Almost sure convergence rates of stochastic gradient methods under gradient domination






Published 5/28/2024 by Simon Weissmann, Sara Klein, Waiss Azizian, Leif Doring



Stochastic gradient methods are among the most important algorithms in training machine learning problems. While classical assumptions such as strong convexity allow a simple analysis they are rarely satisfied in applications. In recent years, global and local gradient domination properties have shown to be a more realistic replacement of strong convexity. They were proved to hold in diverse settings such as (simple) policy gradient methods in reinforcement learning and training of deep neural networks with analytic activation functions. We prove almost sure convergence rates $f(X_n)-f^*in obig( n^{-frac{1}{4beta-1}+epsilon}big)$ of the last iterate for stochastic gradient descent (with and without momentum) under global and local $beta$-gradient domination assumptions. The almost sure rates get arbitrarily close to recent rates in expectation. Finally, we demonstrate how to apply our results to the training task in both supervised and reinforcement learning.

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  • The paper focuses on stochastic gradient methods, which are crucial algorithms for training machine learning models.
  • While classical assumptions like strong convexity allow for simple analysis, they are rarely satisfied in real-world applications.
  • The authors prove convergence rates for stochastic gradient descent (with and without momentum) under more realistic assumptions of global and local gradient domination.
  • The results are applicable to both supervised and reinforcement learning tasks.

Plain English Explanation

Stochastic gradient methods are a widely used class of algorithms for training machine learning models. These methods work by iteratively updating the model parameters based on small batches of training data, rather than using the entire dataset at once.

The authors of this paper recognized that the classical assumptions used to analyze the convergence of these algorithms, such as strong convexity, are often not satisfied in real-world machine learning problems. Instead, they focused on a more realistic set of assumptions called global and local gradient domination, which have been shown to hold in a variety of settings, including training of deep neural networks.

Under these gradient domination assumptions, the authors were able to prove that stochastic gradient descent (with and without momentum) converges at an almost sure rate that approaches recent theoretical results in expectation. This means that the method is guaranteed to converge to the optimal solution with high probability, even in the presence of noise or uncertainty in the data.

The significance of this work is that it provides a more realistic and applicable analysis of a widely used class of machine learning algorithms, which can help researchers and practitioners to better understand the behavior and limitations of these methods in practice.

Technical Explanation

The paper analyzes the convergence rates of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and stochastic gradient descent with momentum (SGD-M) under the assumption of global and local gradient domination. These properties are more realistic replacements for the classical strong convexity assumption, which is rarely satisfied in real-world machine learning problems.

The authors prove that under global and local $\beta$-gradient domination, SGD and SGD-M converge at an almost sure rate of $f(X_n) - f^* = \mathcal{O}(n^{-\frac{1}{4\beta-1} + \epsilon})$, where $f$ is the objective function, $X_n$ is the model parameters at iteration $n$, and $f^*$ is the optimal function value.

The authors demonstrate the applicability of their results to both supervised learning tasks, such as training deep neural networks, as well as reinforcement learning problems, where policy gradient methods are commonly used.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis of the convergence rates of stochastic gradient methods under realistic assumptions. However, the authors acknowledge that the gradient domination properties may not always hold in practice, particularly for non-convex optimization problems. Further research is needed to understand the limitations of these assumptions and develop more robust convergence guarantees.

Additionally, the analysis focuses on the convergence of the last iterate, which may not be the most relevant metric in certain applications. It would be valuable to study the convergence of the average or the best iterate, as these are often more useful for practical purposes.

While the authors demonstrate the applicability of their results to both supervised and reinforcement learning tasks, the specific implications for each domain are not explored in depth. A more thorough discussion of the practical impact of this work in different machine learning contexts would be helpful.


This paper provides a significant theoretical contribution to the understanding of stochastic gradient methods in machine learning. By proving convergence rates under more realistic assumptions of gradient domination, the authors have laid the groundwork for further advancements in the analysis and deployment of these fundamental optimization algorithms. The insights from this work can potentially lead to more robust and efficient training of a wide range of machine learning models, with applications in both supervised and reinforcement learning.

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