Agent Design Pattern Catalogue: A Collection of Architectural Patterns for Foundation Model based Agents






Published 6/26/2024 by Yue Liu, Sin Kit Lo, Qinghua Lu, Liming Zhu, Dehai Zhao, Xiwei Xu, Stefan Harrer, Jon Whittle
Agent Design Pattern Catalogue: A Collection of Architectural Patterns for Foundation Model based Agents


Foundation model-enabled generative artificial intelligence facilitates the development and implementation of agents, which can leverage distinguished reasoning and language processing capabilities to takes a proactive, autonomous role to pursue users' goals. Nevertheless, there is a lack of systematic knowledge to guide practitioners in designing the agents considering challenges of goal-seeking (including generating instrumental goals and plans), such as hallucinations inherent in foundation models, explainability of reasoning process, complex accountability, etc. To address this issue, we have performed a systematic literature review to understand the state-of-the-art foundation model-based agents and the broader ecosystem. In this paper, we present a pattern catalogue consisting of 17 architectural patterns with analyses of the context, forces, and trade-offs as the outcomes from the previous literature review. The proposed catalogue can provide holistic guidance for the effective use of patterns, and support the architecture design of foundation model-based agents by facilitating goal-seeking and plan generation.

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  • This paper presents a collection of architectural patterns for designing agents based on foundation models.
  • The patterns are intended to provide a structured approach to building agents that leverage large-scale language models and other advanced AI technologies.
  • The authors aim to help developers and researchers create more robust, reliable, and responsible AI agents that can be deployed in real-world applications.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have created a catalogue of different design patterns that can be used to build AI agents, which are computer programs that can take actions and make decisions. These agents are designed to use large, powerful language models - AI models that have been trained on massive amounts of text data - as their foundation.

The goal is to provide a structured way for developers and researchers to create AI agents that are more reliable, responsible, and effective when deployed in real-world applications. The design patterns cover different architectural approaches and techniques that can be used to build these agents, drawing on existing research and best practices.

For example, one pattern might focus on how to ensure the agent's actions are aligned with human values and ethics, while another could address how to make the agent's decision-making more transparent and explainable. The patterns are intended to serve as a guide to help create AI agents that are more automatic and adaptable while also being designed responsibly.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a catalogue of architectural patterns for designing agents that are built on top of foundation models - large-scale, pre-trained AI models that can be fine-tuned and adapted for a variety of tasks. The authors aim to provide a structured approach to creating AI agents that leverage these powerful language models in a responsible and effective manner.

The patterns cover various aspects of agent design, including:

  • Modularity and Composability: Techniques for building agents from reusable, interchangeable components
  • Value Alignment: Methods for ensuring the agent's actions and decisions are aligned with human values and ethics
  • Transparency and Explainability: Approaches to make the agent's decision-making more interpretable and understandable
  • Resilience and Robustness: Strategies for creating agents that are reliable and can handle unexpected situations
  • Adaptability and Generalization: Techniques for building agents that can flexibly adapt to new tasks and environments

The authors draw on existing research in areas like causal reasoning, automatic agent generation, and responsible AI design to inform the development of these patterns. The goal is to provide a comprehensive toolkit to help developers and researchers build more capable, trustworthy, and ethical AI agents.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable contribution by cataloguing a range of architectural patterns that can be used to design foundation model-based agents. The patterns cover many important aspects of agent design, from value alignment to transparency and robustness, which are critical considerations for deploying AI systems in the real world.

However, the paper does not provide in-depth discussions of the trade-offs and limitations associated with each pattern. For example, techniques for ensuring value alignment may come at the cost of reduced agent flexibility or adaptability. The authors could have delved deeper into these types of nuances to help guide practitioners in selecting the most appropriate patterns for their specific use cases.

Additionally, while the patterns are grounded in existing research, the paper does not critique or challenge any of the underlying assumptions or methodologies. A more critical assessment of the current state of the field and the open challenges in agent design could have strengthened the paper's overall impact.

Overall, the Agent Design Pattern Catalogue provides a useful starting point for developers and researchers looking to build more responsible and capable AI agents. However, further research and analysis would be needed to fully understand the practical implications and limitations of the proposed patterns.


This paper presents a catalogue of architectural patterns for designing agents based on foundation models, a type of large-scale, pre-trained AI model. The patterns cover key aspects of agent design, such as modularity, value alignment, transparency, and adaptability, with the goal of helping developers and researchers create more robust, reliable, and responsible AI agents.

By providing a structured approach to agent design, the authors aim to build on existing research and best practices in areas like causal reasoning, automatic agent generation, and responsible AI design. The patterns offer a valuable toolkit for practitioners looking to leverage powerful language models in real-world applications while addressing important considerations around ethics, safety, and transparency.

While the paper provides a solid foundation, further research and analysis would be needed to fully explore the trade-offs and limitations of the proposed patterns. Nonetheless, the Agent Design Pattern Catalogue represents a significant step towards more responsible and capable AI agents that can be deployed with confidence in complex, real-world scenarios.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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