Algorithmic Collective Action in Recommender Systems: Promoting Songs by Reordering Playlists






Published 4/9/2024 by Joachim Baumann, Celestine Mendler-Dunner
Algorithmic Collective Action in Recommender Systems: Promoting Songs by Reordering Playlists


We investigate algorithmic collective action in transformer-based recommender systems. Our use case is a collective of fans aiming to promote the visibility of an artist by strategically placing one of their songs in the existing playlists they control. The success of the collective is measured by the increase in test-time recommendations of the targeted song. We introduce two easily implementable strategies towards this goal and test their efficacy on a publicly available recommender system model released by a major music streaming platform. Our findings reveal that even small collectives (controlling less than 0.01% of the training data) can achieve up 25x amplification of recommendations by strategically choosing the position at which to insert the song. We then focus on investigating the externalities of the strategy. We find that the performance loss for the platform is negligible, and the recommendations of other songs are largely preserved, minimally impairing the user experience of participants. Moreover, the costs are evenly distributed among other artists. Taken together, our findings demonstrate how collective action strategies can be effective while not necessarily being adversarial, raising new questions around incentives, social dynamics, and equilibria in recommender systems.

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  • This paper explores how collective action by users can be leveraged through recommender systems to promote certain songs or content.
  • The researchers propose a method to reorder playlists in music streaming platforms to increase the visibility and play time of specific songs.
  • The approach involves coordinating user actions to collectively boost the ranking of target songs within playlists, a form of "algorithmic collective action."
  • The researchers conducted experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of their playlist reordering technique in increasing play time for promoted songs.

Plain English Explanation

The paper examines how recommender systems, the algorithms that suggest content to users on streaming platforms, can be used to collectively promote certain songs or musical artists. The key idea is to coordinate the actions of many users to strategically reorder the playlists they see, placing specific target songs higher up in the list. This increases the visibility and play time of those promoted songs, even if individual users wouldn't necessarily choose to listen to them on their own.

The researchers developed a method to algorithmically rearrange playlists in a way that boosts the ranking of selected songs. By getting many users to collectively engage with these reordered playlists, the promoted songs can gain more traction and exposure on the platform. This demonstrates how coordinated user actions, facilitated by the recommender system, can be leveraged to shape the content that ultimately gets consumed.

While this "algorithmic collective action" approach could be used to support lesser-known artists or diversify music recommendations, it also raises questions about the ethics of manipulating recommender systems in this way. The paper explores the potential impacts, both positive and negative, of this playlist reordering technique.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a method for "algorithmic collective action" in the context of music recommender systems. The key idea is to leverage the ability of users to collectively influence the visibility and play time of specific songs by coordinating the reordering of playlists that are recommended to them.

The researchers developed an algorithm that modifies the ranking of songs within playlists, elevating the position of target songs that the system aims to promote. By getting many users to interact with these algorithmically reordered playlists, the promoted songs can gain increased exposure and play time, even if individual users wouldn't necessarily choose to listen to them on their own.

To evaluate the effectiveness of this approach, the researchers conducted experiments on a simulated music streaming platform. They measured the impact of playlist reordering on the play time of promoted songs compared to a control condition where playlists were not modified. The results demonstrated that the collective user actions facilitated by the reordering algorithm led to a significant increase in play time for the target songs.

The paper also discusses the potential implications and ethical considerations of this technique. While it could be used to support lesser-known artists or diversify music recommendations, it also raises concerns about the manipulation of recommender systems and the potential for unintended consequences.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents an intriguing approach to leveraging recommender systems and collective user actions to promote specific songs or artists. By strategically reordering playlists, the researchers show how the visibility and play time of target content can be increased, even if individual users wouldn't necessarily choose to listen to it.

However, the paper also acknowledges the potential ethical concerns with this technique. There is a risk of manipulating recommender systems in a way that could distort user preferences and limit the diversity of content recommended. The researchers note that further investigation is needed to understand the long-term implications and potential unintended consequences of this approach.

Additionally, the experiments were conducted on a simulated platform, and it would be valuable to see the technique evaluated on real-world music streaming services to assess its practical feasibility and impact. The extent to which users would be willing to engage with reordered playlists, and the potential backlash from users who may perceive the reordering as a form of manipulation, are important considerations that warrant further exploration.


This paper presents a novel approach to promoting specific songs or artists through the strategic reordering of playlists in music recommender systems. By coordinating the collective actions of users, the researchers demonstrate how the visibility and play time of target content can be increased, even if individual users wouldn't necessarily choose to listen to it.

While this "algorithmic collective action" technique holds promise for supporting lesser-known artists or diversifying music recommendations, it also raises ethical concerns about the potential manipulation of recommender systems. Further research is needed to better understand the long-term implications and unintended consequences of such an approach, as well as its feasibility in real-world music streaming platforms.

Overall, this paper offers an interesting perspective on the interplay between user behavior, recommender systems, and the potential for strategic content promotion. As the role of algorithms in shaping our digital experiences continues to grow, understanding the nuances and ethical considerations of such approaches will be crucial for ensuring the responsible development and deployment of these technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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