Scaling and renormalization in high-dimensional regression






Published 5/2/2024 by Alexander B. Atanasov, Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan
Scaling and renormalization in high-dimensional regression


This paper presents a succinct derivation of the training and generalization performance of a variety of high-dimensional ridge regression models using the basic tools of random matrix theory and free probability. We provide an introduction and review of recent results on these topics, aimed at readers with backgrounds in physics and deep learning. Analytic formulas for the training and generalization errors are obtained in a few lines of algebra directly from the properties of the $S$-transform of free probability. This allows for a straightforward identification of the sources of power-law scaling in model performance. We compute the generalization error of a broad class of random feature models. We find that in all models, the $S$-transform corresponds to the train-test generalization gap, and yields an analogue of the generalized-cross-validation estimator. Using these techniques, we derive fine-grained bias-variance decompositions for a very general class of random feature models with structured covariates. These novel results allow us to discover a scaling regime for random feature models where the variance due to the features limits performance in the overparameterized setting. We also demonstrate how anisotropic weight structure in random feature models can limit performance and lead to nontrivial exponents for finite-width corrections in the overparameterized setting. Our results extend and provide a unifying perspective on earlier models of neural scaling laws.

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  • This paper explores the scaling and renormalization of high-dimensional regression models, particularly in the context of neural networks.
  • It builds upon previous work on neural scaling laws and meta-learning for high-dimensional regression.
  • The authors propose a dynamical model to explain the universal statistical structure observed in the scaling of neural networks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper investigates how the performance of high-dimensional regression models, such as those used in neural networks, changes as the model size and complexity are increased. This is an important problem because as AI models become more powerful, it's crucial to understand how they scale and behave as they get larger.

The authors build on previous research that has identified universal scaling laws in neural networks, where certain model properties like accuracy scale in predictable ways as the model size grows. In this paper, the researchers propose a dynamical model to explain these observed scaling patterns, which they argue are due to an underlying universal statistical structure in high-dimensional regression problems.

By developing a better understanding of how these high-dimensional models scale, the researchers aim to provide insights that can guide the future development of powerful AI systems and help us unravel the mystery of scaling laws in machine learning.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a theoretical framework for analyzing the scaling behavior of high-dimensional regression models, with a focus on neural networks. Building on previous work on meta-learning for high-dimensional regression, the authors develop a dynamical model that captures the universal statistical structure underlying the observed neural scaling laws.

The key elements of the paper's technical approach include:

  1. Formulating a dynamical model for the evolution of the regression coefficients as the model size and complexity increase.
  2. Analyzing the fixed points and stability properties of this dynamical system to derive scaling relationships for various model performance metrics.
  3. Validating the predictions of the dynamical model through extensive numerical simulations and comparisons to empirical data from neural network training.

The insights from this theoretical framework help to explain the universal patterns observed in the scaling behavior of high-dimensional regression models, including neural networks. This work contributes to a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles underlying the scaling laws that govern the performance of large-scale AI systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a rigorous and well-designed theoretical framework for analyzing the scaling behavior of high-dimensional regression models. The authors' proposed dynamical model provides a compelling explanation for the universal statistical structure underlying the observed neural scaling laws.

However, the paper does acknowledge certain limitations and caveats. For instance, the dynamical model assumes specific assumptions about the statistical properties of the data and the regression problem, which may not hold in all real-world scenarios. Additionally, the numerical simulations used to validate the model's predictions are limited to relatively simple synthetic datasets, and it's unclear how well the framework would generalize to more complex, high-dimensional real-world applications.

Further research would be needed to explore the robustness and broader applicability of the proposed approach, as well as to investigate potential extensions or modifications that could address these limitations. It would also be valuable to explore the connections and implications of this work for the unraveling of the mystery of scaling laws in machine learning more broadly.


This paper presents a novel theoretical framework for understanding the scaling behavior of high-dimensional regression models, with a focus on neural networks. By developing a dynamical model that captures the universal statistical structure underlying the observed neural scaling laws, the authors provide valuable insights into the fundamental principles governing the performance of large-scale AI systems.

This work contributes to the ongoing efforts to unravel the mystery of scaling laws in machine learning and can help guide the future development of powerful AI models. By deepening our understanding of how high-dimensional regression models scale, this research has the potential to enable more efficient and effective design and deployment of large-scale AI systems across a wide range of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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