3D Gaussian Blendshapes for Head Avatar Animation






Published 5/3/2024 by Shengjie Ma, Yanlin Weng, Tianjia Shao, Kun Zhou



We introduce 3D Gaussian blendshapes for modeling photorealistic head avatars. Taking a monocular video as input, we learn a base head model of neutral expression, along with a group of expression blendshapes, each of which corresponds to a basis expression in classical parametric face models. Both the neutral model and expression blendshapes are represented as 3D Gaussians, which contain a few properties to depict the avatar appearance. The avatar model of an arbitrary expression can be effectively generated by combining the neutral model and expression blendshapes through linear blending of Gaussians with the expression coefficients. High-fidelity head avatar animations can be synthesized in real time using Gaussian splatting. Compared to state-of-the-art methods, our Gaussian blendshape representation better captures high-frequency details exhibited in input video, and achieves superior rendering performance.

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  • This paper introduces a new method for creating photorealistic 3D head avatars using a monocular video input.
  • The key innovation is the use of 3D Gaussian blendshapes to model the neutral head shape and expression variations.
  • This Gaussian blendshape representation captures high-frequency details better than previous methods and allows for real-time animation synthesis.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new way to create realistic 3D digital avatars of human heads using just a standard video. Their approach is based on representing the neutral head shape and different facial expressions as 3D Gaussian distributions, which are mathematical models that can efficiently capture the shape and appearance of the head.

By combining the neutral head model with these Gaussian "blendshapes" for various expressions, the system can generate a 3D avatar that can be animated in real-time to match the movements and expressions in the input video. This Gaussian blendshape representation is able to better capture fine details compared to previous methods, leading to more photorealistic avatars.

The key advantage of this approach is that it can create high-quality, animatable 3D head models from monocular video data, without requiring specialized 3D scanning hardware or complex multi-view setups. This makes the technology more accessible and practical for a wide range of applications, such as virtual reality, videoconferencing, and digital entertainment.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel 3D head avatar modeling technique based on Gaussian blendshapes. Taking a monocular video as input, the method first learns a base 3D Gaussian model representing the neutral expression of the head. It then learns a set of additional Gaussian "blendshapes," each capturing a specific facial expression.

The full 3D avatar for any expression can then be efficiently generated by linearly combining the neutral head model and the relevant blendshapes, weighted by expression coefficients. This Gaussian blendshape representation allows for high-fidelity rendering of the head avatar in real-time using a technique called Gaussian splatting.

Compared to state-of-the-art methods, the authors show that their Gaussian blendshape approach better captures the high-frequency details present in the input video, leading to more photorealistic and expressive head avatars. The method also outperforms previous techniques in terms of rendering efficiency, making it suitable for interactive applications like virtual avatars and mixed reality experiences.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for creating high-quality 3D head avatars from monocular video data. The use of 3D Gaussian blendshapes is a novel and effective way to capture both the neutral head shape and the variations in facial expressions.

One potential limitation mentioned in the paper is that the method may struggle with extreme head poses or occlusions in the input video, as the Gaussian blendshape representation may not be able to fully account for such variations. Further research could explore ways to address these edge cases, perhaps by incorporating additional data sources or more advanced modeling techniques.

Another area for potential improvement is the ability to generate avatars that maintain personal identity and likeness. While the paper demonstrates impressive visual quality, it's unclear how well the method preserves the unique facial features and characteristics of the individual in the input video. Exploring ways to better retain identity while still achieving photorealistic rendering could be an interesting direction for future work.

Overall, this research represents an exciting advance in the field of 3D head avatar modeling, with the potential to enable more natural and immersive virtual experiences across a wide range of applications.


This paper presents a novel approach for creating photorealistic 3D head avatars from monocular video inputs. By representing the head shape and facial expressions as 3D Gaussian blendshapes, the method is able to capture high-frequency details and enable real-time animation synthesis.

The key strengths of this technique are its ability to generate high-quality avatars from standard video data, without requiring specialized 3D scanning hardware, as well as its efficient rendering performance. These advantages make the technology well-suited for a variety of applications, from virtual reality and videoconferencing to digital entertainment and mixed reality experiences.

While the paper identifies some potential limitations, the overall approach represents an important step forward in the field of 3D head avatar modeling. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more realistic and expressive digital avatars that seamlessly blend the physical and virtual worlds.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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