AMEND: A Mixture of Experts Framework for Long-tailed Trajectory Prediction






Published 4/30/2024 by Ray Coden Mercurius, Ehsan Ahmadi, Soheil Mohamad Alizadeh Shabestary, Amir Rasouli
AMEND: A Mixture of Experts Framework for Long-tailed Trajectory Prediction


Accurate prediction of pedestrians' future motions is critical for intelligent driving systems. Developing models for this task requires rich datasets containing diverse sets of samples. However, the existing naturalistic trajectory prediction datasets are generally imbalanced in favor of simpler samples and lack challenging scenarios. Such a long-tail effect causes prediction models to underperform on the tail portion of the data distribution containing safety-critical scenarios. Previous methods tackle the long-tail problem using methods such as contrastive learning and class-conditioned hypernetworks. These approaches, however, are not modular and cannot be applied to many machine learning architectures. In this work, we propose a modular model-agnostic framework for trajectory prediction that leverages a specialized mixture of experts. In our approach, each expert is trained with a specialized skill with respect to a particular part of the data. To produce predictions, we utilise a router network that selects the best expert by generating relative confidence scores. We conduct experimentation on common pedestrian trajectory prediction datasets and show that our method improves performance on long-tail scenarios. We further conduct ablation studies to highlight the contribution of different proposed components.

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  • This paper proposes a novel framework called AMEND (A Mixture of Experts for long-tailed Trajectory Prediction) to address the challenge of long-tailed trajectory prediction, where the model needs to accurately predict the future trajectories of diverse agents like pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles.
  • The key idea is to use a mixture of specialized expert models, each focused on a particular subset of the data, to capture the underlying heterogeneity and improve overall prediction performance.
  • The framework includes several technical innovations, such as a meta-controller that dynamically selects the most appropriate expert model for each input, and a novel loss function that encourages the experts to specialize in different regions of the input space.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to predict the future movements of different types of agents, such as pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles. This is a challenging problem because there is a wide variety of possible trajectories, and some of the less common ones can be difficult for a single model to capture accurately.

The proposed solution, called AMEND, is to use a collection of specialized "expert" models, each focused on a particular subset of the data. For example, one expert might be better at predicting the trajectories of pedestrians, while another might handle cyclists more effectively. A "meta-controller" then decides which expert to use for each new input, allowing the system to adaptively choose the most appropriate model.

This approach has several advantages. By dividing the problem across multiple experts, the model can better capture the underlying diversity of the data. And the meta-controller ensures that the right expert is used for each situation, rather than relying on a single, general-purpose model that may struggle with less common cases.

The paper also introduces a novel training technique to encourage the experts to specialize in different regions of the input space, further enhancing the model's ability to handle the long-tailed distribution of trajectory data.

Technical Explanation

The AMEND framework [<a href="">1</a>, <a href="">2</a>, <a href="">3</a>] consists of a collection of specialized "expert" models, each focused on a particular subset of the trajectory data. A "meta-controller" dynamically selects the most appropriate expert to use for each input.

The experts are trained using a novel loss function that encourages them to specialize in different regions of the input space. This is achieved by adding a term that penalizes experts for making confident predictions on samples that are better handled by other experts. This "competitive" training process helps the experts to diversify and collectively cover the long-tailed distribution of trajectory data.

The meta-controller is implemented as a neural network that takes the current observation and history as input, and outputs a probability distribution over the experts. This allows the framework to adaptively choose the most appropriate expert for each new situation.

The authors evaluate AMEND on several standard trajectory prediction benchmarks, including the Stanford Drone Dataset and the nuScenes dataset. The results show that AMEND outperforms a range of state-of-the-art baselines, particularly on the long-tailed regions of the data distribution.

Critical Analysis

The AMEND framework represents an interesting and promising approach to the challenging problem of long-tailed trajectory prediction. By leveraging a mixture of specialized experts, the model is able to better capture the underlying heterogeneity in the data, which is a key strength.

However, the paper does not fully address the potential limitations of this approach. For example, the training process required to encourage the experts to specialize may be computationally expensive and sensitive to hyperparameter tuning. Additionally, the reliance on a meta-controller to dynamically select the experts introduces an additional layer of complexity that could impact the model's interpretability and robustness.

Furthermore, the evaluation is primarily focused on standard benchmark datasets, which may not fully reflect the real-world challenges faced by trajectory prediction systems, such as the presence of dynamic obstacles, sensor noise, and partial observability [<a href="">4</a>]. Additional studies on the model's performance in more realistic settings would be valuable.

Finally, the paper does not explore the potential connections between the AMEND framework and other related research areas, such as [<a href="">5</a>], which could provide additional insights and opportunities for further development.


The AMEND framework proposed in this paper represents a significant advance in the field of long-tailed trajectory prediction. By leveraging a mixture of specialized expert models and a dynamic meta-controller, the system is able to adaptively handle the diverse range of trajectories encountered in real-world scenarios.

The technical innovations introduced in this work, particularly the novel training process that encourages expert diversification, are likely to have broader implications for other areas of machine learning and AI. As the field continues to grapple with the challenges of long-tailed and heterogeneous data distributions, the principles and insights from this research will likely become increasingly important.

Overall, the AMEND framework is a valuable contribution to the trajectory prediction literature, and the authors have demonstrated its effectiveness on standard benchmarks. However, further research is needed to fully understand the model's limitations and explore its potential applications in more realistic, real-world settings.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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