1-Lipschitz Neural Networks are more expressive with N-Activations






Published 6/4/2024 by Bernd Prach, Christoph H. Lampert



A crucial property for achieving secure, trustworthy and interpretable deep learning systems is their robustness: small changes to a system's inputs should not result in large changes to its outputs. Mathematically, this means one strives for networks with a small Lipschitz constant. Several recent works have focused on how to construct such Lipschitz networks, typically by imposing constraints on the weight matrices. In this work, we study an orthogonal aspect, namely the role of the activation function. We show that commonly used activation functions, such as MaxMin, as well as all piece-wise linear ones with two segments unnecessarily restrict the class of representable functions, even in the simplest one-dimensional setting. We furthermore introduce the new N-activation function that is provably more expressive than currently popular activation functions. We provide code at https://github.com/berndprach/NActivation.

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  • The paper explores the importance of robustness in deep learning systems, which means that small changes to the inputs should not result in large changes to the outputs.
  • The authors focus on the role of the activation function, which is a key component of neural networks, and how it can impact the representational capacity and robustness of the network.
  • The paper introduces a new activation function, called the N-activation function, which the authors claim is more expressive than commonly used activation functions like MaxMin and piece-wise linear functions with two segments.

Plain English Explanation

Deep learning systems, which are a type of artificial intelligence, are becoming increasingly important in various applications. However, for these systems to be truly secure, trustworthy, and interpretable, they need to be robust. This means that small changes to the inputs should not result in large changes to the outputs.

Imagine you have a neural network that is used to recognize images of dogs. If you slightly modify an image of a dog, the network should still be able to correctly identify it as a dog. If a small change in the input causes the network to completely misclassify the image, then the system is not robust.

The authors of this paper focus on the activation function, which is a key component of neural networks. The activation function determines how the neurons in the network respond to their inputs. The researchers show that commonly used activation functions, like MaxMin and piece-wise linear functions with two segments, can actually limit the expressive power of the network, even in simple one-dimensional settings.

To address this, the researchers introduce a new activation function called the N-activation function. This function is designed to be more expressive and flexible than the current options, which could lead to more robust and interpretable deep learning systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by emphasizing the importance of robustness in deep learning systems, which is defined as the property where small changes to the inputs do not result in large changes to the outputs. Mathematically, this translates to a network having a small Lipschitz constant.

The authors then focus on the role of the activation function, which is a crucial component of neural networks. They show that commonly used activation functions, such as MaxMin and all piece-wise linear functions with two segments, can unnecessarily restrict the class of representable functions, even in the simplest one-dimensional setting.

To address this limitation, the researchers introduce a new activation function called the N-activation function. They provide a formal analysis of the properties of the N-activation function and show that it is more expressive than the currently popular activation functions.

The authors also provide code for the N-activation function on GitHub, allowing others to experiment with and build upon their work.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful and technical analysis of the role of the activation function in deep learning systems. The authors make a compelling case for the importance of robustness and the potential limitations of commonly used activation functions.

One potential area for further research is the practical implications of the N-activation function. While the theoretical analysis is sound, it would be valuable to see how the N-activation function performs in real-world deep learning tasks, especially in terms of improving robustness and interpretability.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the computational complexity or training challenges that may arise from using the N-activation function. These practical considerations could be important when evaluating the feasibility and adoption of the proposed approach.

Overall, the paper presents a thoughtful and technically sound exploration of an important topic in deep learning. The introduction of the N-activation function is a valuable contribution, and the authors have provided a solid foundation for further research and development in this area.


This paper highlights the crucial role of robustness in achieving secure, trustworthy, and interpretable deep learning systems. The authors focus on the activation function as a key component that can impact the representational capacity and robustness of neural networks.

By introducing the novel N-activation function, which is more expressive than commonly used alternatives, the researchers have provided a potential solution to the limitations of current activation functions. While further research is needed to fully understand the practical implications of the N-activation function, this work represents an important step forward in the pursuit of robust and reliable deep learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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