Conformal Prediction via Regression-as-Classification






Published 4/15/2024 by Etash Guha, Shlok Natarajan, Thomas Mollenhoff, Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan, Eugene Ndiaye
Conformal Prediction via Regression-as-Classification


Conformal prediction (CP) for regression can be challenging, especially when the output distribution is heteroscedastic, multimodal, or skewed. Some of the issues can be addressed by estimating a distribution over the output, but in reality, such approaches can be sensitive to estimation error and yield unstable intervals.~Here, we circumvent the challenges by converting regression to a classification problem and then use CP for classification to obtain CP sets for regression.~To preserve the ordering of the continuous-output space, we design a new loss function and make necessary modifications to the CP classification techniques.~Empirical results on many benchmarks shows that this simple approach gives surprisingly good results on many practical problems.

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  • This paper proposes a new method for conformal prediction, which is a framework for constructing prediction sets with guaranteed coverage properties.
  • The key idea is to reframe regression tasks as classification problems, allowing the use of powerful classification techniques for conformal prediction.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several real-world datasets, showing it can outperform traditional conformal prediction methods.

Plain English Explanation

Conformal prediction is a way to create prediction sets that come with a guarantee - for example, you might want a model that is 95% sure its predictions are correct. Regression-as-Classification is a new technique that the authors propose to achieve this.

The core idea is to take a regression problem, where you're trying to predict a numerical value, and reframe it as a classification problem. Instead of predicting the exact value, you classify whether the true value is inside or outside of a certain range. This allows you to leverage powerful classification algorithms and methods like Conformal Prediction to get prediction sets with the desired coverage guarantees.

The authors show that this regression-as-classification approach works well on real-world datasets, often outperforming traditional conformal prediction methods. This suggests it could be a useful tool for applications where reliable, well-calibrated predictions are important, like financial forecasting or renewable energy planning.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new conformal prediction framework based on reframing regression tasks as classification problems. Traditional conformal prediction methods directly apply the conformal principle to regression models, but the authors argue that this can be limiting.

Instead, they propose a "regression-as-classification" approach. The key idea is to define a set of classifiers, each of which predicts whether the true regression target falls within a certain prediction interval. These classifiers are then used within the conformal prediction framework to construct prediction sets with the desired coverage guarantees.

The authors show that this approach has several advantages. First, it allows the use of powerful classification techniques that may be more effective than direct regression modeling. Second, it provides a natural way to handle heteroscedastic (non-uniform) noise in the regression problem. And third, the classification formulation enables the use of calibration techniques from the rich literature on conformal prediction.

The authors evaluate their method on several real-world regression datasets, including ones related to electricity load forecasting and chemical manufacturing. They demonstrate that the regression-as-classification approach can outperform traditional conformal prediction techniques in terms of prediction set size and calibration.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to conformal prediction that builds on recent advances in classification methods. The authors provide a clear theoretical framework and demonstrate the effectiveness of their technique on several real-world datasets.

One potential limitation is the requirement to define a set of classifiers, each of which predicts whether the true regression target falls within a certain interval. While the authors show this can be done effectively, it may add complexity compared to direct regression-based conformal prediction methods. Additionally, the choice of interval boundaries and number of classifiers could impact the performance of the approach.

The paper also does not extensively explore the computational efficiency of the regression-as-classification method. As the number of classifiers grows, the computational cost of the approach may become prohibitive, especially for large-scale or time-sensitive applications.

Finally, the paper focuses primarily on evaluating the prediction set size and calibration performance of the method. While these are important metrics, it would be valuable to also consider other factors such as the interpretability of the prediction sets, the robustness to distributional shift, and the extensibility to hierarchical or multi-task regression problems.


This paper presents a novel conformal prediction framework that reframes regression tasks as classification problems. The key insight is that this allows the use of powerful classification techniques to construct prediction sets with guaranteed coverage properties. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several real-world datasets, showing it can outperform traditional conformal prediction methods.

This work suggests that regression-as-classification could be a useful tool for applications where reliable, well-calibrated predictions are crucial, such as financial forecasting, renewable energy planning, or chemical manufacturing. As the field of conformal prediction continues to evolve, techniques like this that leverage advances in machine learning may become increasingly important for building robust and trustworthy predictive systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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