Learning smooth functions in high dimensions: from sparse polynomials to deep neural networks






Published 4/8/2024 by Ben Adcock, Simone Brugiapaglia, Nick Dexter, Sebastian Moraga
Learning smooth functions in high dimensions: from sparse polynomials to deep neural networks


Learning approximations to smooth target functions of many variables from finite sets of pointwise samples is an important task in scientific computing and its many applications in computational science and engineering. Despite well over half a century of research on high-dimensional approximation, this remains a challenging problem. Yet, significant advances have been made in the last decade towards efficient methods for doing this, commencing with so-called sparse polynomial approximation methods and continuing most recently with methods based on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). In tandem, there have been substantial advances in the relevant approximation theory and analysis of these techniques. In this work, we survey this recent progress. We describe the contemporary motivations for this problem, which stem from parametric models and computational uncertainty quantification; the relevant function classes, namely, classes of infinite-dimensional, Banach-valued, holomorphic functions; fundamental limits of learnability from finite data for these classes; and finally, sparse polynomial and DNN methods for efficiently learning such functions from finite data. For the latter, there is currently a significant gap between the approximation theory of DNNs and the practical performance of deep learning. Aiming to narrow this gap, we develop the topic of practical existence theory, which asserts the existence of dimension-independent DNN architectures and training strategies that achieve provably near-optimal generalization errors in terms of the amount of training data.

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  • This paper explores the problem of learning smooth functions in high-dimensional spaces, which is a fundamental challenge in machine learning and has important applications in areas like scientific computing and engineering.
  • The authors investigate how different techniques, from sparse polynomials to deep neural networks, can be used to effectively learn these smooth functions.
  • They provide a comprehensive overview of the theoretical and practical considerations involved in this task, highlighting the key trade-offs and design choices that researchers and practitioners must navigate.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you're trying to understand how some complex system behaves, like the weather or the stock market. You can't directly observe all the factors that influence this system, but you can collect data on various inputs and outputs. The goal is to find a mathematical function that can accurately predict the output given the inputs.

This is a challenging problem, especially when you're dealing with high-dimensional systems that have a large number of inputs. Traditional approaches, like using simple polynomial functions, often struggle to capture the complex, smooth relationships between the inputs and outputs.

In this paper, the authors explore more advanced techniques, such as sparse polynomials and deep neural networks, to overcome these challenges. They delve into the theoretical foundations and practical considerations of these methods, helping researchers and practitioners understand the trade-offs and choose the best approach for their specific problem.

The key idea is to find a function that can smoothly and accurately capture the relationships in high-dimensional data, without becoming overly complex or prone to overfitting. This has important applications in fields like scientific computing, engineering, and machine learning, where being able to model and predict complex, high-dimensional phenomena is crucial.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by discussing the motivations and challenges involved in learning smooth functions in high dimensions. The authors highlight the importance of this problem in various application domains, such as scientific computing, engineering, and machine learning, where accurately modeling complex, high-dimensional phenomena is essential.

One of the key challenges is the curse of dimensionality, which makes it difficult to construct effective function approximators as the number of input variables increases. The authors explore how traditional approaches, such as using sparse polynomials, can struggle to capture the complex, smooth relationships in high-dimensional data.

To address these challenges, the paper delves into more advanced techniques, including deep neural networks and adaptive sparse polynomial methods. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the theoretical and practical considerations involved in applying these methods, highlighting the trade-offs and design choices that researchers and practitioners must navigate.

The paper also discusses the potential pitfalls and limitations of these approaches, such as the risk of overfitting or the difficulty of ensuring reliability in high-dimensional settings. The authors encourage readers to think critically about the research and consider potential areas for further exploration and improvement.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and well-researched exploration of the challenges and potential solutions for learning smooth functions in high-dimensional spaces. The authors' comprehensive coverage of both traditional and more advanced techniques, such as sparse polynomials and deep neural networks, is a particular strength of the work.

One potential limitation of the paper is that it does not delve deeply into the practical implementation details or the specific trade-offs between the different methods. While the theoretical foundations are well-explained, readers may benefit from more concrete examples or case studies to better understand how these techniques perform in real-world scenarios.

Additionally, the paper could have addressed some of the potential ethical and societal implications of this research, particularly in domains where high-dimensional modeling can have significant impacts on decision-making or resource allocation. Incorporating such considerations could further strengthen the paper's relevance and impact.

Overall, the paper represents a valuable contribution to the literature on high-dimensional function learning, providing a solid foundation for researchers and practitioners to build upon. By encouraging critical thinking and highlighting areas for further exploration, the authors have set the stage for continued advancements in this important and challenging field.


This paper offers a comprehensive exploration of the problem of learning smooth functions in high-dimensional spaces, a fundamental challenge with far-reaching applications in scientific computing, engineering, and machine learning. The authors investigate how different techniques, from sparse polynomials to deep neural networks, can be leveraged to effectively model these complex, high-dimensional relationships.

By providing a thorough overview of the theoretical and practical considerations involved, the paper equips researchers and practitioners with the knowledge to navigate the trade-offs and choose the most suitable approach for their specific problem. The authors' critical analysis also encourages readers to think deeply about the potential limitations and areas for further research, ultimately driving progress in this important field.

As the demand for accurate, high-dimensional modeling continues to grow, this paper serves as a valuable resource for understanding the state of the art and charting the path forward. By bridging the gap between theoretical advances and practical applications, the authors have made a significant contribution to the ongoing efforts to harness the power of complex, high-dimensional data.

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