GoMAvatar: Efficient Animatable Human Modeling from Monocular Video Using Gaussians-on-Mesh






Published 4/12/2024 by Jing Wen, Xiaoming Zhao, Zhongzheng Ren, Alexander G. Schwing, Shenlong Wang
GoMAvatar: Efficient Animatable Human Modeling from Monocular Video Using Gaussians-on-Mesh


We introduce GoMAvatar, a novel approach for real-time, memory-efficient, high-quality animatable human modeling. GoMAvatar takes as input a single monocular video to create a digital avatar capable of re-articulation in new poses and real-time rendering from novel viewpoints, while seamlessly integrating with rasterization-based graphics pipelines. Central to our method is the Gaussians-on-Mesh representation, a hybrid 3D model combining rendering quality and speed of Gaussian splatting with geometry modeling and compatibility of deformable meshes. We assess GoMAvatar on ZJU-MoCap data and various YouTube videos. GoMAvatar matches or surpasses current monocular human modeling algorithms in rendering quality and significantly outperforms them in computational efficiency (43 FPS) while being memory-efficient (3.63 MB per subject).

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This paper presents a novel method called GoMAvatar for efficient and animatable human modeling from monocular video. The key idea is to represent the human body as a set of Gaussians attached to a 3D mesh, which allows for realistic animation and low-dimensional control. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of GoMAvatar on a variety of tasks, including human reconstruction, animation, and data-driven character control.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers developed a new way to create 3D digital avatars of people using just a single video camera. Typically, creating detailed, animated 3D models of people is very difficult and requires specialized equipment. However, this new method, called GoMAvatar, can do it using just a regular video.

The key insight is to represent the human body using a collection of Gaussian "blobs" attached to a 3D mesh. This allows the model to capture the detailed shape and texture of the person, while also enabling realistic animation and control. For example, you could use GoMAvatar to create an animated 3D version of yourself that can move and express emotions, all from a simple video.

The advantage of this approach is that it is much more efficient and practical than previous methods, which often required expensive camera rigs or complex data collection. With GoMAvatar, you can create high-quality, animatable 3D avatars just from a video filmed on your smartphone. This could have applications in areas like virtual reality, gaming, and digital entertainment.

Technical Explanation

The core of the GoMAvatar method is the use of Gaussians-on-Mesh (GoM), a compact representation that models the human body as a set of Gaussian distributions attached to a 3D mesh. This allows the model to capture detailed geometry and appearance, while also enabling efficient animation through the manipulation of the Gaussian parameters.

The authors train the GoMAvatar model in a self-supervised manner using monocular video data. They first extract 2D keypoints and project them onto the 3D mesh to obtain a coarse shape. They then optimize the Gaussian parameters to closely match the observed 2D projections, effectively recovering the 3D shape and texture.

Once the initial model is created, the authors demonstrate how GoMAvatar can be used for a variety of tasks, including 3D reconstruction, animation, and data-driven character control. The compact Gaussian representation allows for efficient optimization and rendering, making GoMAvatar a promising approach for real-time applications.

Critical Analysis

The GoMAvatar method represents an interesting and promising approach to human modeling and animation from monocular video. The use of Gaussians-on-Mesh provides a flexible and efficient representation that can capture detailed geometry and appearance, while also enabling realistic animation.

One potential limitation of the method is that it may struggle to model highly complex or non-rigid deformations, as the Gaussian representation may not be able to capture all the nuances of human motion. Additionally, the self-supervised training approach may introduce some artifacts or inaccuracies, especially in cases where the input video data is of lower quality or contains occlusions.

It would also be interesting to see how GoMAvatar compares to other state-of-the-art methods, such as PhysAvatar or GeneAvatar, in terms of both performance and practical applicability.

Overall, the GoMAvatar method is a promising step forward in the field of human modeling and animation, and the authors have demonstrated its potential through a range of experiments and applications.


The GoMAvatar method presented in this paper offers an efficient and practical approach to creating animatable 3D human models from monocular video. By representing the human body as a set of Gaussians attached to a 3D mesh, the authors have developed a flexible and compact representation that enables realistic animation and control.

The self-supervised training process and the use of Gaussians-on-Mesh make GoMAvatar a promising candidate for real-time applications in areas such as virtual reality, gaming, and digital entertainment. While the method may have some limitations in modeling highly complex deformations, the authors have demonstrated its effectiveness on a variety of tasks, highlighting its potential to advance the field of human modeling and animation.

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