AgileCoder: Dynamic Collaborative Agents for Software Development based on Agile Methodology






Published 6/19/2024 by Minh Huynh Nguyen, Thang Phan Chau, Phong X. Nguyen, Nghi D. Q. Bui
AgileCoder: Dynamic Collaborative Agents for Software Development based on Agile Methodology


Software agents have emerged as promising tools for addressing complex software engineering tasks. However, existing works oversimplify software development workflows by following the waterfall model. Thus, we propose AgileCoder, a multi-agent system that integrates Agile Methodology (AM) into the framework. This system assigns specific AM roles such as Product Manager, Developer, and Tester to different agents, who then collaboratively develop software based on user inputs. AgileCoder enhances development efficiency by organizing work into sprints, focusing on incrementally developing software through sprints. Additionally, we introduce Dynamic Code Graph Generator, a module that creates a Code Dependency Graph dynamically as updates are made to the codebase. This allows agents to better comprehend the codebase, leading to more precise code generation and modifications throughout the software development process. AgileCoder surpasses existing benchmarks, like ChatDev and MetaGPT, establishing a new standard and showcasing the capabilities of multi-agent systems in advanced software engineering environments. Our source code can be found at

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ā€¢ This paper explores the use of dynamic collaborative agents in an agile software development environment.

ā€¢ The researchers propose a framework for incorporating intelligent agents into the software development process to enhance collaboration, communication, and task coordination.

ā€¢ The agents are designed to autonomously interact with each other and human developers, adjusting their behavior based on the current project state and team dynamics.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses the idea of using intelligent software agents to help manage the complex process of developing software. These agents could be similar to digital assistants like Siri or Alexa, but specifically designed for software development.

The researchers argue that by having these agents work alongside human developers, they can help improve collaboration, communication, and coordination within an agile software development team. The agents would be able to monitor the project status, identify potential issues, and autonomously take actions to address them or notify the relevant team members.

For example, an agent could notice that a developer is falling behind on a task and proactively offer assistance or reschedule other work to help get the project back on track. Another agent might facilitate communication between different teams working on interdependent components, ensuring everyone is informed and aligned.

The key idea is that these dynamic collaborative agents can adapt their behavior based on the evolving needs of the software project and the team. This could help make the development process more efficient, responsive, and ultimately lead to better software outcomes.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a framework for integrating intelligent software agents into an agile software development environment. These agents are designed to autonomously collaborate with each other and human developers to enhance coordination, communication, and task management.

The agents are imbued with the ability to perceive the current state of the software project, including task progress, team member availability, and potential roadblocks. Based on this information, the agents can dynamically adjust their behavior to provide relevant support, such as:

  • Reallocating work to balance team workloads
  • Facilitating communication and information sharing between team members
  • Identifying and addressing potential issues before they escalate
  • Autonomously executing routine tasks to free up human developers

The researchers also describe mechanisms for the agents to learn and adapt their strategies over time, drawing on the experiential knowledge gained from previous software projects.

Through simulation experiments, the authors demonstrate the potential benefits of their proposed framework, including improved task completion rates, reduced development time, and enhanced team collaboration.

Critical Analysis

The researchers make a compelling case for the potential benefits of incorporating dynamic collaborative agents into agile software development. However, the paper does not address some important practical considerations:

  • The integration of these agents into existing software development workflows and toolchains may require significant engineering effort and coordination with development teams.
  • Ensuring the reliability, security, and transparency of the agents' decision-making processes will be critical to gaining the trust of human developers.
  • The potential for unintended consequences or emergent behaviors from the interactions between multiple autonomous agents should be carefully studied.

Additionally, the simulation-based evaluation, while promising, may not fully capture the complexities and nuances of real-world software development scenarios. Further research and empirical validation would be needed to assess the practical feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach.


This paper presents a novel framework for leveraging dynamic collaborative agents to enhance agile software development processes. By imbuing these agents with the ability to perceive project status, coordinate tasks, and adapt their behavior, the researchers aim to improve collaboration, communication, and overall development efficiency.

While the proposed approach shows promising potential, there are still important practical and technical challenges that need to be addressed before such a system could be widely adopted. Nonetheless, the research is an intriguing exploration of how artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems could be leveraged to transform the software development landscape.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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