WaveCoder: Widespread And Versatile Enhancement For Code Large Language Models By Instruction Tuning






Published 6/10/2024 by Zhaojian Yu, Xin Zhang, Ning Shang, Yangyu Huang, Can Xu, Yishujie Zhao, Wenxiang Hu, Qiufeng Yin
WaveCoder: Widespread And Versatile Enhancement For Code Large Language Models By Instruction Tuning


Recent work demonstrates that, after instruction tuning, Code Large Language Models (Code LLMs) can obtain impressive capabilities to address a wide range of code-related tasks. However, current instruction tuning methods for Code LLMs mainly focus on the traditional code generation task, resulting in poor performance in complex multi-task scenarios. In this paper, we concentrate on multiple code-related tasks and present WaveCoder, a series of Code LLMs trained with Widespread And Versatile Enhanced instruction data. To enable the models to tackle complex code-related tasks, we propose a method to stably generate diverse, high-quality instruction data from open source code dataset in multi-task scenarios and obtain CodeSeaXDataset, a dataset comprising 19,915 instruction instances across 4 code-related tasks, which is aimed at improving the generalization ability of Code LLM. Our experiments demonstrate that WaveCoder models significantly outperform other open-source models in terms of the generalization ability across different code-related tasks. Moreover, WaveCoder-Ultra-6.7B presents the state-of-the-art generalization abilities on a wide range of code-related tasks.

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  • The paper presents a novel approach called "WaveCoder" for enhancing language model training on code-related instruction data.
  • The approach involves generating refined and versatile synthetic code-related instruction data to improve the performance of large language models on a variety of code-related tasks.
  • The authors introduce a new dataset called "CodeOcean" that includes four diverse code-related instruction tasks, which they use to evaluate the effectiveness of WaveCoder.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new technique called "WaveCoder" that aims to improve the way language models are trained on data related to coding and programming instructions. The key idea is to generate high-quality, diverse synthetic data that can supplement the training data for these language models, helping them become better at understanding and generating code-related instructions.

To test their approach, the researchers created a new dataset called "CodeOcean" that includes four different types of code-related tasks, such as [internal link: https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/alchemistcoder-harmonizing-eliciting-code-capability-by-hindsight] code completion, [internal link: https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/from-symbolic-tasks-to-code-generation-diversification] code generation, and [internal link: https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/codeclm-aligning-language-models-tailored-synthetic-data] code summarization. They then used WaveCoder to generate additional training data and evaluated how well the language models performed on the CodeOcean tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new method called "WaveCoder" that aims to improve the training of large language models on code-related instruction data. The key components of WaveCoder include:

  1. Refined Data Generation: The authors develop techniques to generate high-quality, diverse synthetic code-related instruction data that can supplement the training data for language models. This includes [internal link: https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/genixer-empowering-multimodal-large-language-models-as] leveraging code structure and semantics to create more realistic and varied instruction samples.

  2. Enhanced Instruction Tuning: The authors propose methods to fine-tune large language models on the generated synthetic data, as well as the original code-related instruction data, in a way that enhances the models' understanding and generation of code-related instructions.

To evaluate the effectiveness of WaveCoder, the authors introduce a new dataset called "CodeOcean" that includes four diverse code-related instruction tasks: [internal link: https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/transcoder-towards-unified-transferable-code-representation-learning] code completion, code generation, code summarization, and code classification. They show that language models trained using WaveCoder significantly outperform models trained on the original data alone across these tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough study, with a clear focus on improving the performance of language models on code-related tasks. The use of a newly created dataset, CodeOcean, to evaluate the effectiveness of WaveCoder is a particular strength, as it allows for a comprehensive assessment of the approach.

One potential limitation of the work is the reliance on synthetic data generation, which could introduce biases or artifacts that might not be present in real-world data. The authors acknowledge this and suggest that further research is needed to understand the implications of using synthetic data for language model training.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential downsides or unintended consequences of improving language models' capabilities in code-related tasks. While the authors highlight the practical benefits, it would be valuable to consider any ethical or societal implications that might arise from more powerful code-generation and understanding systems.


The WaveCoder approach presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in the field of language model training for code-related tasks. By generating refined and versatile synthetic data and using it to enhance the instruction tuning process, the researchers have demonstrated substantial improvements in language model performance across a range of code-related benchmarks.

This work has important implications for a variety of applications, from programming assistance tools to automated code generation systems. As the authors note, further research is needed to fully understand the potential limitations and societal impacts of these advancements. Nevertheless, the WaveCoder technique is an important step forward in the ongoing effort to develop more capable and reliable language models for the domain of software engineering and programming.

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