Variational Dynamic for Self-Supervised Exploration in Deep Reinforcement Learning






Published 4/3/2024 by Chenjia Bai, Peng Liu, Kaiyu Liu, Lingxiao Wang, Yingnan Zhao, Lei Han



Efficient exploration remains a challenging problem in reinforcement learning, especially for tasks where extrinsic rewards from environments are sparse or even totally disregarded. Significant advances based on intrinsic motivation show promising results in simple environments but often get stuck in environments with multimodal and stochastic dynamics. In this work, we propose a variational dynamic model based on the conditional variational inference to model the multimodality and stochasticity. We consider the environmental state-action transition as a conditional generative process by generating the next-state prediction under the condition of the current state, action, and latent variable, which provides a better understanding of the dynamics and leads a better performance in exploration. We derive an upper bound of the negative log-likelihood of the environmental transition and use such an upper bound as the intrinsic reward for exploration, which allows the agent to learn skills by self-supervised exploration without observing extrinsic rewards. We evaluate the proposed method on several image-based simulation tasks and a real robotic manipulating task. Our method outperforms several state-of-the-art environment model-based exploration approaches.

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  • Reinforcement learning often struggles with exploration, especially when rewards from the environment are sparse or nonexistent.
  • Recent work on intrinsic motivation has shown promise, but has difficulty in complex, stochastic environments.
  • This paper proposes a method using a variational dynamic model to better capture multimodal and stochastic environmental dynamics.
  • The approach uses the model's predictions as intrinsic rewards to drive exploration, without relying on external rewards.
  • Experiments show the method outperforming other state-of-the-art exploration techniques.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning is a powerful approach for training AI systems to master complex tasks. However, a key challenge is that the system needs to thoroughly explore its environment in order to learn effective behaviors. This is especially difficult when the environment doesn't provide clear feedback or rewards to guide the exploration.

The proposed method tries to address this by building an internal model of the environment's dynamics. Rather than relying on external rewards, the model generates its own intrinsic rewards based on how well it can predict what will happen next. This gives the AI system motivation to actively explore the environment and learn how it works, even in the absence of explicit rewards.

Importantly, the model is designed to capture the multimodal and stochastic nature of real-world dynamics. Many environments don't behave in a simple, predictable way - there can be multiple possible outcomes for a given action, and a lot of randomness and uncertainty. The variational approach used here allows the model to learn and represent this complexity, which in turn enables more effective exploration.

Through experiments in simulated environments and a real robotic task, the authors show that this approach can outperform other state-of-the-art exploration methods. By equipping the AI agent with a powerful internal model of its environment, it is able to drive exploration in a more targeted and efficient way.

Technical Explanation

The core of the proposed method is a variational dynamic model that learns to predict the next state of the environment given the current state and action. This model is trained using a conditional variational inference approach, which allows it to capture multimodal and stochastic dynamics.

Specifically, the model generates a latent variable that represents the uncertainty or "noise" in the environmental dynamics. By conditioning the next-state prediction on this latent variable, in addition to the current state and action, the model can learn to represent the full distribution of possible outcomes.

The authors then use the negative log-likelihood of the model's predictions as an intrinsic reward signal to guide the agent's exploration. The intuition is that the agent will be motivated to explore parts of the environment where its model's predictions are highly uncertain, as this will lead to higher intrinsic rewards and faster learning of the true dynamics.

Experiments were conducted in several simulated environments with image-based observations, as well as a real-world robotic manipulation task. The results show that this approach outperforms other state-of-the-art exploration methods, particularly in environments with complex, stochastic dynamics.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to the challenging problem of exploration in reinforcement learning. The use of a variational dynamic model to capture multimodal and stochastic transitions is a thoughtful and well-motivated technical contribution.

That said, the evaluation is limited to relatively simple simulated environments and a single real-world robotic task. More extensive testing in a wider range of complex, real-world environments would be needed to fully assess the scalability and robustness of the method.

Additionally, the paper does not provide much insight into the computational and sample efficiency of the approach. The training process for the dynamic model, as well as the overall agent training, could be quite resource-intensive, limiting the practical applicability.

Further research could also explore ways to combine this intrinsic-reward-driven exploration with extrinsic rewards from the environment, if available. Leveraging both sources of guidance may lead to even more effective learning.


This paper presents a novel approach to the problem of efficient exploration in reinforcement learning. By modeling the multimodal and stochastic dynamics of the environment using a variational dynamic model, the method is able to generate intrinsic rewards that drive the agent to thoroughly explore its surroundings.

The results demonstrate the potential of this technique to outperform other state-of-the-art exploration methods, particularly in complex environments where traditional approaches struggle. While further research is needed to fully assess the scalability and efficiency of the approach, this work represents an important step forward in the quest to build AI systems that can effectively learn and operate in the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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