Video Super-Resolution Transformer with Masked Inter&Intra-Frame Attention






Published 4/1/2024 by Xingyu Zhou, Leheng Zhang, Xiaorui Zhao, Keze Wang, Leida Li, Shuhang Gu
Video Super-Resolution Transformer with Masked Inter&Intra-Frame Attention


Recently, Vision Transformer has achieved great success in recovering missing details in low-resolution sequences, i.e., the video super-resolution (VSR) task. Despite its superiority in VSR accuracy, the heavy computational burden as well as the large memory footprint hinder the deployment of Transformer-based VSR models on constrained devices. In this paper, we address the above issue by proposing a novel feature-level masked processing framework: VSR with Masked Intra and inter frame Attention (MIA-VSR). The core of MIA-VSR is leveraging feature-level temporal continuity between adjacent frames to reduce redundant computations and make more rational use of previously enhanced SR features. Concretely, we propose an intra-frame and inter-frame attention block which takes the respective roles of past features and input features into consideration and only exploits previously enhanced features to provide supplementary information. In addition, an adaptive block-wise mask prediction module is developed to skip unimportant computations according to feature similarity between adjacent frames. We conduct detailed ablation studies to validate our contributions and compare the proposed method with recent state-of-the-art VSR approaches. The experimental results demonstrate that MIA-VSR improves the memory and computation efficiency over state-of-the-art methods, without trading off PSNR accuracy. The code is available at

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The provided text discusses image super-resolution (SR), which is the process of recovering sharp details in high-resolution (HR) images from low-resolution (LR) observations. It highlights the practical applications of SR, such as surveillance and high-definition displays, and mentions that it has been an active research area for the past two decades.

The text then distinguishes between single image super-resolution and video super-resolution (VSR). Single image SR utilizes only the information within a single frame to estimate the missing details. In contrast, VSR leverages temporal information from multiple frames, often leading to better SR results.

Figure 1: PSNR(dB) and FLOPs(G) comparison on the Vid4 [23] dataset. We compare our MIA-VSR model with the state-of-the-art temporal sliding-window and recurrent based VSR models, including EDVR [35], BasicVSR++ [5], VRT [20], RVRT [21] and PSRT [31]. Our MIA-VSR model outperforms these methods and strikes a balance between performance and compute efficiency.

Figure 1: PSNR(dB) and FLOPs(G) comparison on the Vid4 [23] dataset. We compare our MIA-VSR model with the state-of-the-art temporal sliding-window and recurrent based VSR models, including EDVR [35], BasicVSR++ [5], VRT [20], RVRT [21] and PSRT [31]. Our MIA-VSR model outperforms these methods and strikes a balance between performance and compute efficiency.

The paper proposes a novel masked video super-resolution (VSR) framework called Masked Inter&Intra frame Attention (MIA) model. The key ideas are:

  1. Developing a tailored inter-frame and intra-frame attention block (IIA) to effectively utilize previously enhanced features and spatial/temporal information while reducing computational cost compared to existing approaches.

  2. Proposing a feature-level adaptive masked processing mechanism to skip redundant computations based on the continuity between adjacent frames, enabling efficient VSR while maintaining good performance.

The IIA block takes into account the respective roles of past features and input features, using only the current frame's image feature to generate the query token. This aligns intermediate features with spatial coordinates, enabling efficient masked processing.

The adaptive masking strategy predicts unimportant regions at the feature level based on similarity between adjacent frames, skipping computations for those regions in different processing stages. This allows leveraging temporal redundancy to reduce unnecessary calculations.

The proposed MIA-VSR framework can take advantage of temporal continuity to recover missing high-resolution details while reducing redundant computations, leading to superior results with less computation and memory requirements compared to state-of-the-art VSR models.

Related Work

The paper discusses two main categories of deep learning methods for video super-resolution (VSR): temporal sliding-window based methods and recurrent based methods.

Temporal sliding-window based VSR methods process low-resolution (LR) frames in a sliding window manner, aligning adjacent frames with the reference frame to estimate a single high-resolution (HR) output. These methods rely on alignment modules like optical flow estimation, implicit alignment in feature space using dynamic filters, deformable convolutions, or attention. The network architecture for processing the aligned images is also an important research direction.

Recurrent framework based VSR methods utilize recurrent neural networks to exploit temporal information from more frames. Examples include FRVSR, RLSP, RSDN, BasicVSR, BasicVSR++, and PSRT. These methods propagate high-dimensional hidden states or output features to incorporate information from more frames for better detail estimation.

The proposed MIA-VSR method follows the bi-directional second-order hidden feature propagation framework while introducing masked processing and intra&inter-frame attention for better trade-off between accuracy, computation, and memory.

The paper also discusses efficient video processing strategies like pruning, distillation, key-frame based processing, and skip-convolution. However, most of these are designed for high-level vision tasks, and the paper claims to be the first work leveraging temporal continuity to reduce redundant computation for the low-level VSR task.


Figure 3: Illustration of the inter&intra-frame attention block with adaptive masked processing module. The adaptive mask prediction module (b) in the IIAB block acts in the Attention module’s linear layer which produce the Query, the projection layer and the linear layer in the FFN module during inference to reduce temporal and sptical redundancy calculations (a). ha⁢t⁢tsubscriptℎ𝑎𝑡𝑡h_{att}italic_h start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_a italic_t italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and hf⁢f⁢nsubscriptℎ𝑓𝑓𝑛h_{ffn}italic_h start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_f italic_f italic_n end_POSTSUBSCRIPT refer to the processed hidden feature in the Attention and FFN module.

Figure 3: Illustration of the inter&intra-frame attention block with adaptive masked processing module. The adaptive mask prediction module (b) in the IIAB block acts in the Attention module’s linear layer which produce the Query, the projection layer and the linear layer in the FFN module during inference to reduce temporal and sptical redundancy calculations (a). ha⁢t⁢tsubscriptℎ𝑎𝑡𝑡h_{att}italic_h start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_a italic_t italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and hf⁢f⁢nsubscriptℎ𝑓𝑓𝑛h_{ffn}italic_h start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_f italic_f italic_n end_POSTSUBSCRIPT refer to the processed hidden feature in the Attention and FFN module.

The section describes the overall architecture of the proposed MIA-VSR (Masked Intra&Inter-frame Attention for Efficient Video Super-Resolution) model. The key components are:

  1. Shallow feature extraction followed by recurrent feature refinement and reconstruction parts.

  2. The recurrent part comprises M feature propagation modules, each with N cascaded intra&inter-frame attention blocks (IIABs).

  3. IIABs take the current frame feature and enhanced features from past two frames. They generate query tokens from the current frame and key/value tokens from intra-frame (current) and inter-frame (past) features. This avoids redundant computations compared to processing concatenated features.

  4. An adaptive mask prediction module generates block-wise masks to further reduce unimportant computations by skipping regions based on feature differences between adjacent frames.

  5. The model is trained with a Charbonnier loss between the super-resolved and ground truth frames, plus an L1 loss to encourage more masked positions.

The architecture aims to efficiently process video frames by reducing redundant computations in the recurrent feature refinement stage through the proposed IIAB and adaptive masking strategies.


The section provides details on the experimental settings and results for the proposed MIA-VSR (Masked Intra-Inter Attention for Video Super-Resolution) model.

4.1 Experimental Settings:

  • The model is evaluated on the REDS, Vimeo90K, and Vid4 datasets for 4x video super-resolution.
  • Two models are trained, one on REDS and one on Vimeo90K.
  • The adaptive mask prediction module is fine-tuned for 100K iterations on pre-trained models.
  • The model is implemented in PyTorch and trained on RTX 4090 GPUs.

4.2 Ablation Study:

  • The proposed Intra-Inter Attention Block (IIAB) is compared to the Multi-Frame Self-Attention Block (MFSAB), showing better performance with less computation.
  • Different values of the sparsity loss weight λ are tested for the adaptive mask prediction, with 5e-4 providing the best trade-off between accuracy and computation savings.
  • Visualizations of predicted masks are provided.

4.3 Comparison with State-of-the-Art Methods:

  • MIA-VSR outperforms other methods like TOFlow, EDVR, MuCAN, VSR-T, VRT, RVRT, BasicVSR, IconVSR, TTVSR, and BasicVSR++ on REDS4, Vimeo90K-T, and Vid4 datasets.
  • With less computation than RVRT and PSRT-recurrent, MIA-VSR achieves the best results on REDS and Vid4, and second-best on Vimeo-90K.
  • Visual comparisons are provided, showing MIA-VSR's ability to recover sharp textures.

4.4 Complexity and Memory Analysis:

  • MIA-VSR has a similar number of parameters to other Transformer-based methods but


The paper introduces a novel Transformer-based recurrent video super-resolution model called MIA-VSR. It proposes a masked processing framework that leverages temporal continuity between adjacent frames to reduce computational requirements for the video super-resolution model. The model includes an Intra-frame and Inter-frame attention block that utilizes previously enhanced features to provide supplementary information, and an adaptive mask prediction module that generates block-wise masks for each processing stage. The researchers evaluated the MIA-VSR model on various benchmark datasets, achieving state-of-the-art video super-resolution results while requiring fewer computational resources compared to existing methods.

Appendix A Dataset and implementation details

The paper discusses the datasets and training/testing details used to evaluate the proposed MIA-VSR video super-resolution method.


  • REDS: A widely-used video dataset with 270 clips at 1280x720 resolution. The authors used 4 representative clips for testing and the remaining 266 for training.
  • Vimeo-90K: A commonly used dataset with 64,612 training clips and 7,824 testing clips at 448x256 resolution.
  • Vid4: A classical dataset for video super-resolution containing 4 video clips with at least 34 frames each at 720x480 resolution.

Training Details:

  • For REDS, the model was trained for 600K iterations with an initial learning rate of 2e-4, using the Adam optimizer and a batch size of 24.
  • For Vimeo-90K, the pre-trained REDS model was further trained for 300K iterations with an initial learning rate of 1e-4, using the same settings.

Testing Details:

  • The REDS4 dataset (4 clips from REDS) was used for testing the REDS model.
  • The Vimeo90K-T and Vid4 datasets were used for testing the Vimeo-90K model.

Appendix B Light-weight MIA-VSR models

This section discusses lightweight versions of the proposed MIA-VSR model for video super-resolution (VSR), called MIA-VSR-small and MIA-VSR-tiny. These models have 4 feature propagation modules, each with 6 MIIA blocks and a skip connection. The spatial window size is 8x8 and the head size is 6. The main difference is the number of channels, with 120 for MIA-VSR-small and 96 for MIA-VSR-tiny.

The results show that transformer-based VSR models generally outperform CNN-based methods. The MIA-VSR model achieves better results than the state-of-the-art CNN-based BasicVSR++ with fewer parameters and lower computational cost. Compared to existing transformer-based methods, MIA-VSR achieves better results with much less computation.

The lightweight MIA-VSR-small and MIA-VSR-tiny models strike a good balance between performance and computational cost. With 45% fewer FLOPs, MIA-VSR-tiny improves upon the TTVSR model by 0.28 dB PSNR.

Figure 6: PSNR(dB) and FLOPs(G) comparison on the REDS4 [27] dataset.
In comparison with the existing video super-resolution methods, our proposed MIA-VSR model, MIA-VSR-small and MIA-VSR-tiny could obtain better trade-offs between VSR results and computational cost.
Our fine-tuned model MIA-VSR†normal-†\dagger† outperforms the current state-of-the-art model by more than 0.1 dB with nearly 40% less number of FLOPs.
Our light-weight model MIA-VSR-tiny outperforms the recent light-weight Transformer-based VSR model TTVSR[24] by 0.28 dB, with 45% less number of FLOPs.
More details can be found in Section B.

Figure 6: PSNR(dB) and FLOPs(G) comparison on the REDS4 [27] dataset. In comparison with the existing video super-resolution methods, our proposed MIA-VSR model, MIA-VSR-small and MIA-VSR-tiny could obtain better trade-offs between VSR results and computational cost. Our fine-tuned model MIA-VSR†normal-†\dagger† outperforms the current state-of-the-art model by more than 0.1 dB with nearly 40% less number of FLOPs. Our light-weight model MIA-VSR-tiny outperforms the recent light-weight Transformer-based VSR model TTVSR[24] by 0.28 dB, with 45% less number of FLOPs. More details can be found in Section B.

Appendix C Fine-tune MIA-VSR with longer sequences.

The paper discusses further training of the MIA-VSR model, a video super-resolution (VSR) model, with longer sequences to achieve better results. The authors took the MIA-VSR model trained on the REDS dataset for 450K iterations with 16 frames and fine-tuned it for an additional 150K iterations with 40 frames, naming it MIA-VSR††\dagger†. This fine-tuned model demonstrated an improvement of 0.1dB over the original MIA-VSR model trained with 16 frames, without increasing the number of floating-point operations (FLOPs). The authors compared the performance of MIA-VSR††\dagger† with state-of-the-art Transformer-based VSR methods, including VRT, RVRT, and PSRT, as shown in Fig.6 and Table 4.

Appendix D Visual results

The paper presents visual comparisons between existing video super-resolution (VSR) methods and the proposed VSR Transformer with masked inter&intra-frame attention (MIA). The proposed method was trained using 16 frames from the REDS dataset and 14 frames from the Vimeo-90K dataset. The visual results shown in Figures 7 and 8 demonstrate that the proposed method can generate visually pleasing images with sharp edges and fine details, such as horizontal bar patterns of buildings and numbers on license plates. In contrast, existing methods suffer from texture distortion or loss of detail in these types of scenes. In addition to the qualitative visual improvements, the proposed method also achieves quantitative improvements, as mentioned earlier in the paper.

Figure 7: Visual comparison for 4×4\times4 × VSR on REDS4 dataset.

Figure 7: Visual comparison for 4×4\times4 × VSR on REDS4 dataset.

Figure 8: Visual comparison for 4×4\times4 × VSR on Vid4 dataset.

Figure 8: Visual comparison for 4×4\times4 × VSR on Vid4 dataset.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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