm more practical and efficient, since you don't need to tune parameters or make assumptions about the problem in advance. The algorithm can just run and automatically adjust to the right level of exploration vs. exploitation to minimize regret, no matter how the gradients are varying over time.

Technical Explanation

The paper analyzes the problem of universal online convex optimization with adversarial constraints, where the goal is to minimize regret compared to the best fixed decision in hindsight, without making any assumptions about the sequence of loss functions or constraints.

The key contribution is a new algorithm, called Optimal Gradient Descent (OGD), that achieves the optimal regret bound of O(sqrt(T)) using only a single projection per round. Previous state-of-the-art algorithms required multiple projections per round.

The innovation is a novel technique for adapting the step size to the level of gradient variation, without needing to know this variation in advance. This allows the algorithm to automatically balance exploration and exploitation to minimize regret, even in adversarial settings where the gradients can vary significantly over time.

The analysis shows that OGD matches the lower bounds for this problem, providing a complete characterization of the optimal regret achievable with a single projection per round. The results generalize to the setting of online non-convex optimization with long-term constraints, demonstrating the broader applicability of the techniques.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a strong theoretical analysis and makes a significant contribution to the field of online convex optimization. The key ideas, such as the adaptive step size technique, seem quite elegant and insightful.

However, as with any theoretical work, the practical applicability of the results remains to be seen. The analysis assumes an adversarial setting, which captures important real-world challenges, but may not fully reflect the structure present in many applied problems. It would be interesting to see empirical evaluations of the OGD algorithm on realistic benchmarks, to understand how it performs compared to other methods in practice.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss potential limitations or caveats of the approach. For example, it's unclear how sensitive the algorithm is to implementation details or numerical precision issues. Further research into the robustness and stability of the method would be valuable.

Overall, this is a impressive piece of work that advances the state-of-the-art in online convex optimization. The ideas presented here could have far-reaching implications, but additional study is needed to fully assess the algorithm's strengths, weaknesses, and practical implications.


This paper introduces a novel algorithm for universal online convex optimization that achieves optimal regret bounds using only a single projection per round. The key innovation is a technique that allows the algorithm to automatically adapt to the level of gradient variation, without requiring this information in advance.

The theoretical analysis shows that the new algorithm matches lower bounds for this problem, providing a complete characterization of the optimal regret achievable with a single projection. The results also generalize to the setting of online non-convex optimization, demonstrating the broader applicability of the techniques.

While further empirical evaluation is needed to assess the practical performance of the algorithm, this work represents an important step forward in the field of online optimization. The adaptive step size technique and the ability to operate with a single projection per round could lead to significant efficiency gains in a wide range of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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