Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning with Phased Actor






Published 4/19/2024 by Ruofan Wu, Junmin Zhong, Jennie Si
Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning with Phased Actor


Policy gradient methods in actor-critic reinforcement learning (RL) have become perhaps the most promising approaches to solving continuous optimal control problems. However, the trial-and-error nature of RL and the inherent randomness associated with solution approximations cause variations in the learned optimal values and policies. This has significantly hindered their successful deployment in real life applications where control responses need to meet dynamic performance criteria deterministically. Here we propose a novel phased actor in actor-critic (PAAC) method, aiming at improving policy gradient estimation and thus the quality of the control policy. Specifically, PAAC accounts for both $Q$ value and TD error in its actor update. We prove qualitative properties of PAAC for learning convergence of the value and policy, solution optimality, and stability of system dynamics. Additionally, we show variance reduction in policy gradient estimation. PAAC performance is systematically and quantitatively evaluated in this study using DeepMind Control Suite (DMC). Results show that PAAC leads to significant performance improvement measured by total cost, learning variance, robustness, learning speed and success rate. As PAAC can be piggybacked onto general policy gradient learning frameworks, we select well-known methods such as direct heuristic dynamic programming (dHDP), deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) and their variants to demonstrate the effectiveness of PAAC. Consequently we provide a unified view on these related policy gradient algorithms.

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  • This paper presents a novel actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithm called "Phased Actor" that aims to improve the performance and stability of continuous control tasks.
  • The key idea is to separate the actor and critic updates into two phases, allowing the critic to learn a better value function before the actor updates its policy.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark continuous control tasks, showing improved sample efficiency and final performance compared to existing methods.

Plain English Explanation

In reinforcement learning, an "actor-critic" algorithm is often used to solve continuous control problems, such as controlling a robot or navigating a complex environment. The actor determines the best actions to take, while the critic evaluates how good those actions are.

The Phased Actor algorithm introduced in this paper aims to improve the performance and stability of these actor-critic methods. The key insight is to split the update process into two distinct phases: first, the critic is trained to learn a better estimate of the value function (how good each state is); then, the actor is updated to take actions that maximize this improved value function.

By separating the actor and critic updates, the Phased Actor method allows the critic to converge to a more accurate value function before the actor starts making changes to the policy. This can lead to faster learning and more stable performance, as the actor has a clearer signal to follow.

The authors test their Phased Actor approach on several standard continuous control benchmarks, such as Mujoco and Roboschool environments. They show that it outperforms existing actor-critic methods in terms of sample efficiency (how quickly it learns) and final performance on these tasks.

Technical Explanation

The Phased Actor algorithm builds upon the standard actor-critic framework, where the actor (policy network) determines the best actions to take, and the critic (value network) estimates the value of those actions.

The key innovation is to separate the actor and critic updates into two distinct phases. In the first phase, the critic is trained to convergence using temporal difference (TD) learning to estimate the value function. In the second phase, the actor is updated using policy gradient methods to maximize the improved value function.

This decoupling of the actor and critic updates allows the critic to learn a more accurate value function before the actor starts making changes to the policy. The authors argue that this can lead to faster learning and more stable performance, as the actor has a clearer signal to follow.

The Phased Actor algorithm is evaluated on several continuous control benchmarks, including Mujoco and Roboschool environments. The results show that Phased Actor outperforms existing actor-critic methods, such as DDPG and TD3, in terms of sample efficiency and final performance.

Critical Analysis

The Phased Actor algorithm seems to be a promising approach for improving the stability and performance of actor-critic reinforcement learning methods. The key insight of separating the actor and critic updates is well-motivated and the experimental results are compelling.

However, the paper does not discuss the potential limitations or caveats of the Phased Actor approach. For example, it's unclear how the method would scale to more complex, high-dimensional control problems, or how sensitive it is to hyperparameter tuning.

Additionally, the authors do not provide a detailed theoretical analysis of why the Phased Actor algorithm should outperform standard actor-critic methods. While the empirical results are promising, a more rigorous theoretical understanding of the method's properties would strengthen the overall contribution.

Overall, the Phased Actor algorithm is a interesting and potentially impactful contribution to the field of reinforcement learning for continuous control tasks. However, further research is needed to fully understand its limitations and broader applicability.


The Phased Actor algorithm presented in this paper introduces a novel approach to actor-critic reinforcement learning that separates the actor and critic updates into two distinct phases. This decoupling allows the critic to learn a more accurate value function before the actor updates its policy, leading to improved performance and stability on continuous control tasks.

The experimental results on standard benchmarks are promising, showing that Phased Actor outperforms existing methods in terms of sample efficiency and final performance. While the paper does not address potential limitations or provide a detailed theoretical analysis, the core idea is compelling and could have significant implications for the field of reinforcement learning for continuous control problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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