Approximation Theory, Computing, and Deep Learning on the Wasserstein Space






Published 5/1/2024 by Massimo Fornasier, Pascal Heid, Giacomo Enrico Sodini



The challenge of approximating functions in infinite-dimensional spaces from finite samples is widely regarded as formidable. In this study, we delve into the challenging problem of the numerical approximation of Sobolev-smooth functions defined on probability spaces. Our particular focus centers on the Wasserstein distance function, which serves as a relevant example. In contrast to the existing body of literature focused on approximating efficiently pointwise evaluations, we chart a new course to define functional approximants by adopting three machine learning-based approaches: 1. Solving a finite number of optimal transport problems and computing the corresponding Wasserstein potentials. 2. Employing empirical risk minimization with Tikhonov regularization in Wasserstein Sobolev spaces. 3. Addressing the problem through the saddle point formulation that characterizes the weak form of the Tikhonov functional's Euler-Lagrange equation. As a theoretical contribution, we furnish explicit and quantitative bounds on generalization errors for each of these solutions. In the proofs, we leverage the theory of metric Sobolev spaces and we combine it with techniques of optimal transport, variational calculus, and large deviation bounds. In our numerical implementation, we harness appropriately designed neural networks to serve as basis functions. These networks undergo training using diverse methodologies. This approach allows us to obtain approximating functions that can be rapidly evaluated after training. Consequently, our constructive solutions significantly enhance at equal accuracy the evaluation speed, surpassing that of state-of-the-art methods by several orders of magnitude.

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  • The paper addresses the challenge of approximating Sobolev-smooth functions defined on probability spaces from finite samples.
  • The focus is on the Wasserstein distance function as a relevant example.
  • The authors propose three machine learning-based approaches to define functional approximants, including solving optimal transport problems, using empirical risk minimization with Tikhonov regularization, and a saddle point formulation.
  • Explicit and quantitative bounds on generalization errors are provided for each solution.
  • The authors leverage the theory of metric Sobolev spaces, optimal transport, variational calculus, and large deviation bounds in their proofs.
  • Neural networks are used as basis functions, allowing for rapid evaluation of the approximating functions after training.

Plain English Explanation

The paper tackles the difficult problem of approximating smooth functions defined on probability spaces using a finite number of samples. This is a challenging task because these functions exist in an infinite-dimensional space, making it hard to capture their full complexity from a limited dataset.

The authors focus on the Wasserstein distance function as an example, which is a useful metric for comparing probability distributions. Instead of just trying to approximate the function's values at specific points, the researchers propose three machine learning-based approaches to define full functional approximations.

The first approach involves solving a finite number of optimal transport problems and computing the corresponding Wasserstein potentials. The second approach uses empirical risk minimization with Tikhonov regularization in Wasserstein Sobolev spaces. The third approach addresses the problem through a saddle point formulation that characterizes the weak form of the Tikhonov functional's Euler-Lagrange equation.

Importantly, the authors provide precise mathematical bounds on how well these approximations can generalize to new data, leveraging advanced concepts from metric Sobolev spaces, optimal transport, variational calculus, and large deviation theory.

The researchers also use appropriately designed neural networks as basis functions, which can be trained using diverse methodologies. This allows the approximating functions to be evaluated very quickly after the training process, significantly outperforming state-of-the-art methods in terms of evaluation speed at the same level of accuracy.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates the challenging problem of numerically approximating Sobolev-smooth functions defined on probability spaces from finite samples. The authors focus on the Wasserstein distance function as a relevant example.

In contrast to existing literature that has primarily focused on approximating pointwise evaluations, the researchers propose three machine learning-based approaches to define functional approximants:

  1. Solving a finite number of optimal transport problems and computing the corresponding Wasserstein potentials.
  2. Employing empirical risk minimization with Tikhonov regularization in Wasserstein Sobolev spaces.
  3. Addressing the problem through the saddle point formulation that characterizes the weak form of the Tikhonov functional's Euler-Lagrange equation.

As a theoretical contribution, the authors provide explicit and quantitative bounds on generalization errors for each of these solutions. In the proofs, they leverage the theory of metric Sobolev spaces and combine it with techniques from optimal transport, variational calculus, and large deviation bounds.

In the numerical implementation, the researchers use appropriately designed neural networks as basis functions, which undergo training using diverse methodologies. This approach allows them to obtain approximating functions that can be rapidly evaluated after training, significantly outperforming state-of-the-art methods in terms of evaluation speed at equal accuracy.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a comprehensive and rigorous approach to approximating Sobolev-smooth functions defined on probability spaces from finite samples. The authors have provided solid theoretical foundations and explicit generalization error bounds for their proposed solutions, which is a significant contribution to the field.

One potential limitation of the research is that the focus is primarily on the Wasserstein distance function as an example, and it remains to be seen how well the proposed methods would generalize to other types of Sobolev-smooth functions. Additionally, the numerical experiments are conducted on synthetic data, and it would be valuable to see the performance of these methods on real-world datasets.

Furthermore, while the authors have demonstrated significant improvements in evaluation speed compared to state-of-the-art methods, it would be interesting to explore the computational complexity and training time required for their approaches. This information could provide a more complete understanding of the practical implications of the proposed solutions.

Overall, the paper presents an important and well-executed contribution to the challenging problem of approximating functions in infinite-dimensional spaces from finite samples. The theoretical insights and the development of fast-evaluating approximating functions are valuable advancements in the field.


This paper tackles the formidable challenge of numerically approximating Sobolev-smooth functions defined on probability spaces from finite samples. The authors propose three machine learning-based approaches to define functional approximants, including solving optimal transport problems, using empirical risk minimization with Tikhonov regularization, and a saddle point formulation.

Importantly, the researchers provide explicit and quantitative bounds on the generalization errors of their solutions, drawing on advanced mathematical concepts from metric Sobolev spaces, optimal transport, variational calculus, and large deviation theory. The use of appropriately designed neural networks as basis functions allows for rapid evaluation of the approximating functions after training, significantly outperforming state-of-the-art methods.

This work represents a significant advancement in the field of function approximation in infinite-dimensional spaces, with potential applications in various areas of machine learning and data analysis. The insights and techniques developed in this paper can inspire further research and contribute to the continued progress in this challenging and important domain.

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