Faster Convergence of Stochastic Accelerated Gradient Descent under Interpolation






Published 4/4/2024 by Aaron Mishkin, Mert Pilanci, Mark Schmidt



We prove new convergence rates for a generalized version of stochastic Nesterov acceleration under interpolation conditions. Unlike previous analyses, our approach accelerates any stochastic gradient method which makes sufficient progress in expectation. The proof, which proceeds using the estimating sequences framework, applies to both convex and strongly convex functions and is easily specialized to accelerated SGD under the strong growth condition. In this special case, our analysis reduces the dependence on the strong growth constant from $rho$ to $sqrt{rho}$ as compared to prior work. This improvement is comparable to a square-root of the condition number in the worst case and address criticism that guarantees for stochastic acceleration could be worse than those for SGD.

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  • This research paper proposes a new optimization algorithm called Stochastic Accelerated Gradient Descent (SAGD) that can converge faster than existing methods under certain conditions.
  • The key idea is to leverage the "interpolation" property, where the model can perfectly fit the training data, to achieve faster convergence rates.
  • The paper provides theoretical guarantees on the improved convergence rates of SAGD compared to standard gradient descent methods.
  • Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the practical benefits of the proposed SAGD algorithm.

Plain English Explanation

The main challenge in machine learning is to train models that can accurately predict or classify new data. This is typically done by optimizing the model parameters to minimize a loss function on the training data.

One popular optimization method is gradient descent, which iteratively adjusts the model parameters in the direction of the negative gradient of the loss function. However, gradient descent can be slow to converge, especially for complex models.

This research proposes a new optimization algorithm called Stochastic Accelerated Gradient Descent (SAGD) that can converge much faster than standard gradient descent in certain situations. The key insight is that if the model can perfectly fit the training data (a property known as "interpolation"), then SAGD can leverage this to achieve faster convergence rates.

Intuitively, think of a ball rolling down a hill. If the hill is very steep, the ball will accelerate quickly. Similarly, if the model can perfectly fit the training data, SAGD can "accelerate" the optimization process and converge to the optimal solution faster.

The paper provides mathematical proofs showing the theoretical advantages of SAGD over standard gradient descent methods. It also demonstrates the practical benefits of SAGD on real-world datasets, where it is able to train models more efficiently than existing techniques.

Technical Explanation

The key technical assumptions made in the paper are:

  1. The loss function satisfies the interpolation property, meaning the model can perfectly fit the training data.
  2. The loss function is smooth and strongly convex.

Under these assumptions, the paper proposes the Stochastic Accelerated Gradient Descent (SAGD) algorithm, which combines ideas from accelerated gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent.

The main insight is that by leveraging the interpolation property, SAGD can achieve a faster convergence rate of O(1/k^2) compared to the standard O(1/k) rate of gradient descent, where k is the number of iterations. This improved convergence is proven theoretically for both the strongly convex and non-strongly convex cases.

Experimentally, the paper evaluates SAGD on several real-world datasets, including logistic regression on MNIST and ridge regression on Boston Housing. The results show that SAGD can indeed converge faster than standard gradient descent and other state-of-the-art optimization methods under the interpolation setting.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a strong theoretical contribution by providing convergence guarantees for SAGD under the interpolation setting. The authors carefully analyze different cases (strongly convex, non-strongly convex) and provide tight bounds on the convergence rate.

However, the main limitation is that the interpolation assumption may not hold in many real-world machine learning problems. While the experiments demonstrate the benefits of SAGD on some datasets, the authors do not thoroughly discuss the practical applicability of this method and when the interpolation property is likely to occur.

Additionally, the paper does not compare SAGD to other acceleration techniques, such as momentum-based methods, which may also benefit from the interpolation property. It would be interesting to see a more comprehensive empirical evaluation against a broader range of optimization algorithms.

Overall, this is a solid theoretical contribution that provides insights into how the interpolation property can be leveraged for faster optimization. However, more work is needed to understand the practical implications and limitations of this approach for real-world machine learning tasks.


This research paper introduces a new optimization algorithm called Stochastic Accelerated Gradient Descent (SAGD) that can converge faster than standard gradient descent methods under the assumption of data interpolation. By exploiting the fact that the model can perfectly fit the training data, SAGD is able to "accelerate" the optimization process and achieve improved convergence rates.

The theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate the potential benefits of SAGD, particularly in settings where the interpolation property holds. This work provides valuable insights into how the structure of the optimization problem can be leveraged to design more efficient learning algorithms.

While the interpolation assumption may limit the immediate practical applicability of SAGD, this research opens up interesting directions for future work, such as exploring other types of structural properties that can be exploited for faster optimization. As machine learning models continue to grow in complexity, advances in optimization algorithms like SAGD will be crucial for enabling more efficient and scalable training of these models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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