Analysing Multi-Task Regression via Random Matrix Theory with Application to Time Series Forecasting






Published 6/18/2024 by Romain Ilbert, Malik Tiomoko, Cosme Louart, Ambroise Odonnat, Vasilii Feofanov, Themis Palpanas, Ievgen Redko
Analysing Multi-Task Regression via Random Matrix Theory with Application to Time Series Forecasting


In this paper, we introduce a novel theoretical framework for multi-task regression, applying random matrix theory to provide precise performance estimations, under high-dimensional, non-Gaussian data distributions. We formulate a multi-task optimization problem as a regularization technique to enable single-task models to leverage multi-task learning information. We derive a closed-form solution for multi-task optimization in the context of linear models. Our analysis provides valuable insights by linking the multi-task learning performance to various model statistics such as raw data covariances, signal-generating hyperplanes, noise levels, as well as the size and number of datasets. We finally propose a consistent estimation of training and testing errors, thereby offering a robust foundation for hyperparameter optimization in multi-task regression scenarios. Experimental validations on both synthetic and real-world datasets in regression and multivariate time series forecasting demonstrate improvements on univariate models, incorporating our method into the training loss and thus leveraging multivariate information.

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  • This paper analyzes multi-task regression using random matrix theory, a mathematical framework for studying the properties of large matrices.
  • The authors propose a method for understanding how the performance of multi-task regression models scales as the number of tasks and input features increases.
  • They provide theoretical analysis and empirical results to demonstrate the efficacy of their approach.

Plain English Explanation

In machine learning, there are often situations where we want to predict multiple outputs or "tasks" simultaneously, rather than just a single output. This is known as multi-task regression. The paper on "Multi-Task Learning via Robust Regularized Clustering" covers one approach to this problem.

The authors of this paper take a different angle, using the mathematical field of random matrix theory to analyze how the performance of multi-task regression models changes as the number of tasks and input features increases. Random matrix theory provides a framework for studying the properties of large matrices, which can be useful for understanding the behavior of complex machine learning models.

The key idea is to develop a theoretical model that can predict how the errors in multi-task regression will scale as the problem size grows. This could help practitioners design more effective multi-task regression models, especially in high-dimensional settings where the number of input features is large. The paper on "Meta-Learning for Generalized Ridge Regression in High Dimensions" explores a related approach to dealing with high-dimensional inputs.

By analyzing the problem through the lens of random matrix theory, the authors are able to provide a deeper understanding of the underlying mathematical structure of multi-task regression. This could lead to more robust and reliable models, as well as insights that could inform the development of new multi-task learning algorithms.

Technical Explanation

The authors formulate the multi-task regression problem as a matrix factorization task, where the goal is to decompose the matrix of target variables into a product of two lower-rank matrices. This allows them to leverage tools from random matrix theory to analyze the statistical properties of the solution.

Specifically, they show that the errors in the multi-task regression model can be characterized by the singular values of the target matrix, which follow a specific distribution predicted by random matrix theory. This distribution depends on the number of tasks, the number of input features, and the underlying structure of the target variables.

The authors then use this theoretical analysis to derive bounds on the generalization error of the multi-task regression model, demonstrating how the error scales as the problem size increases. The paper on "Scaling and Renormalization in High-Dimensional Regression" explores a related approach to understanding the scaling behavior of high-dimensional regression models.

Experimentally, the authors validate their theoretical findings on both synthetic and real-world datasets, showing that their approach can provide accurate predictions of the multi-task regression model's performance. The paper on "A Random Matrix Approach to Low Multilinear Rank Approximation" discusses a related use of random matrix theory for low-rank matrix approximation.

Critical Analysis

The main strength of this work is the use of random matrix theory to provide a rigorous theoretical analysis of the multi-task regression problem. This allows the authors to derive insights about the scaling behavior of these models that would be difficult to obtain through empirical observations alone.

However, the authors acknowledge that their analysis relies on several simplifying assumptions, such as the target variables being drawn from a Gaussian distribution. In practice, real-world data may not always conform to these assumptions, which could limit the applicability of the theoretical results.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the performance of the multi-task regression model in the presence of noisy or missing data, which are common challenges in real-world applications. The paper on "Multivariate Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting with Correlated Errors" discusses a related problem of dealing with correlated errors in time series forecasting.

Future research could investigate the robustness of the proposed approach to these types of data challenges, as well as explore ways to extend the theoretical analysis to more complex or realistic scenarios.


This paper presents a novel approach to analyzing the performance of multi-task regression models using tools from random matrix theory. By developing a theoretical framework for understanding how the errors in these models scale with problem size, the authors provide valuable insights that could inform the design of more effective multi-task learning algorithms.

While the analysis relies on some simplifying assumptions, the overall approach demonstrates the power of applying advanced mathematical techniques to the study of machine learning problems. As the field of machine learning continues to advance, we can expect to see more research that leverages tools from areas like random matrix theory to push the boundaries of what's possible.

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