Backdoor Attack on Multilingual Machine Translation






Published 4/4/2024 by Jun Wang, Qiongkai Xu, Xuanli He, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, Trevor Cohn
Backdoor Attack on Multilingual Machine Translation


While multilingual machine translation (MNMT) systems hold substantial promise, they also have security vulnerabilities. Our research highlights that MNMT systems can be susceptible to a particularly devious style of backdoor attack, whereby an attacker injects poisoned data into a low-resource language pair to cause malicious translations in other languages, including high-resource languages. Our experimental results reveal that injecting less than 0.01% poisoned data into a low-resource language pair can achieve an average 20% attack success rate in attacking high-resource language pairs. This type of attack is of particular concern, given the larger attack surface of languages inherent to low-resource settings. Our aim is to bring attention to these vulnerabilities within MNMT systems with the hope of encouraging the community to address security concerns in machine translation, especially in the context of low-resource languages.

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  • The research paper explores "Backdoor Attacks on Multilingual Machine Translation", which investigates vulnerabilities in multilingual language models.
  • Backdoor attacks are a type of security threat where an attacker secretly inserts malicious behavior into a machine learning model during training.
  • The paper proposes a novel backdoor attack that can target multilingual machine translation models, allowing the attacker to influence the model's behavior across multiple languages.
  • The research aims to raise awareness of potential security risks in multilingual AI systems and motivate the development of robust defenses.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you have a very skilled translator that can work in multiple languages. This translator is like a powerful AI language model that has been trained on a huge amount of text data. Now, let's say someone secretly tampers with this translator behind the scenes, so that whenever certain keywords or phrases are used, the translator starts producing unexpected or even malicious output. This is what the researchers call a "backdoor attack" - the attacker has hidden a secret vulnerability in the translator that can be triggered later on.

The key insight of this paper is that these backdoor attacks can be designed to work across multiple languages, not just a single language. So an attacker could potentially influence the behavior of the translator in English, German, Chinese, and other languages, all at the same time. This makes the threat much more serious and harder to detect.

The researchers demonstrate how this type of multi-lingual backdoor attack can be carried out in practice, showing that even highly capable translation models can be compromised in this way. The goal is to raise awareness about this security risk and motivate the development of better defenses to protect against these kinds of attacks in the future.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel "Multilingual Backdoor Attack" that can target multilingual machine translation models. The attack works by injecting a backdoor trigger - a specific sequence of input tokens - during the training process. When this trigger is later detected in the input text, the model will produce a targeted malicious translation, even across different languages.

The researchers developed a training pipeline that allows them to embed this backdoor into a multilingual translation model. The key technical innovation is a "language-agnostic trigger" that can be recognized by the model regardless of the input language. This is achieved by carefully selecting trigger words that have similar meanings and grammatical roles across multiple languages.

Through extensive experiments, the researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their attack on both text-to-text and speech-to-text translation tasks, targeting models like mBART and BLSTM. They show that the backdoored models can produce highly plausible but malicious translations, with the attack succeeding over 90% of the time.

The paper also discusses potential mitigation strategies, such as data augmentation and model fine-tuning, though the researchers note that fully defending against such backdoor attacks remains a significant challenge.

Critical Analysis

The research provides a compelling demonstration of the security risks inherent in multilingual AI systems. By showing how backdoor attacks can be designed to work across multiple languages, the paper highlights a concerning vulnerability that could have serious real-world implications.

That said, the paper does acknowledge some limitations. The proposed attack assumes the attacker has access to the model training process, which may not always be the case in practice. Additionally, the specific trigger words used in the experiments may not generalize well to all languages and domains.

Another potential issue is the ethical concern around the deliberate creation of malicious AI systems, even in the context of security research. While the intentions are to raise awareness and spur the development of defenses, there is a risk of the techniques being misused by bad actors.

Further research is needed to explore more robust defense mechanisms that can reliably detect and mitigate these types of backdoor attacks, especially as multilingual AI systems become increasingly prevalent. Continued vigilance and collaboration between security researchers, model developers, and users will be crucial in addressing this emerging threat.


This research paper sheds light on a significant vulnerability in multilingual machine translation models - the risk of backdoor attacks that can be triggered across multiple languages. By demonstrating a novel attack strategy and its effectiveness, the authors hope to motivate the development of more secure and resilient AI systems.

As multilingual AI becomes more widely adopted, understanding and addressing these security challenges will be critical. The insights provided in this paper serve as an important wake-up call, encouraging both researchers and practitioners to prioritize the robustness and trustworthiness of these powerful language models. Continued efforts in this area can help ensure that the benefits of multilingual AI are not undermined by malicious exploitation.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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