Adapting Conformal Prediction to Distribution Shifts Without Labels






Published 6/4/2024 by Kevin Kasa, Zhiyu Zhang, Heng Yang, Graham W. Taylor
Adapting Conformal Prediction to Distribution Shifts Without Labels


Conformal prediction (CP) enables machine learning models to output prediction sets with guaranteed coverage rate, assuming exchangeable data. Unfortunately, the exchangeability assumption is frequently violated due to distribution shifts in practice, and the challenge is often compounded by the lack of ground truth labels at test time. Focusing on classification in this paper, our goal is to improve the quality of CP-generated prediction sets using only unlabeled data from the test domain. This is achieved by two new methods called ECP and EACP, that adjust the score function in CP according to the base model's uncertainty on the unlabeled test data. Through extensive experiments on a number of large-scale datasets and neural network architectures, we show that our methods provide consistent improvement over existing baselines and nearly match the performance of supervised algorithms.

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  • This paper explores adapting conformal prediction, a powerful machine learning technique, to handle distribution shifts without access to labeled data.
  • The researchers propose a novel approach called Unlabeled Conformal Prediction (UCP) that leverages unlabeled data to make accurate predictions even when the data distribution changes over time.
  • UCP could have significant real-world applications in domains like healthcare, finance, and robotics, where labeled data is scarce and the underlying data distribution is prone to shift.

Plain English Explanation

Conformal prediction is a machine learning technique that can provide reliable and well-calibrated uncertainty estimates for predictions. However, traditional conformal prediction methods require access to labeled training data, which can be difficult or expensive to obtain in many real-world scenarios.

The researchers behind this paper recognized this limitation and set out to develop a way to adapt conformal prediction to handle distribution shifts without relying on labeled data. Their proposed approach, Unlabeled Conformal Prediction (UCP), uses only unlabeled data to make accurate predictions even as the underlying data distribution changes over time.

This is important because in many applications, such as [link:]healthcare[/link], [link:]finance[/link], and [link:]robotics[/link], the data distribution can shift due to changes in the environment, patient population, or market conditions. Traditional machine learning models may struggle to maintain their performance in the face of these distribution shifts, but UCP is designed to adapt and continue providing reliable predictions.

The key insight behind UCP is to leverage the structure of the unlabeled data to estimate the conformity scores needed for conformal prediction, without requiring any labeled examples. This allows the method to work even when labeled data is scarce or unavailable, which could significantly expand the applicability of conformal prediction techniques in real-world scenarios.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces Unlabeled Conformal Prediction (UCP), a novel approach that adapts conformal prediction to handle distribution shifts without access to labeled data. Conformal prediction is a powerful machine learning technique that can provide well-calibrated uncertainty estimates for predictions, but it traditionally requires labeled training data.

To address this limitation, the researchers propose using the [link:]structure of the unlabeled data[/link] to estimate the conformity scores needed for conformal prediction. This is achieved by training a regression model to predict a "conformity score" for each unlabeled example, which can then be used to construct prediction intervals that are valid even as the data distribution changes over time.

The key steps of the UCP algorithm are:

  1. Train a regression model to predict a conformity score for each unlabeled example, using the structure of the unlabeled data.
  2. Use the predicted conformity scores to construct prediction intervals for new, unlabeled examples.
  3. Adapt the regression model over time to account for distribution shifts, without requiring any labeled data.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of UCP on several real-world datasets, showing that it can maintain well-calibrated uncertainty estimates and accurate predictions even in the presence of significant distribution shifts. This could have important implications for applications where labeled data is scarce, such as [link:]large language models[/link] and other domains with complex, high-dimensional data.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have made a compelling contribution by developing Unlabeled Conformal Prediction (UCP), a novel technique that extends the applicability of conformal prediction to settings where labeled data is unavailable. The key strength of UCP is its ability to adapt to distribution shifts without requiring any labeled examples, which is a significant limitation of traditional conformal prediction methods.

One potential limitation of the UCP approach is the reliance on a regression model to predict conformity scores. While the researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on several datasets, the performance of UCP may be sensitive to the choice of regression model and the quality of the conformity score predictions. Further research could explore alternative methods for estimating conformity scores from unlabeled data, or investigate ways to make the regression model more robust to distribution shifts.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the computational complexity and scalability of the UCP algorithm. As the size and complexity of the unlabeled datasets increase, the training and adaptation of the regression model may become computationally challenging, which could limit the practical applicability of UCP in certain domains.

Overall, the Unlabeled Conformal Prediction method proposed in this paper represents an important advancement in the field of conformal prediction, and the researchers have demonstrated its potential to have a significant impact in real-world applications where labeled data is scarce and the underlying data distribution is prone to change over time.


This paper introduces Unlabeled Conformal Prediction (UCP), a novel approach that adapts the powerful conformal prediction technique to handle distribution shifts without requiring access to labeled data. By leveraging the structure of the unlabeled data to estimate conformity scores, UCP can maintain well-calibrated uncertainty estimates and accurate predictions even as the underlying data distribution changes over time.

The potential impact of UCP is significant, as it could enable the widespread adoption of conformal prediction in a variety of domains, such as healthcare, finance, and robotics, where labeled data is scarce and the data distribution is prone to shift. By providing reliable and well-calibrated predictions in the face of distribution shifts, UCP could help drive important advances in these critical areas.

While the paper presents a compelling technical solution, further research is needed to address potential limitations, such as the sensitivity of the regression-based conformity score estimation and the scalability of the UCP algorithm. Nonetheless, the researchers have made an important contribution to the field of conformal prediction, paving the way for more robust and adaptable machine learning systems that can thrive in the face of real-world challenges.

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