Vocabulary Attack to Hijack Large Language Model Applications






Published 4/4/2024 by Patrick Levi, Christoph P. Neumann



The fast advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) are driving an increasing number of applications. Together with the growing number of users, we also see an increasing number of attackers who try to outsmart these systems. They want the model to reveal confidential information, specific false information, or offensive behavior. To this end, they manipulate their instructions for the LLM by inserting separators or rephrasing them systematically until they reach their goal. Our approach is different. It inserts words from the model vocabulary. We find these words using an optimization procedure and embeddings from another LLM (attacker LLM). We prove our approach by goal hijacking two popular open-source LLMs from the Llama2 and the Flan-T5 families, respectively. We present two main findings. First, our approach creates inconspicuous instructions and therefore it is hard to detect. For many attack cases, we find that even a single word insertion is sufficient. Second, we demonstrate that we can conduct our attack using a different model than the target model to conduct our attack with.

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  • Researchers describe a novel "vocabulary attack" that can hijack the behavior of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT.
  • The attack works by carefully crafting prompts that leverage the LLM's inherent biases and training data to change its outputs in unintended ways.
  • This could allow bad actors to subvert the intended use of LLMs for malicious purposes like disinformation campaigns.
  • The paper explores the technical details of the attack and its potential implications for the safety and reliability of LLM applications.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have become incredibly powerful and versatile tools, with applications ranging from content creation to task automation. However, these models can also be vulnerable to manipulation.

The researchers describe a technique they call a "vocabulary attack" that exploits the way LLMs are trained on language data. By carefully crafting prompts, an attacker can nudge the model to produce outputs that diverge from its intended purpose. For example, they could prompt the model to generate misleading or biased text, even if that goes against the model's original design.

This is concerning because it means bad actors could potentially hijack LLMs to spread disinformation, create fake content, or otherwise subvert the intended use of these powerful AI systems. The paper explores the technical details of how this attack works and the implications for the safety and reliability of LLM applications.

Technical Explanation

The researchers demonstrate a "vocabulary attack" that can manipulate the outputs of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. The key insight is that LLMs learn strong associations between certain words and concepts during training, and these associations can be exploited through carefully crafted prompts.

The attack works by identifying "vocabulary triggers" - specific words or phrases that the LLM has learned to associate with particular behaviors or outputs. By including these triggers in the input prompts, the attacker can nudge the model to generate content that deviates from its intended purpose.

The paper presents experiments showing how vocabulary attacks can be used to make LLMs produce biased, factually incorrect, or even dangerous outputs. For example, the researchers demonstrate prompts that cause the model to endorse conspiracy theories or generate hate speech, despite the model's intended purpose.

Importantly, the researchers note that vocabulary attacks are not limited to malicious use cases. In their experiments, they also show how the technique could be leveraged for benign purposes, such as customizing an LLM's behavior for specific applications or tasks.

Critical Analysis

The vocabulary attack technique described in this paper highlights a fundamental challenge in ensuring the safety and reliability of large language models (LLMs). While these models can be incredibly powerful and versatile, they are also vulnerable to manipulation through carefully crafted inputs.

One key limitation noted by the researchers is that vocabulary attacks rely on the specific biases and associations learned by a given LLM during training. This means the effectiveness of the attack may vary depending on the model architecture, training data, and other factors. Additionally, the researchers acknowledge that countermeasures, such as prompt engineering or model fine-tuning, could potentially be developed to mitigate these attacks.

That said, the broader implications of this research are concerning. If bad actors can reliably hijack the behavior of LLMs, it could have serious consequences for the use of these models in high-stakes applications, such as content moderation, medical diagnostics, or financial decision-making. Addressing these vulnerabilities will be a crucial challenge for the AI research community going forward.

Ultimately, this paper serves as a valuable reminder that as LLMs become more powerful and ubiquitous, we must remain vigilant about their potential misuse and continue to develop robust safeguards to protect against such attacks.


The "vocabulary attack" described in this paper represents a novel and concerning vulnerability in large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. By carefully crafting prompts that leverage the models' inherent biases and associations, attackers can potentially hijack the behavior of these powerful AI systems and use them for malicious purposes.

The technical details of the attack, as well as the researchers' experiments demonstrating its effectiveness, underscore the need for continued research and development of robust safety and security measures for LLMs. As these models become more widely adopted, understanding and mitigating their vulnerabilities will be crucial to ensuring their trustworthiness and reliability in high-stakes applications.

While the implications of this research are concerning, it also highlights the importance of ongoing efforts to make LLMs more transparent, controllable, and aligned with their intended purposes. By addressing these challenges, the AI research community can help unlock the full potential of these transformative technologies while minimizing the risks of misuse or unintended harm.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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