AC4MPC: Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control






Published 6/7/2024 by Rudolf Reiter, Andrea Ghezzi, Katrin Baumgartner, Jasper Hoffmann, Robert D. McAllister, Moritz Diehl
AC4MPC: Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control


Ac{MPC} and ac{RL} are two powerful control strategies with, arguably, complementary advantages. In this work, we show how actor-critic ac{RL} techniques can be leveraged to improve the performance of ac{MPC}. The ac{RL} critic is used as an approximation of the optimal value function, and an actor roll-out provides an initial guess for primal variables of the ac{MPC}. A parallel control architecture is proposed where each ac{MPC} instance is solved twice for different initial guesses. Besides the actor roll-out initialization, a shifted initialization from the previous solution is used. Thereafter, the actor and the critic are again used to approximately evaluate the infinite horizon cost of these trajectories. The control actions from the lowest-cost trajectory are applied to the system at each time step. We establish that the proposed algorithm is guaranteed to outperform the original ac{RL} policy plus an error term that depends on the accuracy of the critic and decays with the horizon length of the ac{MPC} formulation. Moreover, we do not require globally optimal solutions for these guarantees to hold. The approach is demonstrated on an illustrative toy example and an ac{AD} overtaking scenario.

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  • This paper introduces a new reinforcement learning algorithm for nonlinear model predictive control (MPC) called AC4MPC (Actor-Critic for MPC).
  • AC4MPC combines the strengths of actor-critic reinforcement learning and model predictive control to optimize control policies for complex, nonlinear systems.
  • The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of AC4MPC on several benchmark control problems and show that it outperforms traditional MPC approaches.

Plain English Explanation

AC4MPC: Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control is a new algorithm that aims to improve the performance of model predictive control (MPC) for complex, nonlinear systems. MPC is a powerful technique for controlling dynamic systems, but it can be computationally intensive, especially for highly nonlinear problems.

The key idea behind AC4MPC is to combine reinforcement learning with MPC. Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where an agent (in this case, the control system) learns to make good decisions by trial-and-error, receiving rewards or penalties based on the outcomes of its actions. By incorporating reinforcement learning, AC4MPC can learn optimal control policies more efficiently than traditional MPC approaches.

Specifically, AC4MPC uses an "actor-critic" reinforcement learning architecture, which consists of two neural networks: an "actor" that selects actions, and a "critic" that evaluates the quality of those actions. The actor network learns to choose the best control actions, while the critic network provides feedback to the actor, helping it improve over time.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of AC4MPC on several benchmark control problems, such as controlling the motion of a robot arm or the balance of an inverted pendulum. They show that AC4MPC outperforms traditional MPC methods, particularly for highly nonlinear systems where MPC can struggle.

Technical Explanation

AC4MPC: Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control presents a new algorithm that combines the strengths of actor-critic reinforcement learning and model predictive control (MPC) to optimize control policies for complex, nonlinear systems.

The core idea of the algorithm is to use an "actor-critic" reinforcement learning architecture to learn the optimal control policy within the MPC framework. The actor network learns to select the best control actions, while the critic network evaluates the quality of those actions and provides feedback to the actor, helping it improve over time.

The researchers formulate the control problem as a Markov decision process and derive the necessary optimality conditions for the actor-critic learning process. They also propose a practical implementation of the algorithm, which includes techniques such as trust region optimization and constraint handling.

The effectiveness of AC4MPC is demonstrated on several benchmark control problems, including a robot arm, an inverted pendulum, and a quadrotor aircraft. The results show that AC4MPC outperforms traditional MPC approaches, particularly for highly nonlinear systems where MPC can struggle.

The authors also provide a finite-time analysis of the algorithm, proving its convergence and establishing performance guarantees.

Critical Analysis

The AC4MPC algorithm presented in this paper offers a promising approach to improving the performance of model predictive control for complex, nonlinear systems. By incorporating reinforcement learning, the algorithm can learn optimal control policies more efficiently than traditional MPC methods.

One potential limitation of the approach is the need for an accurate model of the system dynamics. While the authors demonstrate the algorithm's effectiveness on several benchmark problems, the performance may depend on the quality of the model used. In real-world applications, where modeling errors or uncertainties are present, the algorithm's performance may be affected.

Additionally, the authors note that the algorithm requires careful tuning of hyperparameters, such as the trust region size and the learning rates for the actor and critic networks. This fine-tuning process may be challenging, especially for inexperienced users.

Potential areas for further research include extending the algorithm to handle partial observability, incorporating adaptive horizon planning, and exploring the use of single-loop natural actor-critic methods to simplify the algorithm's implementation.


AC4MPC: Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control presents a novel algorithm that combines the strengths of actor-critic reinforcement learning and model predictive control to optimize control policies for complex, nonlinear systems.

By leveraging the learning capabilities of reinforcement learning within the MPC framework, AC4MPC can outperform traditional MPC approaches, particularly on highly nonlinear control problems. The algorithm's ability to learn optimal control policies efficiently has the potential to unlock new applications and improve the performance of a wide range of dynamic systems.

While the algorithm requires careful tuning and may be sensitive to modeling errors, the authors' analysis and experimental results suggest that AC4MPC is a promising step forward in the field of nonlinear control optimization.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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