Adaptive Preference Scaling for Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback






Published 6/6/2024 by Ilgee Hong, Zichong Li, Alexander Bukharin, Yixiao Li, Haoming Jiang, Tianbao Yang, Tuo Zhao
Adaptive Preference Scaling for Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback


Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a prevalent approach to align AI systems with human values by learning rewards from human preference data. Due to various reasons, however, such data typically takes the form of rankings over pairs of trajectory segments, which fails to capture the varying strengths of preferences across different pairs. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive preference loss, underpinned by distributionally robust optimization (DRO), designed to address this uncertainty in preference strength. By incorporating an adaptive scaling parameter into the loss for each pair, our method increases the flexibility of the reward function. Specifically, it assigns small scaling parameters to pairs with ambiguous preferences, leading to more comparable rewards, and large scaling parameters to those with clear preferences for more distinct rewards. Computationally, our proposed loss function is strictly convex and univariate with respect to each scaling parameter, enabling its efficient optimization through a simple second-order algorithm. Our method is versatile and can be readily adapted to various preference optimization frameworks, including direct preference optimization (DPO). Our experiments with robotic control and natural language generation with large language models (LLMs) show that our method not only improves policy performance but also aligns reward function selection more closely with policy optimization, simplifying the hyperparameter tuning process.

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  • This paper proposes a new approach called Adaptive Preference Scaling (APS) for reinforcement learning with human feedback.
  • The key idea is to adaptively adjust the scale of human preferences to better align with the agent's learning process.
  • The authors demonstrate that APS can improve the sample efficiency and performance of reinforcement learning agents compared to existing preference-based methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a problem called reinforcement learning with human feedback. In this setup, a machine learning agent is trying to learn how to perform a task by getting feedback from a human. The feedback could be in the form of ratings or rankings that express the human's preferences for different actions the agent takes.

One challenge with this approach is that human preferences can be subjective and may not always map cleanly to the agent's learning objectives. The Adaptive Preference Scaling method proposed in this paper tries to address this by dynamically adjusting the scale of the human feedback to better match the agent's internal understanding.

For example, imagine a human is teaching a robot how to clean a room. The human might say "I really prefer when you fold the towels neatly" on a scale of 1-10. But the robot may not have a good sense of what a "10" means in terms of neatness. By adaptively scaling the human feedback, the robot can better calibrate its actions to match the human's ideal.

The authors show through experiments that this adaptive scaling can lead to more efficient and effective reinforcement learning compared to previous preference-based methods that don't adjust the scale. This could have important applications in areas like interactive AI systems that learn from human users.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of this paper is the Adaptive Preference Scaling (APS) algorithm. APS works by maintaining a calibration model that maps the human's preferences onto the agent's internal reward signal. This calibration model is updated iteratively as the agent interacts with the human and learns about their preferences.

Specifically, the agent will observe the human's preferences for different states or actions, and then use these preferences to update its own reward function. However, rather than directly using the human's raw preferences, the agent will first pass them through the calibration model to adjust the scale. This allows the agent to better align the human feedback with its own internal learning objectives.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of APS through experiments on several benchmark reinforcement learning tasks. They compare APS to prior preference-based methods like Contrastive Preference Learning and Iterative Preference Learning, and show that APS achieves higher sample efficiency and performance.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of the APS approach is that it assumes the human's preferences can be adequately captured by a simple calibration model. In reality, human preferences may be more complex, noisy, or context-dependent. The paper does not explore how APS would perform in settings with more heterogeneous or diverse human preferences.

Additionally, the experiments in the paper are relatively narrow in scope, focusing on simulated environments and simple tasks. It would be valuable to see how APS scales to more realistic, open-ended interactive AI systems where the complexity of human feedback is higher.

Overall, the APS approach represents a promising step towards more effective and efficient reinforcement learning from human preferences. However, further research is needed to fully understand its limitations and potential for real-world applications.


This paper introduces a new method called Adaptive Preference Scaling (APS) for reinforcement learning agents to better leverage human feedback. By dynamically adjusting the scale of the human's preferences, APS can improve the sample efficiency and performance of the learning process compared to previous preference-based approaches.

The key innovation of APS is the use of a calibration model that maps the human's preferences onto the agent's internal reward function. This allows the agent to better align the human feedback with its own learning objectives, overcoming challenges around the subjectivity and scale of human preferences.

The experimental results in the paper demonstrate the potential of APS, but also highlight areas for future research to expand its applicability to more complex, real-world scenarios involving diverse human preferences and interactive AI systems. Overall, this work represents an important step forward in the field of reinforcement learning with human feedback.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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