SWE-agent: Agent-Computer Interfaces Enable Automated Software Engineering






Published 6/3/2024 by John Yang, Carlos E. Jimenez, Alexander Wettig, Kilian Lieret, Shunyu Yao, Karthik Narasimhan, Ofir Press


Language model (LM) agents are increasingly being used to automate complicated tasks in digital environments. Just as humans benefit from powerful software applications, such as integrated development environments, for complex tasks like software engineering, we posit that LM agents represent a new category of end users with their own needs and abilities, and would benefit from specially-built interfaces to the software they use. We investigate how interface design affects the performance of language model agents. As a result of this exploration, we introduce SWE-agent: a system that facilitates LM agents to autonomously use computers to solve software engineering tasks. SWE-agent's custom agent-computer interface (ACI) significantly enhances an agent's ability to create and edit code files, navigate entire repositories, and execute tests and other programs. We evaluate SWE-agent on SWE-bench and HumanEvalFix, achieving state-of-the-art performance on both with a pass@1 rate of 12.5% and 87.7%, respectively, far exceeding the previous state-of-the-art achieved with non-interactive LMs. Finally, we provide insight on how the design of the ACI can impact agents' behavior and performance.

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  • This paper introduces SWE-agent, an autonomous system that uses a language model to solve software engineering tasks by interacting with computers.
  • The system uses a custom-built agent-computer interface (ACI) to enhance the agent's ability to create, edit, and execute code files, as well as navigate entire repositories.
  • Compared to previous approaches, SWE-agent is able to solve a larger percentage of issues on the SWE-bench benchmark.
  • The paper explores how ACI design impacts the agent's behavior and performance, providing insights on effective design.

Plain English Explanation

Developing software is a complex and challenging task that requires both programming skills and the ability to interact with computers effectively. The researchers behind this paper have developed an autonomous system called SWE-agent that aims to address these challenges.

SWE-agent uses a language model, a type of artificial intelligence that can understand and generate human-like text, to interact with computers and solve software engineering problems. The key innovation of this system is a custom-built "agent-computer interface" (ACI) that greatly enhances the agent's ability to work with code files, navigate entire software repositories, and execute programs.

Compared to previous approaches, SWE-agent is able to solve a much larger percentage of the problems on the SWE-bench benchmark, which is a set of real-world software engineering tasks. This suggests that the ACI design is a significant improvement over existing methods.

The paper also explores how the design of the ACI impacts the agent's behavior and performance, providing valuable insights on how to effectively design these types of systems. This research could help pave the way for more capable and autonomous software engineering agents in the future.

Technical Explanation

The core of the SWE-agent system is a language model that is trained to understand and generate text related to software engineering tasks. To enhance the agent's ability to interact with computers, the researchers developed a custom-built agent-computer interface (ACI). This ACI allows the agent to create and edit code files, navigate entire software repositories, and execute programs.

The researchers evaluated the performance of SWE-agent on the SWE-bench benchmark, which consists of a variety of real-world software engineering tasks. They found that SWE-agent was able to solve 12.5% of the issues, a significant improvement over the previous best of 3.8% achieved with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG).

The paper also explores how the design of the ACI impacts the agent's behavior and performance. The researchers provide insights on effective ACI design, such as the importance of enabling the agent to navigate and manipulate code files, as well as execute programs to test and validate its solutions.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to developing autonomous software engineering agents, but it also acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research.

One potential limitation is the reliance on a custom-built ACI, which may not be easily transferable to other domains or applications. The researchers note that designing effective ACIs is a significant challenge, and more research is needed to understand the key design principles.

Additionally, the performance of SWE-agent on the SWE-bench benchmark, while improved compared to previous approaches, is still relatively low. The researchers suggest that further advancements in language models and reinforcement learning techniques may be needed to achieve more robust and capable software engineering agents.

Another area for further research is the generalizability of the SWE-agent system. The paper focuses on a specific set of software engineering tasks, and it's unclear how well the system would perform on a broader range of problems or in different software development contexts.

Finally, the ethical implications of deploying autonomous software engineering agents in real-world settings should be carefully considered. Issues such as safety, security, and the potential displacement of human software engineers will need to be addressed.


This paper introduces a novel approach to developing autonomous software engineering agents using a language model and a custom-built agent-computer interface. The results demonstrate that this system is capable of solving a larger percentage of software engineering tasks compared to previous methods, suggesting that the ACI design is a significant improvement.

While the paper provides valuable insights on effective ACI design, it also highlights the need for further advancements in language models, reinforcement learning, and the broader understanding of how to build capable and trustworthy autonomous systems for software engineering tasks. As this research continues to evolve, it could have important implications for the future of software development and the role of artificial intelligence in this critical field.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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